Forums > Kitesurfing General

Mixtape 1

Created by fflo > 9 months ago, 7 Jan 2014
WA, 30 posts
7 Jan 2014 4:14PM
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Hey Guys, here is a little MIXTAPE of a few sessions I had over the year of 2013, enjoy.


WA, 126 posts
8 Jan 2014 11:38AM
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Little keen on yourself, pitty you attempt all your tricks 5 meters off the Safety Bay rigging area makng it unsafe for our local kids, this only makes you unwelcome Euro trash, please go home!

WA, 30 posts
8 Jan 2014 2:14PM
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STELLA01, thanks for your comment.
You can be sure I don't put anybody in danger.
I am down there frequently and I'd appreciate if you walk up to me next time and tell me your concerns in person.

WA, 790 posts
8 Jan 2014 2:25PM
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Nice little edit Flo.
Hopefully in the 2014 Mixtape you can get the Perth wake park in there too.

WA, 30 posts
8 Jan 2014 2:41PM
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Thanks JUICERIDER, appreciate it!

Want to bring them Mixtapes more frequently in the future and yes I'm looking forward to be riding and shooting at the Perth wake park too...

QLD, 1694 posts
8 Jan 2014 5:03PM
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aww that's sic I like those little 180 blind thingys, gonna give that ago this arv for sure

matty b
WA, 25 posts
8 Jan 2014 6:46PM
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Guarantee STELLA01 u be more unwelcome talking to ppl like that

QLD, 1694 posts
8 Jan 2014 9:00PM
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Cool man, had a read of that artical, you said have your kite low, lower then 45?????

WA, 467 posts
8 Jan 2014 7:34PM
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STELLA01 said...
Little keen on yourself, pitty you attempt all your tricks 5 meters off the Safety Bay rigging area makng it unsafe for our local kids, this only makes you unwelcome Euro trash, please go home!

Stella you should get yourself a nice warm glass of "shut the hell up"
-I'd be interested to hear if your man enough to take flo up on his offer?

Nice edit flo, ripping it. Where was that wake park?

WA, 97 posts
8 Jan 2014 8:47PM
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nice vid .just a guy having fun enjoying the ocean.DONT TAKE ANY NOTICE OF THE NIMDY S DOWN THERE THEY DONT OWN THE OCEAN.FROM THE VID YOU CAN SEE YOU WERE TAKING CARE .thanks for taking the time to post.

WA, 126 posts
9 Jan 2014 7:54AM
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How many times have you watched your kids almost hit by a kite crashing on the beach, how many times has your wife told you that she will not take the kids to the pond because it is far to dangerous, in all cases it is a camera show pony. fflo for one moment sit back and imagine what it would feel like to injure or even kill a child. The next time you see and here a kite crashing on the beach imagine a small child under it what do you think would be the result. This dangerous disregard for other beach users happens every summer when the kiting travellers appear. Obviously fflo you don,t have kids and don't respect ours. jimmijaz the vid dosn't show the total disregard for other beach users. matty b you would get angry as well if lost the use of your beach to people who just don't care about others. Guys, the next time you are down our way don't rig up imediately take a camera and sit on the beach for a while and then watch the total insantity unfold before your eyes you may then understand the aggression it is creating.

fflo I must appologise for singling you out, it is not just you it is the vast majority of blo ins, and as far as approaching you are you kidding I've seen how angry you get when kiting, personally I think kiting should be fun for all involved partisipants and observers.

WA, 30 posts
9 Jan 2014 9:03AM
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Hey KEMP, thats right.
One of the key things is to keep the very low (20-40deg).
It'll feel like a side ways pull rather to getting pulled upwards.

Thanks for your comments, MATTY, UNHOOKED, JIMMIJAZ.
The Cable park is in south Germany, it's called the Turncable.

STELLA01, please man come up and talk to me next time, I'm down every weekend.
If you want to change something at your local spot, thats the only way, talk to people in person.
I've got good and bad days like anybody else so please excuse if I was pissed off for some reason.

WA, 542 posts
10 Jan 2014 11:11AM
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Stella01: sorry mate, the whole Euro Trash crap is upsetting those Euros who migrated to Australia and became citizens. Time to differentiate a bit with regards to travellers, temporary beach bums, gypsies, and the respective Euro country they are from. Thanks.

