At the next meeting of the City of Joondalup council on Tuesday 21st September, the Council will be making decisions about their Beach Management Plan. It does not look good for kiting @ Mullaloo (see below).
This Tuesday 14th September, there will be a ‘Briefing Session’ of the council, at which deputations will be able to speak to the Council during the public statement period. ‘Deputations’ will be made by WAKSA and the Mullaloo User Group.
The agenda for the ‘Briefing Session’ can be found at this link: - go to the link for 14/09/2010 to access the agenda documents - Kite surfing is 'discussed' on page 79.
The council has outlined the 3 options as they have determined them, and a recommendation for the Council. Despite the designated zone as proposed by the original Beach Mgmt Plan, Joondalup is now recommending an exclusion zone along the entire Mullaloo beach.
Option 1: Status Quo – exclusion zones and designated areas apply in the manner as they are currently stated within the Draft Beach Management Plan.
Option 2: Only exclusion zones are established which apply over the entire length of Mullaloo and North Mullaloo Beaches and Sorrento Beach from the Marina wall to the Plaza.
Option 3: Exclusion zones and designated areas are established in the locations as currently stated within the Beach Management Plan, however, the designated area at North Mullaloo is extended south by 255m.
Recommendation: It is the City’s position that Option 2 should be endorsed as the preferred management approach for kitesurfing activities within the Beach Management Plan.
WAKSA and the Mullaloo User Group will be speaking to the Council. WAKSA will obviously be speaking against the recommendation. We know that the anti-kiting brigade will also be out in force at this meeting.
Any member of the public who wants to speak at the Briefing Session will need to contact the City of Joondalup by 4pm on Monday 13th September 2010.
Members of the public may make a deputation to a Briefing Session by making a written request to the Mayor by 4pm on the working day immediately prior to the scheduled Briefing Session. Deputations must relate to matters listed on the agenda of the Briefing Session. The mayor can be emailed via
We encourage all kiters in the City of Joondalup to come to the Briefing Session, Conference Room 1, Joondalup Civic Centre, Boas Avenue Joondalup on Tuesday 14th September. The Briefing Session commences @ 6.30pm.
"The agenda for the 'Briefing Session' can be found at this link: - go to the link for 14/09/2010 to access the agenda documents - Kite surfing is 'discussed' on page 79."
Correct link to the agenda for the briefing session is:
Oh Dear!
This doesn't look good
It appears council is adopting the easy approach of just shutting it all down completely. This further endorses the old saying that the squeaky wheel receives the grease.
The minor win we had at the very first council meeting left the opponents to kitesurfing smarting somethin' terrible. This drove them with passion and hatred to hound the hell out of the council. We are now reaping the seeds that we sewed.
It would seem that there is about the same in regards to the pro's and con's between Option 2 as there is for option 3, with the only difference being that the noisy local anti-kiters are silenced with victory for their cause in option 2.
We need some serious support to urge council to reconsider option 3. Option 1 is lost to us, so we need to concentrate our focus on the 3rd option. This is setting dangerous precedents for the other councils around WA, and surely in time, Australia.
Good luck, we all need it, for the good of the sport!
Option 1 is probably the only other option that we would have any chance of getting as this was the original proposal and according to their data source one sample indicates that 88% of people supported designated kite areas. Option 3 on the other hand is exactly the same but making the kite area bigger by 255m. Out of the 3 options we should push for this obviously, however I doubt we would get it because this would annoy the anti-kiting mob even more. Realistically we are fighting for option 1.
Mullaloo Kiters
Hey Dave,
You're right, I was looking only at the pro's and con's side of things. Option one is the preferred, followed by Option 3 with Option 2 being the most likely and most objectionable from our stand point.
A little luck would be good here, oh and some serious support in numbers would be advantageous too. If we do go down, we must do it giving it all we have as there mustn't be room left for regrets after it is all done.
#65279;Option: 2
Only exclusion zones are established which apply over the entire length of
Mullaloo and North Mullaloo Beaches and Sorrento Beach from the Marina
wall to the Plaza.
