Forums > Kitesurfing General

Lighthouse to leighton

Created by Poida > 9 months ago, 11 Dec 2010
WA, 705 posts
12 Dec 2010 12:25PM
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stabber said...

Dear Redbull event staff,

Sorry I could not make it to your inviteation only event.
I was otherwise indisposed.... or should I say truthfully, I was shagging !

So sue me for prioritising!

Wind comes and goes...(I should know, I've had some good Indian Laksa in my day)..
But the thrill of a good shag can't be forgone by a whimsical race to which I could never win.... Yes I refer to the inviteation of the Frenchy( world champ no less!).

May I refer back to our agreement that you would "sabotage all other competition" for the behest of thine " carnal pleasures".

I think I'm gonna lawer up..... naa, prolly just shag my blues away.

Anyhow guys, see ya's next year.


"Shag your blues away"

Obviously your d1ck can touch your arse

WA, 102 posts
12 Dec 2010 12:33PM
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What a great day, couldn't have been much better. No tangles, no rescues, and everything organised and running like clockwork.

Big thanks to all involved in putting on a spectacular event for us!

How good was Said making the crossing in "2nd place"? on a twintip and a 9m kite. Most of the leaders seemed to be riding directional boards. Just goes to show that gear choice is not as important as technique, stamina and determination. Holding it all together over that distance is not easy.

Congrats to the winners, hope we can do it again next year.

WA, 813 posts
12 Dec 2010 1:04PM
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More photos will be available on in the coming days...

WA, 814 posts
12 Dec 2010 2:43PM
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JohnnoKeys said...

I knew it was risky but I thought, what the fark, 80m out I was super over cooked going for the passing move on Philip, on out side and caught and edge, got sidewise, sheeted in to recover but going so fast I had no power in kite and crashed, I dropped my kite as I was travelling towards it and luckly got it backup and finished 5th on beach. As I was told later after I crashed, Philip heard us coming up quickly behind and also over cooked it on the finishing turn and crashed, so Marty charged home to a hard fought 3rd to beach with Philip 4th.

Was this the critical moment you speak of?

WA, 814 posts
12 Dec 2010 2:49PM
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The winner charging to the finish line

The rest of the fleet

Close finish

WA, 3619 posts
12 Dec 2010 3:20PM
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Officially confirmed at the after party by the starter, he reckons I definitely came past with the biggest grin

Love your tale Jonno - what a great read. Must have been a super blast being at the sharp end.
Hard work for the speedsters Im sure but for those pacing themselves it was a dream run. SSW meant everytime I checked my bearings, from staying carefully & comfortably on my board, I was heading straight for home.
Organisation was sensational. Not a hint of panic anywhere at any stage and everything went off like clockwork. Huge thanks to Tim Turner - master of organisation and so cool about it all. And to Red Bull - not just sponsors but major players in making it happen - huge commitment.
And WAKSA. What can I say. You guys are totally killing it - to the max + + +.

And (if you didnt read my post party post ) thanx to Gruezi for dropping my board in front of me before I learnt I had to watch where I was going, not where I was heading. DOH.
Thanks everyone. One of the best, most memorable days of my life.

And Said - so sad for you man. But what a superhuman achievement. From a rank outsider you out kited a swag of very very very tall poppies. Everyone knows you were the first local home - better than any trophy. Total respect.

QLD, 417 posts
12 Dec 2010 5:49PM
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Said unlucky mate ,

agreeded you were super fast and you dont need a trophy to say you were the first local home as puppet said super effort

NSW, 609 posts
12 Dec 2010 6:55PM
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Super froth great organisation ran smooth as

Thanks WAKSA crew and RB for a memorable race still buzzing

Oh and the bar tab afterward...

32 posts
12 Dec 2010 8:06PM
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Massive congrats to Said.

For a guy who never kites the ocean, just took his boots off his custom and borrowed a bow kite, you killed it buddy.


WA, 272 posts
12 Dec 2010 9:01PM
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Sensational event. That was the best event I have attended for kitesurfing in the sports history. Absolute clockwork.

