Morning all,
Just a quick question on something that I still cant get my head around. What are the rules regarding kiting in an area where a lesson is in progress. Recently every kitesurf session lessons are being taught in the best spots and its really difficult to try and stay out of the road without losing ground, causing an argument (which hasnt happened yet) and having a bad session.
It almost feels like clubbies setting there red and yellow flags up in the best surfing spot, when its the only surfing spot cranking. As we all know, a really great kitesurfing spot isnt hundreds of metres long and is usually only a short run.
Personally, I believe we can kite wherever we want....
Id like to know what other people think regarding this topic!
Being on the gold coast flat water is very appealing. There are some really good spots for a NE wind esp the northern side of wavebreak island in the broadwater.....majority of GC kiters know this spot and it is only small but bloody insane, there has just been so many lessons there lately with the awesome northerlies blowing. Otherwise waves are great but I live across the road so it is easy for me (its a 20-30 min drive otherwise)
if there's not a mile of beach you'd think the instructors would have enough sense to have lessons somewhere else..... if possible.
dunno, we have big beaches here most days.
Mmm thats what I think. The spot is fantastic for learners but majority of the time the only spot for kiting in clean wind in flat water for everyone. It makes quite a difficult topic!!
On Botany Bay lessons are taught off shore from boats with great success. The beaches are crowded and quite often have narrow stretches of sand and rock groynes every 100 meters making teaching dangerous.
It is irresponsible of instructors to teach on popular beaches where there are many sunbathers and experienced kiters trying to have a go. It makes students nervous with other kites having to negotiate around them and bugs the experienced guys when there is a kite at 12 o'clock at the waters edge for long periods of time.
As for teaching on surf beaches all you are doing is making it hard for the student.
I tend to stay away from learners (and everyone else for that matter), last thing you want to do is get caught up with them if they ditch the kite or do something silly.
The instructor or school should move lessons to a better and less crowded location.
If they say there is no other location, then they should get a boat, and take the students offshore and away from kiters.
Schools and instructors, as far as I know are never granted exlusive use of an area, and they must share it responsibly and safely with other water users and fellow citizens/taxpayers.
Teaching at a location where there are kiters kiting is irresponsible and would be against IKO safe teaching guidelines, and would also be hypocritical in terms of teaching a student to asses a location for safety and suitability for learning.
Communication, without aggro, with the instructor or school will get a result that keeps everyone safe and happy. Be direct, go to the instrucotr or school and put your case to them, they are a kiter too and should be able to understand where you are coming from.
If that does not work come back with a bike gang and shotguns.
Cya and
Steve McShareit
Cheers Steve
That is how i would approach, especially before things become heated....
all round nicely said for when the situation arises ;)
Hi all,
I teach on wave break island, you do need a boat to access this place, hence why lessons are operated out on the island, it's super safe and flat water.
There is no better spot to do lessons on the goldcoast, oh hang on there's always that safe place called Shearwater!!
No one ever complains if they need the assistance of my boat/ski, funny how people forget how hard it is and what is was like for them when they were learning.
The more space the better.
Kite island is large and you can easily ride downwind 100m and still get super flat water.
If it wasn't for the lessons being operated there no one would even no about it. No one owns it, it's there for all.
All the lesson operators/schools are doing the right things by getting the lessons off the goldcoast beaches and on to the safety of the island.
Lesson locations are limited on the goldcoast, hence why schools take it to the island.
Easy rules just give the learners space, they don't take up much room.
Kitepower pretty sure this is outside of your area, so you really do know the set up of the location etc.. Both us and the other kiteschool that teach out there get a long well with all the kiters that kite there and usually help them out where we can.
No need for gangs or shot guns here!!!!
XX angie
Geez, you cant win around here - schools have to teach somewhere.
People have been using kite island for lessons for 8 years-it has always been used for this . The first people to use it were the schools because it is simply the safest place on the Goldy to teach-no obsticles, plenty of sand banks etc etc. As far as I know every body gets along fine and there have been no incidents or accidents, sure there are a few guys that kite there including myself but ive never had a problem with the learners as they are on a tight leash.
Remember that we were all beginers once and have to make allowences for these guys.
so here it is, the place that started the thread, a sand island in the broadwater far from civilisation .
you may note that it lacks clutter.
world champs have been known to use this venue even last week without being bothered by the beginners upwind of them who were in the capable hands of their instructors.
we then all agreed to go to an even sicker place 100 yards downwind!
ruben said he laid a cable down there and then accidently stepped in it!
it's a big lagoon, enjoy