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Forums > Kitesurfing General

New movie from Marc jacobs

Created by jacobs > 9 months ago, 23 Feb 2011
VIC, 1614 posts
24 Feb 2011 11:54PM
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The "Marc Jacobs in Boots" clip reminds me of old Shannon Best footage, and that's a good thing. Similar powerful build being used to maximum advantage. Awesome riding.

But as with the first vid, a generic, saccharine music track when it deserved something with more fun and/or more attitude.

WA, 5355 posts
24 Feb 2011 9:08PM
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To me I didn't think that marc boots clip reminded me anything of shannon best in old vids. Shannon best had a solid robust toeside edge game and to me that Marc boots vid for the most part is rife with overspun squigglys. I actually preferred his strap vid more. Each to their own I guess.

VIC, 136 posts
25 Feb 2011 6:36PM
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Marc your riding has improved so much dude from when i met you in Egypt on the Young Blood back in 2007.

You are ripping now dude.

VIC, 1614 posts
25 Feb 2011 6:39PM
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Bump. (People should watch the first vid over and over methinks)

And, yeah Shannon's ability to hold an edge (heel or toe) at high speed in chop and then explode into something big is not something I've seen equalled. Marc has something of that gymnastic power, though yeah I agree, the strapped clip is more impressive.

For those who are interested, Shannons vids kiteboarding 101 and 201 feature some awesome old skool and pioneering wakestyle riding, by Shannon and others.

WA, 5355 posts
25 Feb 2011 6:32PM
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Powerzone 2 is where it's at though dojo.

4 posts
25 Feb 2011 8:46PM
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Thanks everyone for all the good responses people means a lot.

year i agree my first time in boot video i wasn't really feeling it and was dealing with alot of prototypes stuff for switch now we finish the c kite i can concentrate on just my riding. and seem's to be paying off. i will make a better boot video and also show me in a storm etc mega loop day. when have some spare time after comps.



WA, 11 posts
26 Feb 2011 8:41AM
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Marc is an insane rider, but that movie is a little bit misleading? The riding clips a squashed down so the tricks look more low and horizontal. Also looks like the clips are speed up slightly? Still sick though

WA, 1501 posts
26 Feb 2011 8:48AM
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I think if you have megalooping, penguin walking, and flicky spinny boots tricks all in the one video you will win everyone over mate. Just to be sure though you should try and megaboost into a tethered hot air balloon. Another good one is the human cannonball, where you boost about 10m high and pull both safety releases at the apex of your jump and do a filthy bomb dive.

I'll pay $30 for this DVD I'm excited already :-)

QLD, 59 posts
26 Feb 2011 11:07AM
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love the sound of the cannonball, anybody done it? any tips

4 posts
27 Feb 2011 7:20PM
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the video is just a standard 1280 x 720 HD and didn't touch the speed at all only slow down the car flip so you can see what i do i guess i pass to fast? lol

WA, 113 posts
27 Feb 2011 7:54PM
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Did any one else notice that a hole load of tricks in the first movie were put in fast foward making it look more powered

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
27 Feb 2011 9:45PM
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haha you rooks are just to used to those euro clowns putting their vids at max slomo so you couldn't tell whether they were being pikers or not... probably never seen a true speed video in your lives

VIC, 1614 posts
28 Feb 2011 12:22PM
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Ok, having watched the video closely several times, I'm pretty sure that most of it is both sped up and has had the aspect ratio flattened.

The speed is most noticeable by looking at how quickly the spray falls down. No matter how fast you ride, spray will always fall from a given height at the same rate. It looks pretty clear to me that the spray is returning to the water faster than usual.

On the aspect ratio. The giveaway is during rotations, both on the trampoline and while kiting. When vertical, Marc looks very short and stocky, but when horizontal, all of a sudden he's a bit taller and slimmer. If the aspect ratio was neutral, there would be no change in proportions through a rotation.

The riding is still great, but the effects are definitely enhanced by manipulating the speed and aspect ratio.

WA, 11 posts
28 Feb 2011 9:48AM
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yeh I agree with djdojo, the water spray and waves give it away.

Sometimes it can happen accidentally when loading or exporting the clips.

Still great riding but it looks even better squashed and speedup a little.

ewan kite
VIC, 928 posts
28 Feb 2011 12:48PM
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my camera sometimes does the same, it depends on how you export it, sometimes it changes the aspect ratio and/or speeds it up a little. Im sure marc wldnt have sped it up, rides so sick anyway.

QLD, 1855 posts
28 Feb 2011 7:23PM
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beavis and butthead in the beginning is so you hhhhhheeeehee madizm

VIC, 9 posts
2 Mar 2011 9:58PM
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cool vid from marc

212 posts
4 Mar 2011 6:20AM
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No way have those videos been sped up. Marc rides more powered and with more board speed than what is usually seen on the PKRA circuit.

It has not been that windy this summer, Marc probably trains a lot using a trampoline and parkour. He really should spend summer in WA (although maybe not this year) or South Africa.

Love the Penguin walk, I've never seen that before.

QLD, 344 posts
4 Mar 2011 10:47AM
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simonp said...

No way have those videos been sped up. Marc rides more powered and with more board speed than what is usually seen on the PKRA circuit.

It has not been that windy this summer, Marc probably trains a lot using a trampoline and parkour. He really should spend summer in WA (although maybe not this year) or South Africa.

Love the Penguin walk, I've never seen that before.

Who are you? His mum?

212 posts
5 Mar 2011 2:21PM
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tatkins said...
Who are you? His mum?

No, but since you're asking I'm 43 years old with stuffed hips who will never pop hard enough to throw an aerial handle pass. Doesn't stop me having an opinion though

My point was that a lot of PKRA wannabies don't ride that powered up and send their kite to get enough time to throw the pass. Marc isn't one of those. The only kiters I've seen who pass as fast as Marc are Andy, Aaron and Tom Hebert. They tell me Youri Zoon rides pretty powered too.

It looks as if the video has been stretched horizontally slightly but it doesn't look sped up to me.

QLD, 10 posts
9 Mar 2011 12:02PM
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Jesus F$%#,
Sped up or not, The kite is low and the moves are powered...End of story!! This is one of the few clips that amps me up as much as Wainmans earlier stuff!! I wish I had half that energy!
Keep it up Marc!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"New movie from Marc jacobs" started by jacobs