I massive thanks to all the WAKSA volounteers, without your support, and that of the association we would not have had the event. You guys are awesome.

Thanks Redbull, cabrinha,the guys at kite addiction and the rottnest express, the port authority, even Rotto for having us.

Wow, I'm still buzzing though the body is still hurting. Tomorrow is day 2 and I don't think I'll be able to walk.

Please run the event again next year.!!!!!! yeoooow...

WA, 635 posts
12 Dec 2010 9:04PM
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Found some more pictures taken from heli

WA, 102 posts
12 Dec 2010 9:15PM
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There's some sweet shots! Check out Youngy going for a swim, [}:)]

As Juddy said at the after party- I'm still "buzzing off my tits!"

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
12 Dec 2010 9:33PM
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Great pic of Gruezi too.
One for the pool room Nick

WA, 505 posts
12 Dec 2010 11:56PM
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^^^^you may not av bin first over the line taff,,but your booosst at the finish got a bigger responce from the public than frenchies fist punching.........wel done boyzeeeeeeeeeee,

QLD, 4083 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:10AM
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JohnnoKeys said...

As I remember -Alex Caizergues -The Super Cool Frenchman 1st, Marty Farrow 2nd, Philip Rowlands 3rd, JohnnoKeys 4th, Carl Bevo 5th, Ian Ausden 6th, Dale Stanton 7th, Pat was in the first 10.

I was behind Dale, so must have been 8th. I remember working my way from 12th up to there, but not sure who was behind me by the end.

Kat said...

Those bouys at the end so confusing -hopefully next year they just make it a straight finish line, or we learn from our mistakes.

I think anyone who didn't cross the finish line correctly should learn from their mistakes. Said wasn't the only one, after I finished I saw a few other people go around the finish line to the West of the finish line buoy, rather than over it to the East.

Not only was the course clearly described in the text of the competitor manual on pages 9, 10 and 11, and again by the race marshall at the briefing, but there was a great big colour picture on page 7. I am astounded that people didn't listen AND didn't read AND didn't look at the picture. Considering the amount of effort that went into organising this, I would have thought that participants would put a bit more effort into preparing for it.

WA, 3477 posts
13 Dec 2010 10:06AM
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^ Yep I was thinking the same thing about the finish Pat it was very well explained and pretty simple really, no changes required there.

I thought the finish line set up worked well and even though I wasn't in contention for a place (high teens I think) I found that after covering the 19k's pretty much on my own off to the side of the pack, when it came to the finish there was a few of us squeezing around the red marker racing for the line which made it exciting, an orange nomad? beat me by about a second.

WA, 247 posts
13 Dec 2010 10:51AM
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Tightlines that may have been me with white orange nomad, what a brilliant day, great race to the line if that was us, hopefully we get to do it again next year. Where you no 55?

WA, 491 posts
13 Dec 2010 10:56AM
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Upon reflection, there were a lot of tactics involved.

The start is quite crucial as you wanted to be out in front early and not be left behind in everyone else’s wake.

You needed the right size kite - Here is where I made a big tactical error putting up a 7m instead of my only other kite a 12m (the 7m was my newer kite which put a unfair biased on my decision - in the end the wrong call)

Board selection helped,

The unknown ! - half way through the race I skipped out and went sideways and went down, I thought I had picked up a bit of weed and cavitated out , I could not work it out - after that my board did not feel the same or was it I was just getting tired ?

No, once I returned to the beach I found I had snapped a fin off at the base! - Bizarre after 10yrs of kiting this has never happened to me in open waters.

Did it snap under pressure, or did I hit a large fish or some other solid object?

I will never know.

Towards the end of the race and after trading positions with Dale a couple of times going towards the finish line - he appeared right on my tai !. He then managed to get upwind of me and tried to take me on the inside.

As I was underpowered I had to do everything possible, so I looped my kite across the finish line which just got me across the line ahead of him!

We then both pretty much came up to the beach together and the cheer from the crowd is something I will never forget.

