Forums > Kitesurfing General

Moves for mutants and TT's in the waves.

Created by Plummet > 9 months ago, 2 Jul 2013
4862 posts
2 Jul 2013 4:43AM
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Ok blokes for those weirdo's that enjoy a good TT or mutant wave session lets discuss some moves you like doing.

One that i'm really enjoying the hell out of at the mo is this.

imagine cross on wind with a nice swell period in between waves.

Crank as fast as possible on the flat water to the wave lip healside (backwards on a mutant).
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOST as high as possible.
add what ever tweak or oldstyle move your comfortable doing on a monster boost.
As your blasting through the air you spot the next wave forming in front of you.
Redirected for a rocket fast down wind landing.
Switch the board to toeside
land superfast on the next wave face while fishpoling the bar for downloop.

Crank down the line like a bullet or (my personal favourite) throw the mother of all high speed bottom turns and blast back upwind.

Ahhh.. lots of fun. It doesn't happen too often that I can time landing on the next wave face. but when I can.... ohh that's the holy grail!

678 posts
2 Jul 2013 5:16AM
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One of my favorites is in a straight onshore blast into a wave face and throw a 1 1/2 kite loop backflip with the kite deep in the window landing toeside back on the face of the wave you launched off then ripping a big under loop carve back to heel side.

4862 posts
2 Jul 2013 5:28AM
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I think I have seen you pull on of those years ago when I a newbie lad on a landboard...

Cool move.

678 posts
2 Jul 2013 5:34AM
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It's a real easy move when you get used to the timing you just have to not start the loop too early wait till the kite goes over the zenith after you've launched off the wave so it's starting to pull back then crank.

WA, 9503 posts
2 Jul 2013 6:53AM
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Yeh radman that's a fav of mine to but I have also eaten sh1t once when I came out of the backroll quick from a loop executed too soon straight into a over head pit and didn't get that 1-2 a loop ya talking about to carve back into the wave. Ouch. Knocked the stuffing out of me.

Sometimes I do a tamed down version. Riding on my toes going right on a wave breaking left do a toeside back roll (without loop) just before the crest of a wave thatbut let the kite glide a bit downwind and land fastish on the heel side and heading left down the line and hopefully as deep as one can into the pit. Again stuff ya timing up and you eat ****.

NSW, 861 posts
2 Jul 2013 10:42AM
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Any footage guys?

4862 posts
2 Jul 2013 9:35AM
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kitcho207 said..

Any footage guys?

Nah.. I need to capture some but always in a rush and don't usually have buddies on the beach to film.

WA, 9503 posts
2 Jul 2013 10:39AM
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Yeh same plus can't justfy the cost. Someone want to give me a go pro I will!

4862 posts
2 Jul 2013 10:45AM
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eppo said..

Yeh same plus can't justfy the cost. Someone want to give me a go pro I will!

I have a gopro!!,,,, but to do it justice you need to focus on making a video and rig multiple angles which means launch and landing many times changing camera.... Its pretty darn hard. Single angle is pretty gay and you really need someone on the beach to film also. .....

WA, 1675 posts
2 Jul 2013 11:26AM
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My favourite is called the boom gate. When riding my surfboard in the pocket and a tt rider is heading out I keep the kite extra low.(it also works for windsurfers jumping on the way out)

NSW, 861 posts
2 Jul 2013 1:29PM
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Excuses excuses !!!!
People are starting to talk...
Do you guys even kite. Lol

WA, 9503 posts
2 Jul 2013 12:03PM
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Nah this whole time I've been crapping on. Don't even own a kite let alone kite. Ha ha had you all fooled!!

Nah honestly, with kids and work time is precious...never bothered to look into it. That being said I wouldn't mind taking footage for when I'm older to think about the old days. Although I'm afraid it is almost getting like that. Slowing right down in the water now.

Moving well and truly towards the zen side of kiting. Sometimes I even bore myself lately.

4862 posts
2 Jul 2013 12:26PM
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TurtleHunter said..

My favourite is called the boom gate. When riding my surfboard in the pocket and a tt rider is heading out I keep the kite extra low.(it also works for windsurfers jumping on the way out)

So the TT rider can jump over you and your lines. That's so thoughtful. What A top bloke.

678 posts
2 Jul 2013 12:28PM
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Na no footage as yet it's hard to rope someone into lying in the water filming while your out having fun,am thinking of getting a soloshot to set up on the beach,expensive though by the time you add a decent camera.
Might have to set up a pool so we can all share the cost and use.

WA, 1675 posts
2 Jul 2013 12:41PM
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Plummet said..

TurtleHunter said..

