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Manamuca Islands Fiji trip(photos)

Created by andrewm > 9 months ago, 19 Jul 2008
WA, 243 posts
19 Jul 2008 3:09PM
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For anyone interested in fiji, I just got back from 7 days there. Stayed around the Manamuca Islands, about 30min further out that Plantation I think.

Arrived on Wednesday afternoon, was blowing about 15kts from the North. Wrong direction. Thursday and Friday were hot, sunny but 5-10kts so no kiting. Lots of other things to do though. Went snorkeling, diving, sailing, kayaking.

Saturday poured with rain and blew 10-30kts onshore. could have kited but didnt.

Sunday was sunny again, wind was about 8-10kts by the time we ordered lunch, by the time we finished eating it was 15kts. Pumped up our 12s and it just kept picking up all afternoon. Kited from about 2pm-6pm. Tides were a problem here. Had a really low tide this day with coral sticking out of the water. by about 3pm it was dead flat and 20kts and perfect. Little 1-2' waves coming in perfect to launch off.

Monday. the wind blew all night, was pumping about 25-30kts. On the water at about 8am. kited 3hrs before low tide. Had lunch and kited again for another 3hrs on incoming tide. all on 8m kites. Had a great wave session out at the reef, messy 2' waves coming in

Tuesday. Blew all night again, kited mid morning on 8m again. Did other things over the afternoon then went out again about an hour after low tide. It was blowing about 32-35kts, about 10cm deep over the reef and 2' kickers rolling in. Had a huge jumping session in front of all the resort staff and 15-20guests. Havent had wind that strong and consistent since big bay capetown. Only difference was landing in 5-10cm of water and flesh eating coral

Wednesday. blew all night again. kited the morning 8m again, packed up and went home.

By far the one of the best holidays I have had. the wind blew 24hrs a day, we kited sometimes till after dark, then in the water at 7am again. The water was so warm, about 25/26 degrees I think. The staff were so friendly and whenever we were kiting they all used to stop work and just stand there for hours watching us. They said we were the first to kite here.

Only negatives was cost and tide. although we could kite all day, low tide was sketchy with reef just under the water, and high tide was super choppy. Water was dead flat about 1.5hrs after low tide on incoming tide. we still kited 4-6hrs a day no problem. rooms were about $1600 i think, dinner was ridiculous at $60-70 a night, lunch $25-50. lucky it was a family holiday

Wind seems to comes in cycles, 2-3 off, 2-4days on. If we had arrived the week before we would have got 0 days kiting, if we had arrived 3 days later we would have got 6/6 days. We only had about 3hrs on our 12s. Every other day was powered on our 8.5m. A few sessions we went down to 20m lines and the last day I could have been on a 6m pretty easily.

one of the local boat drivers said it always blew much stronger where we were as the wind funneled through our island and the next one. On the last day we went back via plantation island and it was easily 10kts lighter there

This is the view from the resort.

Sunday, first kite. Unusually low tide, reef was sticking out. only got good 1.5hrs later

Sunday with the tide in a bit. Flatest water was on incoming tide.



20kts+ and dead flat

View from the top

View from breakfast on the 3rd day

third day, doesnt get much better

NSW, 280 posts
19 Jul 2008 6:54PM
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the tenth pic with the two jumpers at sunset is magic.
thanks for sharing

NSW, 305 posts
19 Jul 2008 7:29PM
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Wicked !!!!!!!!!

10 posts
19 Jul 2008 5:39PM
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Nice one mate. Best kiting holiday i have had was in Fiji at Castaway. Kited 10 days straight 20 knots plus..

Planning to head back that way next year. What is the resort you stayed at? Looks nice and like that it has a reef with some surf

QLD, 398 posts
19 Jul 2008 10:01PM
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Can I ask what is the name of the resort please?

VIC, 229 posts
20 Jul 2008 11:35AM
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Yeah i am heading out the the same Island on the 10th of September just looking at these photos makes me want to leave now!


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"Manamuca Islands Fiji trip(photos)" started by andrewm