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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Old Surfboard rebirth into a Kiteboard.

Created by peter2008 > 9 months ago, 20 Jun 2011
NSW, 551 posts
23 Jun 2011 2:51PM
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peter2008 said...

anyway, here is the cloth....

Well that's a relief. Get a set of verniers & measure it's thickness. 0.25 mm is your std 6oz cloth, & yes it's a very thin skin. No wonder surfboards are fragile. The finished product will be that same thickness. Hense compression strength (creasing) is often the limiting factor.
Next is your resin. For simplicity just a waxed resin (sanding resin) would do. It will set with a fully cured (sandable) surface. Laminating resin is used if in full production & will set with a tacky surface, unsandable but bonds chemically to the filler coat.
If you've used CSM before you would have used a consolidator. For woven cloth you will use a squeegee (flat rubber blade) allowing you to remove all excess resin once wetted. I know you may know all this already.
your reinforced plastics instructor

NSW, 551 posts
23 Jun 2011 2:58PM
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Of course we all luv you peter. Kitesurfers are the friendliest folk on this earth. But don't take my wave

QLD, 40 posts
26 Jun 2011 8:41PM
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......For simplicity just a waxed resin (sanding resin) would do. It will set with a fully cured (sandable) surface. Laminating resin is used if in full production & will set with a tacky surface, unsandable but bonds chemically to the filler coat.......
......... For woven cloth you will use a squeegee (flat rubber blade) allowing you to remove all excess resin once wetted...........
......your reinforced plastics instructor.........

i did not know about the differant types of resin.
is there a better name ie, brand name, for the waxed resin?
just to make sure i get the right stuff.

i have cut all three fins off and sanded them flat, now to add 4 stronger sections, drill holes and fill with resin/balloons to give the fins a solid base to be screwed too.

4 x 50mm kitesurf fins, what configeration should i use them in. i'm guessing, two out quite wide at the front of the back foot position and two at the rear of the back foot position. something like this...


Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
26 Jun 2011 8:46PM
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The "wax resin" is called "Filler" resin. Just don't get laminating resin and you'll be fine.

The 4 kiteboard fins - bad idea. They will suck on a surfboard.

Get some FCS plugs. 3 fins are fine

VIC, 162 posts
27 Jun 2011 1:49AM
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Make sure you give the forward fins a slight outward camber so that they direct water flow over the rails, this will help improve the grip of the fins and rail. I personally would use surfboard fins but if kiteboard fins are all you have, slightly slide them further to the tail but at least half of the physical fin infront of the old surfboard fins.

QLD, 40 posts
29 Jun 2011 5:00PM
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i will get on to the fins shortly. firstly i'm setting the inserts for the straps.

stance width.... i've set the stance to be just slightly wider than on my twin tip, now before you start telling me where i've gone wrong, let me explain my reason for the narrow stance, and position.

listening and watching some of the best strapless kiters, surfing both with and without a kite using the same board, i've noticed their stance to be quite wide, behind my back footstrap, and forward of my front strap.
yet while watching guys kitesurfing with straps, they tend to have a narrower stance, about the same as where i will locate my straps.
i'm trying to allow the most amount of freedom by not placing the straps in the way when wanting to move the front foot forward.
i'd like to only need one larger board, for no matter what i want to use it for.

Anyway, on to setting the inserts.
got some micro fibre stuff from a mate, found some 'part a' i had in the shed, and got some 'part b' from he hardware store.

i set the inserts with 5min epoxy, just to get the correct height, then filled the void with the mix of 5 to 1 with some of the micro fibre stuff mixed in.
in it went and its now setting.

does it matter if i use epoxy?????? i hope not.

i bent the 'prongs' down so they work as legs holding the insert at the correct height.

NSW, 551 posts
29 Jun 2011 6:52PM
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Your TT fin setup is quite experimental re placement. You won't get good advice from us. I think we would all be advising use of surf fins.
Yes strapped positions will be narrower than unstrapped, rear foot more fwd as you can get leverage with straps.
Epoxy won't be a problem. It's only Polyester that can cause problems due to the styrene in it which can dissolve some plastics.

WA, 724 posts
29 Jun 2011 9:27PM
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Another option on preventing the threads getting filled up and setting fin boxes is to use moulding putty, I use my kids plasticine and it works a charm - it shouldn't disolve with epoxy but may with poly resin.

Fill any hole that you don't want resin in with the putty, glass over and once dry cut outline out of hole and dig out the putty - easy peasy and not chance of contaminating the mix with grease etc.

