The down-winder from Nelly Bay on Magnetic Island to Townsville has been done by a few guys without boat support back in 2006, but not since then to my knowledge.
How about we pick a few potential dates, organise a support boat, have a bit of a discussion about safety and logistics, and then give it a crack?
The typical afternoon E or ENE wind is pretty well aligned with the track, and its only 10.4km, so say maybe 18km of riding once you allow for tacking down-wind. Only an hours riding at people's usual pace over choppy water. Would be good to see if any waves are breaking on middle reef too.
I'm heading out to sea for a month's work on friday, but after that, the weekend dates with suitable tides for a mass kite launch at Magnetic Island at about 2-3pm are:
Sat 3rd / Sun 4th July
Sat 31st July / Sun 1st August
Who is keen?
yea why not!
we got a support boat to rescue islanders..
where do you wanna land in Townsville? Strand, South Townsville, Rivermouth?
Palla. See the map for guess at kite track. I heard the big stripey fish like the taste of town homies a little better.....
Yes, I am keen!
July 3/4 possible for me (once I arrange babysitting)
July 31/August 1 no good for me (will be support crew for Townsville/Cairns kids cancer charity ride)
Happy to share in the cost of the support boat
If needed, my boat is available, (4m AVON inflatable with 30hp motor). Possibly have it ready to launch at Pallas if needed?