Flo: you seem to know what you are doing, no doubt. However, gear eg lines break, others may be in the way or even crash into you (happens every day at the pond). So I don't see how you can be 100% sure you want hammer your kite onto someone near or on the beach.

Maybe it is time to avoid the last 5-10 meters of shallowest water near the launching area and do the tricks where the deeper water starts? Safer as well when crashing. This is to everyone really.

The pond is a stinky prostitute we as locals have to share with a lot of folks from all walks of life, semi pros, pros, beginners, and weirdos. Some treat her nicely, others abuse her. It is good and not so good she is so popular and flexible enough to accomodate everyone. But there is a limit. A minimum respect for her as well as for locals (yes even that place has locals believe it or not) does not hurt. This place is special but so crowded and chaotic that is is about time to apply some common sense and behave in a respectful and risk-averse manner.

If she was charging money for her services I am sure it would do the spot a favour. Thanks and enjoy yourself guys!

QLD, 699 posts
10 Jan 2014 2:14PM
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??? Kids on the beach being hit by kites? Is this a WA thing?
I've been kiting up and down the east coast and I've never seen let alone heard anyone out there having dropped a kite on kids or anyone. Yeah there has been some accidents in the past, but perhaps freak accidents caused by so many things they are not worth mentioning here!?
Stella: did you create your profile just to kick sand about? Do you even kite surf?
ps: Sick video there FLO. Loved the cable jumps too. Keep em coming. I love local action.
PSS: I am from South America. Care to stereo-type me too?

WA, 1255 posts
10 Jan 2014 12:40PM
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Kazan said..

PSS: I am from South America. Care to stereo-type me too?

got any coke?

WA, 2119 posts
10 Jan 2014 1:00PM
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default said..

Kazan said..

PSS: I am from South America. Care to stereo-type me too?

got any coke?

Dont buy from Kazan, he will hold you hostage when the deal goes bad.

You know us convicts will try and rip you off....

QLD, 114 posts
10 Jan 2014 3:54PM
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I suspect Stella is an older bloke or perhaps his perspective has been changed by responsiblity for others he now has in his life. I think I see where he is coming from although his approach was a little heated, he would catch more flies with honey. I think no one would disagree that if we went to any kite beach in Aus blowing 20 knots onshore someone would boost big, land near the beach flying their kite over land. I've done it, lost a bit of control and reminded myself to stay out wider. You gotta to be a little careful, you don't want to wipe out someones little baby. But of course if no ones around go hard.

QLD, 699 posts
10 Jan 2014 4:09PM
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A woman and her baby recently were sitting on the beach where kiters were landing, self landing and launching. That is a no go zone for anyone other than kiters. I remember coming back from my session and simply walking the kite over her head by about 5 metres distance, yet she panicked, picked up her baby and ran off! Ok good, I thought, but why the hell sit there in the first place lady!?

WA, 321 posts
10 Jan 2014 2:18PM
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I've had a similar experience, bottom line, general public don't understand no go areas in relation to kites (or for that matter the risks or power in them), it's one of those situations where we need to go to them rather than they to us, that is if she's there we need to steer clear or if there is lots of kites around take the time to explain the risks. Her freaking and leaving is a bad result as she/they will probably recount the story to a half dozen friends and public bad vibe come your/our way

QLD, 114 posts
10 Jan 2014 4:20PM
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People don't read signs mate, and kiting is pretty cool to watch.

WA, 30 posts
10 Jan 2014 3:09PM
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A few things said in here to think about for every one, including myself.
See you out there.

2129 posts
10 Jan 2014 6:33PM
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Man, there are babies all over the beaches round here. Luckily we have one of those beach clean up trucks that heads out every morning and rakes them up and carts them off the the pet food factory, before the visual pollution of babies everywhere offends our eyes.

Thank god for the council

QLD, 699 posts
10 Jan 2014 10:59PM
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Mate. i don't mind the moms though with their tight tops !!

Can't believe i said that.

QLD, 520 posts
12 Jan 2014 10:01AM
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sweet vid


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Mixtape 1" started by fflo