i have an rpm 12m and love it although many of my kite buddies didn`t.
it turns on a dime and boosts huge and is very a
very fast kite for its size.
i doubt that it would be that similar to the lf due to the fact that they r compleatly different shapes
the rpm is like a flat c. quite short for a 12m relaunches better than any kite i`v had.and ive had xbows,revs,.
the bar for the 2010 is the best bar out there.
go to the shop and demo one.
a havoc is the kite i have used to learn on. wasnt really suited for me. i fly a lf envy now and imo one of the best kites available after trying a few different kites.
why? please tell us ... do a review
travis says in older post:
hey guys and girls what are some good hooked tricks? i can do 360 back and front roles, grabs and hooked raylys
... i think your level is very basic to write up post
Dont know if they are similar or not but i know they have improved the 2010 havoc by removing centre strut amongst other things. Prevents kite from falling out of sky in light or gusty winds. If you get a chance try the Envy, i did and bought one the next day, trading in my 09 havoc. First time i rode the envy was like W.O.W what have i been missing.
I know its a bit different, but i had a 2008 LF Havoc and demo'd a 12m 2009 RPM. sold my havoc and bought the RPM within 3 days. absolutely love the kite, not sydneys wind within the last 3 months though....