Forums > Kitesurfing General

Manly Kiter

Created by peanuticus > 9 months ago, 9 Dec 2010
NSW, 341 posts
9 Dec 2010 6:47AM
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Message to the kiter who went out at Manly last night (Wed 8th) on the white Griffin at about 5pm.

NICE WORK!! I watched you launch 5 meters upwind of the surf school lesson then proceed to kite through them, only to turn around and kite back through them another 2 times!! You Tosser!! All you had to do was walk 20 meters up the beach! It's these kinds of actions that will cause us all problems.

You then proceeded to do a ** jump that ended up with your kite falling from the sky and washing into the beach. Good job there was heaps of surfers in the water for you to annoy and endanger!

Good work whoever you are!!

QLD, 927 posts
9 Dec 2010 8:01AM
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Should of just walked up and cut his lines.

NSW, 517 posts
9 Dec 2010 9:14AM
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if you were watching maybe you should of expressed your opinion in person to have a better out come and make sure you press home the point what a di%khead he/she was makeing of themself and the sport

NSW, 584 posts
9 Dec 2010 11:58AM
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one of the dutch guys (the brothers who sometimes go to longy)....

Crash Landing
NSW, 1173 posts
9 Dec 2010 1:21PM
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Quick question - are you actually allowed to kite at Manly? I was under the impression that you weren't. I get in enough ** windsurfing there (which is about once every 6 months as it's never windy enough!).

I was watching about four of you out yesterday - looked good/tempting...


NSW, 4188 posts
9 Dec 2010 2:00PM
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Just say no to kiting at Maly.

NSW KBA said...

Whilst you may sometimes see people kite surfing at Manly, the NSWKBA strongly recommends against it. Like Bondi, Manly is way too busy and quite small with large trees all along the beach front. There are many people, volleyball players and surfers all on the beach and in the water. There is a 100% ban on kiting at any time when the surf flags are up. (before 5pm in summer) On a big day the Queenscliff Bombora will be breaking 150m offshore. Get into trouble there and you will become a newspaper story the next day.

NSW, 584 posts
9 Dec 2010 2:35PM
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Yeah. You are not really allowed to kite there - but people do , at present its tolerated but it wont be for long. Especially with this kind of behavior.

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
9 Dec 2010 2:47PM
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Shanon8888 - I've expresed opinions at manly before they fall on def ears.

Swim flags are up till 6pm at Manly during summer, council changed it this year.

Peanuts - it's not just the white Griffin that's an issue - Last night was the most kiters out at Manly I've seen since moving here, and I'd imagine there were some unhappy surfers (there where quite a few out). If it follows the current trend it would be hard to see it not banned by the council.

NSW, 414 posts
9 Dec 2010 3:00PM
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PsYLoR said...

Should of just walked up and cut his lines.

Best idea for these douchebags. If they're blow ins they're obviously not going to care what happens after they go home. Cut their lines and it puts them out of action for a few days at least and the cost is usually enough to stop them from doing it again.

NSW, 1714 posts
9 Dec 2010 3:49PM
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The Surf Lifesavers have the authority to move people on. Have a word to them if you're concerned for the wellbeing of other beach users.

Cutting peoples lines will only result in physical altercations (unless you have backup) and draw undesired attention, not to mention making an enemy for life. Usually, a strong word regarding safety, potential bans, that sort of thing works better.

NSW, 517 posts
9 Dec 2010 4:16PM
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Select to expand quote
cRAZY Canuk said...

Shanon8888 - I've expresed opinions at manly before they fall on def ears.
just thought it was a better idea than expressing on a forum that they may never read, maybe you wern't persuaive enough

VIC, 4980 posts
9 Dec 2010 6:27PM
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There's no such thing as a manly kiter (somebody had to say it).

WA, 1501 posts
9 Dec 2010 7:18PM
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Sydney is such a horrible place, why don't you guys just be nice to each other?

NSW, 1714 posts
10 Dec 2010 10:01AM
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wishy said...

Sydney is such a horrible place, why don't you guys just be nice to each other?

That would take all the fun out of it.

QLD, 3615 posts
10 Dec 2010 12:13PM
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peanuticas, dont you fly a white griffin?

QLD, 581 posts
10 Dec 2010 1:18PM
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Self policing is about helping educate others by going to talk to them and being friendly and giving them the information on how volatile kiting here could be. Manly has become more and more business/money influenced over the years, but there is still a strong influence from those who highly value recreation and dont discriminate between different surf sports(some may do for business/financial reasons). i would say you are far more likely to get hit in the face by a surfer that rented a board from a surf shop that get hit by an experienced kiter(u cant hire kit for good reason). The fact is that manly always has less wind and really is not worth going out at, but on those stormy days or evenings when the beach is almost deserted kiters have equal rights to enjoy their recreational activities here whilst being mindful and respectful of others. No kitesurfer worth their braincells would ride here most days of the year, not windy enough or too many people at the beach.

NSW, 341 posts
14 Dec 2010 4:11PM
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bjw said...

peanuticas, dont you fly a white griffin?

Haha.. nope..

I was about to walk down and have a chat with the guy but he binned his kite in a kook jump and washed in down past the south pipe, I was up near North Steyne. There were a few surfers down there so I thought he'd probably get whats coming to him if he tangled one.

I did speak to one guy who was heading down, suggested that it was maybe a little too busy to go out as I could have myself, the response was 'who are you and I'm a local!' I think he was American. Either way, the so called locals have their own rules and words are just lost to deaf ears.

NSW, 341 posts
14 Dec 2010 4:18PM
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Here is a Pic of said shamed kiter and the place he launched and route he took when he realized there was a current at the shore.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
14 Dec 2010 8:38PM
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KIT33R said...

The Surf Lifesavers have the authority to move people on. Have a word to them if you're concerned for the wellbeing of other beach users.

Cutting peoples lines will only result in physical altercations (unless you have backup) and draw undesired attention, not to mention making an enemy for life. Usually, a strong word regarding safety, potential bans, that sort of thing works better.

Agreed .Why the nanny state attitude to this spot ? This guy sounds like he was out of line but if you were a competent rider why not ride there the bommy sounds great ?.there are plenty of busy beaches around Australia where competent riders ride (particularly after the flags are down ,its windy and not many people around and shock horror even trees near the beach ) im sure there are total gumbies on SUP's on that beach mixin it with everyone else that weigh a ton and could easily do plenty of damage if they hit someone .I don't know the spot well and please note that I am asking questions, why so precious (yes i understand why so precious about gumby on gumby kite )

NSW, 4188 posts
14 Dec 2010 10:48PM
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Assuming the line that rider took is accurately shown in the picture, that rider is no good for our sport. period.

There is no excuse for riding that line (through the other beach users).

QLD, 3615 posts
15 Dec 2010 8:44AM
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It's gold that you've taken a picture of him.

It is worth while telling this guy there is 20 posts on a forum about him.

NSW, 692 posts
15 Dec 2010 1:15PM
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Peanut. - It would of been a good idea to see if he is a member of AKSA (white tags on harness). And refuse to allow his membership to be renewed. - Kiting at Manly is one thing. - Kiting dangerously amongst other beach goers, breaches his membership agreement of Safe kiting. -


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Manly Kiter" started by peanuticus