I hope I am not understanding this right and some one will set me straight.
So From North Beach to Pinaroo no kiting.
Pinaroo is allowed.
Anywhere North of Pinaroo is banned or unsuitable (surf club,windshadow etc)
Please tell me Iv got it wrong
Looks like we will get the worst possible outcome.
Basically every thing that has been said by the Mayor was good for nothing, a small group of people who consider them selves as privileged and have formed a group called Mullaloo Beach User Group ( not to be confused with MUG ) will have managed to stop kiting at Mullaloo.
The softly softly approach hasn't worked and looks like all of WAKSA s work was in vain. the opponents had a lot more destructive energy in the end.
The last stand should be an aggressive approach towards the council,
The whole thing is wrong, the council is unable to stop the anti social behaviour along the beach of the sexual deviants due to strong gay lobby, cant stop break-ins at car parks, un able to provide infrastructure along the beach, but will happily ban kitesurfing because we are a soft target.
All kiters should be at the meeting, this is just a beginning of things to come to all metro beaches.
And as many speakers as possible.
It cant get any worse, let the council know we wont go down with out a fight!
The whole ocean is there and all is required are the launching and landing areas.
Surely the m.b.u.g. can afford the decency to make this concession. As fellow uses of the coast.. we are a part of the community...Seeing the sails during the sunset is what makes WA and especially areas like Joondalup what they are.
On a more technical note the wind windows that occur in different winds is exactly the type of expertise information that is required for these areas to be implemented both functionally and permanently.
Keep up the good work boys...You are fighting for the whole coast and all coastal communities.
These allowances, as a focal point for recreation and tourism for all people...locally, intra-suburb, intra- state, inter-state and internationally; create the direct economic benefit that local residents and business setup there fore in the first place. All generated by something as simple as wind and as free as a sunset. Effective organisation and compromise will put the area on the map and bring the dollars in from all walks of life..not just a possessive few.
Make Mullaloo one of the best place to be..not dullsville.
how the hell are they going inforce it?
chase u down with jetskis and present you with a water proof ticket....
Oh dear, this is going to be an interesting summer, enough of the tip toeing around, if the perverts and alcoholics can do as they please i'm f-----g sure, as a law abiding, rate paying resident i WILL be enjoying my local beach !!!!!!!!!!!!
if they can't stop our cars getting broken into in the car park, im sure they cant stop the signs from falling off either. Those crooks will steal anything.
So is the plaza the bp servo at Sorrento?
The description is as clear as mud.
North beach is city of stirling
How many extra rangers will they need to police this piece of draconian sh!te!
The draft management plan was ok now someone has altered the kite surf section?
Who are you? Show yourself
please please please everyone can we try not to be cowboys.........e.g.'screw the system i can kite where i want'. At least until all of this gets settled or blows over!
We need to go into damage control and try to make kiting seem a lot less intimidating. Time to become serious beach police.
Sorry little 0, been trying the nice guy routine for to long, i'm over it, will be chatting with juddy for some divine advice as he's a top guy but i don't think mr. pickard values my vote as much as the coffin dodgers who live on the beach front
Just to let you know, the type of people who are prominant in the m.c.b.u.g. I taught the husband of one last summer, he was amazed how safety consious the sport is and could'nt understand what all the noise was about. Then his wife got involved in this group and no matter what he said to try and assure her that kiting is totally misunderstood, she is one of the organisers, needless to say he has'nt been seen since
On what grounds do they base a full ban?, what have people been getting injured or killed along this beach by kite surfers?
Where does this stop how can they ban kiting yet allow other water sports?
What a load of bullsh1t!
Absolute joke kinda makes me want to sell up and leave the area, oh yeah and if anyone of you brain dead pricks who is endorsing this proposal reads this then up yours mate, bunch of pr1cks with nothing better to do than have a whinge, get a life!
