Looks like a weird one as it isn't going to be that hot, so obviously not a seabreeze. Possibly due to a low or something?
Anyone kited these before, are they ok or tend to be gusty?
It's frontal. It looks like it will be strong,and probably gusty so not for the inexperienced. Frontal NE winds aren't that common to this area but they can be kited if you know what your doing, I think sat will be more straight N than NE.
Went out at Wanda early this morning in the rain. Strong wind but not as gusty as expected. Crap surf but had great time. Wind swung pure notrh and stuffed it where I was . then dropped. Looks like another burst of rain on way. If desperate as i was i would suggest westside of botany Bay. Although tide in wrong direction Brighton beach will work. Just be prepared to get your gear wet so wash and dry when finished or ya gonna get gunky marks all over ya kite.
good kiting to those that brave it.