Forums > Kitesurfing General

No Wind- New sport?

Created by INfiniDIE > 9 months ago, 17 May 2008
WA, 478 posts
17 May 2008 4:30PM
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While theres no wind around at the moment, Im getting rather bored not being able to at least watch other kitesurfers or get more lessons.

So I've decided to start doing skydiving until the wind picks up again? anyone else wanna come for a jump? Ive got a couple amtes already joining me for our student FreeFall licence. costs about a grand.

NSW, 6451 posts
17 May 2008 9:32PM
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I use to love skydiving till I kited.Now I see how often your gear can fail(lines snap,harness break,kite collapse ect)that there is no F&$KEN way I will trust a shute at 30 000 feet..............
At least with kiteing you land in the water and only from 30 feet not 30 000 feet.

Then again,Im in,I just finished watching Point Break,young dumb and full of cumm,whhhhoooooooo,biggest rush of your life

SA, 69 posts
18 May 2008 3:16AM
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I got ripped off when I did it, I paid extra to go to 14000 ft and now I hear you're jumping from 30!

Extra cash was well worth it, I wasn't quite ready to jump outta the plane when I got to 12000.

WA, 478 posts
18 May 2008 12:14PM
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thats probably cause you did it tandem?

You need to be pretty pro or pay a heck of a lot to jump from 30,000. After 12,000 feet you start to develop hypoxia, at 30 thou if you didn't have a breather you'd have anoxia and probably be close to death.

QLD, 2081 posts
18 May 2008 2:46PM
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Sucks having no wind hey

jkn bruh, not that I have time to kite anyway.

QLD, 52 posts
18 May 2008 9:32PM
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30,000 feet - you must be a freekin "GOD" or closer to him!!

Your supposed to have oxygen at 16,000 (Legally) but you just start yawning.

Skydiving gets boring after a few hundred jumps anyway

30,000 feet give me a break [}:)]

WA, 478 posts
18 May 2008 10:01PM
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Ummm I studied Human Factors for Aeroskills and Learnt then, that pilots above 12,000 are required by CASA to breathe aviators oxygen. Failure to do so will cause hypoxia.

Hypoxia causes Headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath and lower cognitive abilities (less oxygen in the air means less oxygen for your brain, so your brain instictively diverts oxygen to the most important functions-lungs, heart, organs,etc- Thinking is less important and decision making is quite difficult)

The higher you go the less oxygen content in the air, more nitrogen and other gases. After 18,000' you suffer extreme hypoxia or 'anoxia'=basically getting air in, but little oxygen at all, causing seizures, altered states of consciousness, comatose and death.

The course Im looking at doing has a great safety record, no accidents resulting in death in 21 years of operation. And the Accelerated FreeFall course is designed to get you a student's licence ASAP. Jumps are from 12,000' or about 45 seconds of freefall before 6 minutes of chute time. Jumps from 12,000' are designed so there is no risk of hypoxia, jumps from 14,000' can induce hypoxia leading to dangerous jumps. Hence why the Australian Parachute Federation is investigating the facility at York for having 5 deaths in 5 months.

Know it all.

NSW, 446 posts
19 May 2008 1:09AM
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What is scarier, bungee jumping or skydiving?

I wanted to try bungee jumping but can't find any place other than the one near foxstudios, but thats not even a bungee, thats an elastic spring.

Would be an awesome experience.

QLD, 52 posts
19 May 2008 11:18AM
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You Beauty INfiniDIE Fantastic info there.

NOW! Go and have a JUMP to know what it's really like [}:)]

As the saying goes: "You must jump to know"

P.S "NO HOOK TURNS" or you'll be FUBAR


SA, 402 posts
19 May 2008 10:54AM
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Done my fair share of Skydiving and its a rush but I still like the ongevity of the kiting rush... much more fun...

Mind you I wouldnt mind giving this a crack!

QLD, 52 posts
19 May 2008 11:41AM
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Hey lancekenny

Just watched your post. Now that's freaky Sh1t.

Bet he has had a few hard landings tho

Done my share of Skydiving too, but me thinks he can have that. Must carry his balls around in a wheelbarrow!

Next For me "Paragliding"

NSW, 253 posts
19 May 2008 11:53AM
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Funny this topic came up. As there isn't any wind in Sydney, I have been also searching for a new sport. I have narrowed it down to either paragliding or skydiving.

Paraglding apparently is by no sense a rush at all, but I've always wanted to be able to fly, and it seems to be the cheapest way to be able to do it. Plus apparently the conditions are sufficient from Sep-June 6 days a week. Only problem is that the chance of death is approximately 1/2000 per year. Spew.