WAKSA and the Mullaloo User Group will be speaking to the Council. WAKSA will obviously be speaking against the recommendation. We know that the anti-kiting brigade will also be out in force at this meeting.
Any member of the public who wants to speak at the Briefing Session will need to contact the City of Joondalup by 4pm on Monday 13th September 2010.
Members of the public may make a deputation to a Briefing Session by making a written request to the Mayor by 4pm on the working day immediately prior to the scheduled Briefing Session. Deputations must relate to matters listed on the agenda of the Briefing Session. The mayor can be emailed via
Alternatively, members of the public may wish to submit an online application to be a 'deputation' at the meeting:
We encourage all kiters in the City of Joondalup to come to the Briefing Session, Conference Room 1, Joondalup Civic Centre, Boas Avenue Joondalup on Tuesday 14th September. The Briefing Session commences @ 6.30pm.
Kiters living in the City of Joondalup need to be at this meeting...
Whats happened to make the council rethink the decision they made at the last meeting?
Obviously there is the normal "your sport is dangerous" rabble rabble rabble, but what has happened since the last meeting?
Otherwise there is nothing to base the ban on except for past events that have already been discussed and appropriate decisions were made.
With regard to the issues of enforcement & compliance by kiters.
The WAKSA submission (and other WAKSA inputs) all made very clear and definite reference to the fact that as a group (of non-hoon type personalities) we are more than open to self-regulation 'where restrictions can be seen as a reasonable proposition'.
BUT we were equally clear that kiters would never be prepared to accept restrictions which have no practical validity. Civil disobedience and problems of enforcement have been forwarned as known and advised outcomes of anything like the outrageous recommendation for option 2.
It is an inconsiderate and ignorant response made all the more stupid coming in the face of all the information council has been provided.
All kiters, but particularly residents of Joondalup, need to send private emails direct to all councillors explaining how this blatant pandering to a few hysterical loud voices will bring nothing but grief further down the line.
I am sure we must have some serious scope for legal intevention if this worst of all options passes thru council.
... I know it is sometimes a little iffy.... but this IS NOT iffy!
I'm there
Lets get some numbers !
Time to make a stand !
Briefing Session, Conference Room 1, Joondalup Civic Centre, Boas Avenue Joondalup on Tuesday 14th September. The Briefing Session commences @ 6.30pm.
Yep, be there too... had a great session today, first of the season and as usual not a member of the public to be seen. I truly cannot get my head around the potential of being banned from enjoying an excellent pastime on a beach that EVERYONE has left and gone home!?!? We don't affect anyone, i just don't get it, who are we affecting, who have we hurt... what have we done wrong???
I am a mature (well ok old), responsible, resident/rate payer of the City Of Joondalup and have been for most of my life, I first surfed at Mullaloo around forty years ago, I kited for several hours at Mullaloo this afternoon and had a fantastic time.
I took the 2 attached photo's (looking North then South from the Korella Street access way) at around 1pm today, Sunday 12th of September before I set up and headed out, I think they show how totally ridiculous a blanket ban of kiting at Mullaloo would be.
The beach was absolutely deserted except for a few kiters when I set up, I did not wait to take these photo's this was simply the scene when I arrived.
In the time that I was out a few more kiters and partners/children of kiters showed up and a few non kiting people did go for a walk along the beach, I noted that most of these people watched and/or photographed and appeared to me to be entertained by the kiters.
I cannot believe that in this day and age, in what is supposed to be a democratic society, that a few people with an agenda have the power to ruin for others what is a harmless, and healthy hobby/sport, and urge all kiters that can, to attend the meeting on Tuesday night, and /or email the Mayor and Councillors.
I am actually rostered on at work until 7pm in Perth, but will be will be shooting off an email, trying to get off early, and will head up as soon as I can.
Love ya Judd, i will behave but some of the f---wicks get to me some times, i love this sport and just want to enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So should I drop the mayor an e-mail or leave it to the residents? I dont live there, but I dont want the precedent coming my way.