Congrats to all involved! And looking forward to a bigger 2011 crossing.

WA, 491 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:07AM
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This photo shows " Dale Coming

up on the Inside)

WA, 3477 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:10AM
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bermand said...

Tightlines that may have been me with white orange nomad, what a brilliant day, great race to the line if that was us, hopefully we get to do it again next year. Where you no 55?

Number 39, yellow black and white Eclipse Kima, from memory there was another white orange nomad somewhere close by as well so not sure if it was us racing to the line but whoever it was it made for a bit of excitement after half an hour of just concentrating on chop etc.

Not sure if anyone recorded numbers, positions etc after the first few spots but it would be good to know, in the excitement at the start I forgot to press the stopwatch button on my watch so have no real idea of my time or position.

WA, 975 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:33AM
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any race post morton s from the middle to back of the packers

WA, 685 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:42AM
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I admit I lost sleep over gear selection.

My boards are 138 Hammer, 138 Stonker, 2008 Spleene Zone and 6-1 Wainman.

Tried them all out on long tacks during the week (should have started testing earlier):

Hammer is my #1 choice but power hungry so wind would need to be +22kn for racing.
Stonker is too stiff.
Spleene Zone is very fast but I just couldn’t control it riding goofy.
Wainman better but again riding a surfboard goofy just doesn’t feel right to me.

So after reading a Kitehard post I went and borrowed a 141 North X-ride and took that and the Hammer over.

My kites:

2011 8m C4 – going to be too small.
2011 11m C4 – ok with the X-ride but not the Hammer.

So borrowed a 08 13m Ozone Sport (from another mate) and took that and the 11m C4.

Race time: I decided I would go for all out power so opted for the X-Ride (untried) and 13m Sport and was very happy with those although the 11m might have been a better choice.

Also borrowed a PFD from another mate so in the end it was just my harness and a heap of borrowed gear and what a great time I(we) had.

I can’t thank all those involved in getting this event together enough, it was truly awesome.


WA, 641 posts
13 Dec 2010 11:56AM
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Hey Bermand, I was no. 55. Were you ona TT or surfboard?
Hats off to Kent who, although strapless, was flying!

WA, 247 posts
13 Dec 2010 1:01PM
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First of all have to thank all involved, I have mainly been focussing on waves for quite a while.
Tim your foresight to come up with the event and have the balls to pull it off with your committee and volunteers was amazing. Personally it has given me even more stoke for the sport, not that I needed much. The race itself was a lot less demanding then I expected, had been training, doing 7 km single leg runs off Cott, this really helped thighs.

My race started well a bit back of the main gun,s but had good clear water in front of us, Youngie, tight lines pretty sure it was you and a few others raced together in the middle of the pack. Once you were in a set group about a third of the way it was hard to make up ground on fellow competitors, crossing Gage roads was interesting swell was not too bad. My second half of race was definitely quicker, averaged just over 30km/hr for 19 km, had a great race to line and just managed to get over in front of tight lines. I also got the feeling that we finished around 20th

The buzz of this event will continue for a lifetime. I have done quite a few Ledge to Lancelin on windsurfer and this event left it for dead as far as organization, comfort preface, after party and general friendly atmosphere throughout group of competitors.

Hope we can have twice as many next year

WA, 649 posts
13 Dec 2010 1:41PM
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An awesome event! Thanks Red Bull, Tim Turner, sponsors, WAKSA & all the volunteers :-)

Can't wait til next year!!!!

I reckon the next Rotto race will be won by a foil board & kite.

I vote for out & back Rotto-Leighton-Rotto next year to even it up for the natural vs goofy stance guys + a bit of upwind tactics ;-)

WA, 256 posts
13 Dec 2010 2:03PM
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e0422713 said...

any race post morton s from the middle to back of the packers

Well that would be me

Having had the last 2 weeks off the water with a sutured laceration to the sole of my foot (another Pt Walter casualty), I was definately nervous and underprepared on every level for the race. Unfit, scared of and no experience of real open water, and a older chick to boot!

