I bought a 14m helix with smart loop.A problem that im having with the front lines of the kite is that when doing rotations the lines twist up.After three twists the two front lines feel as though they are rubbing together when turning the kite hard.To untwist the lines i have to depower the kite and reach up to untwist it with my hand.I know the simple solution would be to rotate the opposite way but that will take some time to practice.Does anyone else that has a Helix have this problem and if Naish or anyone has any solutions they would be greatly appreciated.
I use a 7m helix and have put slingshot micky mouse ears type swivel in and this seems to have fixed the problem
It's just a result of doing rotations one way on a set up with no swivel on the centre lines and not rotating the other way to 'untwist' the lines. I understand that there is a risk of friction heating the spectra lines when twisted and causing line failure.....I use the spinning leash system and a swivel on the front lines (oh yeah and, when I bother, I'm able to rotate both ways).
Hey teabaggin both my vapors do the same thing and they have the mouse ears connection and a swivel - the reality is with the amount of strain/pull they are under its hard for the swivel to function efficently - I downloop on transitions but this doesnt seem to help that much either.
Must be a common issue? Would love to know what a solution could be as they are both great kites!
this happens 2 most kites dude.. its no biggy.. happend 2 my waroos all the time.. the mouse ears only help a bit so u gona hav 2 learn to rotate the other way aswell
I have found that some times the swivel gets a bit tight, maybe from the salt and I use a marine spray lubricant which helps as well.