My favourite is called the boom gate. When riding my surfboard in the pocket and a tt rider is heading out I keep the kite extra low.(it also works for windsurfers jumping on the way out)

So the TT rider can jump over you and your lines. That's so thoughtful. What A top bloke.

even with 25m between me and the kite the tt riders are usually still downwind of the kite but your welcome to try

WA, 179 posts
2 Jul 2013 2:10PM
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you blokes must all kite wearing capes!

NSW, 1714 posts
2 Jul 2013 4:27PM
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Can't do any of that stuff ^^.
But I still love my mutant.

moon waxing
WA, 307 posts
2 Jul 2013 2:47PM
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My favourite is a Tantrum off the wave face with a kite loop

In onshore wind position yourself on cleanish part of the wave then edge hard pushing the board up the wave face. Front hand is off the bar, back hand is at far end of bar, as the board releases arch the back opening up further with front hand. Pulling hard on the back hand get ready for a horizontal pull, should be able to spot the landing early if you’re arching back enough, will be in front or on the wave.

Is fun in lighter winds but can be painful in stronger winds as with any kite looping move, leaving the kite loop later makes it a bit safer.

671 posts
2 Jul 2013 2:55PM
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one handed 180 invert for the win

WA, 9503 posts
2 Jul 2013 2:55PM
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Oh no my favourite thing is to ride up and back in a cyclic rotation and pretend to surf the waves on a SB, no man you guys are really missing out with all that aerial back roll back loop crap. Now and then a do a wicked back roll as I head out over the two foot mush barrelling in. Just sick I tell ya, sick!

62 posts
2 Jul 2013 5:47PM
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I like to go flat out at the wave, trip on the nose, body slam the face, accidentally bring the kite back past the zenith, kite loop shooting out through the top, body drag come surf back, crawl up the beach, have a beer & go **** ya see that.
Thrillbilly style

678 posts
2 Jul 2013 5:58PM
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^^^ yep that's one of those classic old school moves , have seen a load of guys absolutely nailing that one

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
3 Jul 2013 10:43AM
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KIT33R said..

Can't do any of that stuff ^^.
But I still love my mutant.

I'll second that Shinn Wave is the best mutant ever built, followed closely by the Wave Doctor by Blackboards. they are without a doubt the smoothest rides ever in their class..

Forget the fact I have both and I'll never get rid of them, ever :).. not that I am biased eheheh (yeah, right)

WA, 9503 posts
3 Jul 2013 9:10AM
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I'll second that Shinn Wave is the best mutant ever built, followed closely by the Wave Doctor by Blackboards. they are without a doubt the smoothest rides ever in their class.. that is the mako. But performance, yeh they are pretty good, but don't ride backwards as well.

4862 posts
3 Jul 2013 12:00PM
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hey hey... none of you have tried my mutant build!!!!

Mine is the best mutant ever built!

Stop being lippy fuxkers and submit to my mutant making dominance!

Cook me some eggs while your at it!

NSW, 861 posts
3 Jul 2013 2:35PM
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Yep I'll demo one. Please post to Wollongong NSW Australia

678 posts
3 Jul 2013 1:14PM
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Shinn wave is a nice board but dosent go backwards as well as the cardboard wave ,it's lighter and more nimble than the c/b wave but I find the c/b wave hangs on harder going into flat out toeside carves prob due to the extra finnage in the rear,still haven't tried the mako yet ,been out the last three days in a row with my mate with the mako and haven't asked him to pull it out of the car will get a ride on it this weekend to compare.

WA, 9503 posts
3 Jul 2013 2:14PM
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Plummett what ya warranty like on ya Looks a bloody nice shape I have to say.

Yeh agreed on the CB wave, real good on those toeside carves.

4862 posts
3 Jul 2013 5:31PM
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life time warrantee!!!. As soon as it breaks its life time is over.... no more warrantee!.. hhehehe

The glory of making your own board is you are not limited to what the masses may want. You can indulge in your own selfish fetish and create something that suits you and only you.

Mutant 2 is in the design phase at the mo.

So for next board I will draw inspiration from a number of boards.

I'll take the nose width of a Airush choptop, use a micro kick at the front like a cardboards wave. I'll steel some concave from the mako and slap that through the middle and back, maybe shoehorn a similar nose shape to the shin speedball. Keep my back shape, run a constant rocker for the first 2/3's then the nose and tail down to 3.5mm and use carbon for strength and to stiffen the center section......

oh yeah. it will be good.

WA, 9503 posts
3 Jul 2013 6:53PM
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Suggest if using the speedball nose, start the curve before and round more quickly. Both my bro and found water hitting right at the start of the curvature up our back legs. Drove us nuts! Just for your info when designing. The driest mutant I've ridden is the mako, not sure why and the board where you can stand the most upright like a SB, again not sure why. Maybe you can work it out, mr designer you.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Moves for mutants and TT's in the waves." started by Plummet