Skydiving is a hell of a lot safer (half the chance of dying in a car accident if you jump 10 times a year). However the fact that you need a plane means you have to pay every time you want to jump.

Has anyone got any other sports I can add to my maybe list?

QLD, 2770 posts
19 May 2008 12:17PM
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go surfing or skating

Reflex Films
WA, 1445 posts
19 May 2008 10:18AM
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This is ALOT of fun in light / no wind - no good for fitness though - in which case i reccomend the good old mountain bike!

QLD, 52 posts
19 May 2008 1:19PM
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So you think Paragliding is not a rush tmiddled, check utube out for more:

Then there's these:

I must be sick because I got a bit of a laugh out of this one:

WA, 478 posts
19 May 2008 11:55AM
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Hey Tmiddled here u go.

Paragliding in West coast is done by Jiri Hlavati and his partner Sylvie you can check out their operation at

I hear good things from them, most kiters will see them at cottesloe or around pinnas with a motor (paramotoring). Avg cost is $2K to get a licence to fly with an experienced pilot. Gear is pretty much as expensive as a top notch kite quiver and boards.

Very extreme, or very relaxed. This video is Vertigo in 2007 in Sweden i think.
only bad thing is you need big hills which australia doesnt have too much of.

Another sport I recommend is this:

Thats from the Red Bull Vertigo in 2004. Go to for more info, they are situated in Wyalkatchem out near the wheatbelt in WA and sometimes travel to the east coast to teach. Talk to Christina if you see her online here, she does PG and HG with both those crews.

Failing to do both of those there is always Freebord, buy one from SOS Surf for $400 and join the kalamunda or mosman park crew (its snowboarding on cement, very fun...VERY DANGEROUS)
This is a vid of ther WA crew in action

Still aching for more of an upward adrenaline surge?


Wanna stay low to the ground?

Street Luge, contact the homemade guys in Kalamunda or Lesmurdie.

SA, 402 posts
19 May 2008 1:41PM
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that kitewing in the snow vid was pretty cool...

NSW, 165 posts
19 May 2008 3:49PM
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Crashtest said...

30,000 feet - you must be a freekin "GOD" or closer to him!!

Your supposed to have oxygen at 16,000 (Legally) but you just start yawning.

Skydiving gets boring after a few hundred jumps anyway

30,000 feet give me a break [}:)]

yeh 30000 feet sounds sus and actualy Casa and Australian Parachute federation state that over 10000 feet oxygen available for jump pilot and over 10000 feet for more than 10 min every body in the plane must have O2 ! Dude if you are bored with skydiving after a few hundred jumps you are not doing it right

WA, 381 posts
19 May 2008 2:24PM
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Most of the above mentioned sports needs hills and snow which we don't have in WA, but I was keen to learn more about Paramotor.
If you like to learn it too maybe we can arrange a group course and get a good discount.
At the end of the day when its windy you have your kite and when its not you can fly over Swan River.

What do you say?

VIC, 4980 posts
19 May 2008 4:59PM
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No wind and no waves? Go stand up paddle boarding. You'll build muscles on your muscles without even noticing. If you get bored just go and bop a shark on the head with your paddle.

WA, 478 posts
19 May 2008 3:37PM
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I see SUP boarders as I drive home along the coast almost every day...they look so funny when they hit a wave side on and the board gets taken into shore (or maybe its just one guy who doesn't use a leggie?)

Yeah Paramotoring sounds fun, and I totally would do it, but Im pretty sure its fairly close to BASE jumping in terms of fatalities to time spent doing the sport.

oh yeah another interesting link

maybe to discourage people from BASE jumping, not me though, Im heading that way.

WA, 120 posts
19 May 2008 7:49PM
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Hey INfiniDIE, is that Hillman Farm you're lookin at jumpin at? I did a few myself with the boys down there..The fella's mostly do it for fun and not for profit hence the safety record.

I got a bit bored with the travel etc involved for 40 sec freefall as well...good fun for a while.

WA, 478 posts
22 May 2008 2:39PM
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Well some guys do it at Pinjarra, thats the one Im looking at...

WA, 62 posts
29 May 2008 5:12PM
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hey where in pinjarra do they do that? I live in mandurah, btw you dont need snow to kitewing, in w.a. you can use a surfboard,wakeboard,mountain board,dirtsurfer or anything else you feel like strapping to your feet. I should know :) Im a kitewinger

NSW, 511 posts
30 May 2008 4:48PM
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Reflex Films said...

This is ALOT of fun in light / no wind - no good for fitness though - in which case i reccomend the good old mountain bike!

Rc planes and hellis are great fun for thoes no wind days. But better still is slope soaring or slope combat. But when theres enough wind to do that, you might as well be out kiting.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"No Wind- New sport?" started by INfiniDIE