The event organizers have done a great job congratulations to them fingers crossed the wind will arrive today.
Mr Fixit is BACK!!!
So strange that Samoht leaves Cairns to go to "work" and then Alex should reappear
Huge thanks to Ian Graham for organsing the event - it was really well done with loads of extra touches. Its a huge effort to go to for others to enjoy and I think him. We got 30 knots at the end of day 1 and everyone went out for a full on expression session. It was awesome demonstration of the sport for those who hadn't seen it before and also for those who had. Everyone was impressed with Keahi's riding on the inside breaks with his air reverses and bucket loads of style. He won the event in the opens. Huge thanks to the judges and other helpers and also to the other kiters who all contributed to a great weekend.
great stuff Ian - thanks.
Great weekend everyone!! Thanks Ian for organising & to Krystelle &
the judges for an awesome time. Alex & Cam braved the rail... RESPECT. here a a couple of pics
Big props have to Go out to Ian Graham for organising the whole thing! One of the first kiters in Australia still out there doing something for the sport!
There's a lot of work that goes into doing one of these events and its sad when you don't get wind. Lets hope enough people give him a hand in organising another one (if thats what people want) otherwise (personally) I can't really see it going ahead again.
Thanks to all for a great time, my first event and everyone was very friendly. Ian you cook a mean roast- my first gail force BBQ (30 knots)!!! Pity about the wind but the hell for leather session on saturday arvo was worth the wait. Thanks again Ian ,,you made the event- I will be back.
i'll stick my hand up to help organise the next one, i know what a mission it is and anything i can do...... lemme know :)
Thanks guys for the great event. 8 girls registered to compete but unfortunately the wind was way too much when it came in. Congrats to Christelle for getting more time on the water than anyone else. Next time ill bring a 5!
Congrats to the -MEKA- crew from maroochydore, steve the legend in the masters ,1st place. and both new to comps as well troy [trolley} 2nd in the opens great effort even though there was a short burst down there , at the end you guys were there and it was your moment.... great news
Congratulations to Steve and Troy for placing at the event from the crew at sunshinecoastkitesurfing co!
Maroochydore crew are legends,, not only does everyone RIP there but everyone of the boys (and girls- steve) are friendly. Kiters visiting the area, drop into anyone of the shops and you will find a friendly local who will chat to you... From the 'Trolley'