But I made it, I had a cruisy run at the back, came in around 50th in 45 minutes I would say (but forgot to check times etc as per others- too tired and excited to hit the beach to do anything but stumble from the water!).

I muffed the start- didnt notice the flag changes, and had a few downwind tacks to make to get over the start line, where I promptly stacked it, so I spent the whole race at the back.
It was fun to watch the pack from back there- wish I had my camera, but that was with my boyfriend on the support boat nearest Gage Roads.

The washing machine conditions and my uncoordinated efforts meant I continued with the theme set by my inauspicious start- I think I fell off about 6 times, with a few body drags to retrieve my board, and one where I dropped the kite too- DUH! I find it hard to describe the sick feeling in my gut as I watched the kite hit the water with no power in the lines (classic inversion/line tangle situation) somewhere in the middle of the course miles and miles from other kiters, boats, land or anything nice in fact .

However, the kite relaunched and I actually quite enjoyed the cruise- I didnt have enough power to get up a lot of speed, and the sloppy chop meant I had to watch carefully where I was going, with occassional glances to try and see the Dingo and check out the views. It was not too upwind a course to keep as well so I did not get the back leg burn I was expecting.

Coming towards the beach was awesome- as the beach came into focus, I could see and hear the crowd and the music, and I made an effort to charge into the beach with a bit more style that I had shown out in the big deep.
It was very cool to be greeted by a bunch of enthusiastic yellow shirted vollies, made the dunkings earlier worthwhile. Thanks D1!

I think my gear choice left some room for improvement- I took my North Freestyle Fish, thinking of big swell to navigate and nice to have a floatation device if all went to sh#t, but really it was too stiff and buoyant for the sloppy conditions and I spent the whole time trying to stop the board bouncing around (I have a sore front leg today, not back leg). But it was that, or strapless, or on a twinny I havent really touched in 6 months.
I also took my small kite (a 7m) thinking it was only going to go upwards of the 20knots that it was at 1pm, but I was in fact mostly underpowered and having to work the kite especially at the half way mark. (Another sick feeling in the gut thinking of a VERY long swim in if the wind switched or died....). I think I would have been overpowered on my 12m, so still the best of the choices on the day.

Had a great time all day, and at the after party, meeting some new friends and many old ones, and overall was a great experience.

Massive thanks to all the volunteers, WAKSA, and Redbull for a great day

WA, 10 posts
13 Dec 2010 9:30PM
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I'm with Ian.

Awesome work Tim Turner, Red Bull and WAKSA! Wicked event. I'm still stoked.

Next year I'm up for there and back again! All in time for lunch!

WA, 247 posts
13 Dec 2010 10:32PM
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Heaps more Photo's, some great pre event and start pic's at
Especially good one of Said page 5 and lot's of Alex and all contestants.

WA, 3477 posts
14 Dec 2010 12:31AM
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kitegiant said...

I'm with Ian.

Awesome work Tim Turner, Red Bull and WAKSA! Wicked event. I'm still stoked.

Next year I'm up for there and back again! All in time for lunch!

Typical matress flyers sticking together .

I'm up for there (maybe around Duck Rock, upwind across Thompson Bay, then around Phillip Rock?) and back aswell but hey lets have lunch first, kick back for a while and let the breeze really start to crank then set off.

Imagine how good that would be, arrive at Leighton with your full car load of gear to choose from, the spectators would get to see the start, going there and back would even things up wether you are a natural or goofy footer, the Rotto spectators would get to see some action aswell, the Leighton spectators would have an hour of flying trainers, watching some freestyle, chillin to the vibes, whatever then see the finish and there would be no issues of going back to Rous Head to collect gear etc.

Awesome as this event was I think that could make it even better, maybe still retain the L2L option for those that weren't up for both ways.....
Hey just putting it out there.

NSW, 609 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:46AM
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I reckon rotate the direction year for year eg to rotto next year

Imagine the after party at the quokka arms


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Lighthouse to leighton" started by Poida