haha thats a good one.
I always thought having one that had Dad behind bars, mum with a baby attached to her by an umbilical cord, pushing a pram with a needle hanging out of her arm and some kids spraying tags on your window would be a good one. But then you still got one of those ****ty stickers... haha.
Years ago I was killing time in a Jindabyne shop, Boarder comes in, asks if they had any "Bad Boy club" stickers, remember those?
Old mate behind the counter has a quick look in the sticker box, sighs and says, "Nah, sorry, you'll have to be a good boy for a while longer son".
Kid grunts in a huff and walks out.
Old mate looks at me and says,
"that one gets them every time"
They seem to have replaced the
'Somewhere on the Coast' stickers
Could never find one that said 'KWINANA - somewhere on the coast'