Learnt something new today, did not realize you could get epoxy based light filler - good to know.

Cheers Rich

NSW, 1089 posts
30 Jun 2011 10:24PM
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richswing said...

Another option on preventing the threads getting filled up and setting fin boxes is to use moulding putty, I use my kids plasticine and it works a charm - it shouldn't disolve with epoxy but may with poly resin.

Fill any hole that you don't want resin in with the putty, glass over and once dry cut outline out of hole and dig out the putty - easy peasy and not chance of contaminating the mix with grease etc.

Learnt something new today, did not realize you could get epoxy based light filler - good to know.

Cheers Rich


VIC, 23 posts
30 Jun 2011 11:48PM
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can you get a go pro cam and put it on your helmet so we can see some vids while you work? that would be

QLD, 40 posts
1 Jul 2011 10:27AM
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monte said...

can you get a go pro cam and put it on your helmet so we can see some vids while you work? that would be

sorry mate, i dont wear a helmet while working.... lol
i did think of video, but then the editing etc becomes more of a chore, sorry.

nice work pete....
you don't happen to trim hedges do you?

um, has it happens, yes i do!!!!
i have one hedge 3' high 15m long, and another 9' high and 20m wide called 'george'.

fins fins fins........

i have cut and filled the 4 positions for using the twin tip fins.
reason for going this way, i have spare fins, and i can always change to other fins later on if required.

all thats left to do now is glass the board, drill holes for fitting the fins, and i should be off and using the board real soon.

when i cut the 'fin boxes' out and filled them with the epoxy and fibre mixture, i then used wide clear tape to stop the mixture coming out as the board is not flat at that section. the epoxy started to GROW!!!!
it then started to ooze out from under the tape and made a huge mess.
when it got hard and tacky, i simply carved away the extra overflow with a sharp knife, and it cleaned up quite nice.

should i undercoat the board before laying the glass?
it would be nice to use a white undercoat to give the board a nice look, as i think the bog and all my scribble will be visable through the glass.

oh so little to do, and so much time to do it.
life is tough!!!!

oh yeah, i forgot to mention, i fitted the straps yesterday, very happy.
more photos very soon.

peter the phantom puller!!!

NSW, 551 posts
1 Jul 2011 1:44PM
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Is monte the dog or the midget?

QLD, 40 posts
1 Jul 2011 1:52PM
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COL said...

Is monte the dog or the midget?

or is he a midget dog with a pet human????

NSW, 551 posts
1 Jul 2011 2:36PM
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Coming along nicely. Good idea- trim off excess while resin is still soft "green".
Your finbox idea is good too.

peter2008 said...

should i undercoat the board before laying the glass?

NO, you'll lose the mechanical bond to the underlying surface, & who knows what polyester resin will do reacting with paint. In fact, a coarse sanding is a better preparation for the extra layer than smooth.
Run 2" masking tape round the underside of the job, just beyond the cloth edge after you've tailored it . Just stick 1 edge down. It will shed excess resin rather than messing the underside. You'll need to cut nicks into the cloth edge round the tight spots, enough to allow it to lay down properly. The biggest issue is the hard edge round the tail, cloth needs about a 6mm radius to lay down without air bubbles forming. So you have 2 choices 1) sand off the hard edge to 6mm radius & lay the cloth round it, & then fill back to an edge later. or 2) just run the cloth off that edge, meaning that at some point along you'll have a transition from cloth laying around the rail to it running off the edge.
Make sure you're 100% ready & know what to do before mixing that resin. As a learner mix the same weight of resin as the weight of cloth. You'll probably need a 2nd batch, same weight. Mix thoroughly then get it on the job spread out quick. It sets heaps faster in the pot. Don't concentrate on getting 1 bit right, get it all wet, it'll wet out a single layer quite well just sitting there. Come back & work resin in with squeegee, all over. Then go over it again pulling out excess.
Can trim daggs while still green, just gotta pick the right time. After you've laid up both sides & sanded off the edge highs, gently squeegee over 150g or so as a filler coat.
BTW did you work out the glass weight? 6oz?

QLD, 40 posts
1 Jul 2011 5:27PM
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thanks col, but too late, you have to reply faster.....

(fibreglass mat - 4m2 = 400g, must be the 6oz????)

got a tin of spray bog/high fill/undercoat from a mate and went to town, and i'm glad i did.

i found hundreds of pin holes in the bog filler. my mate suggests givingme a pot of high fill and using a brush, fill the holes, let dry, light sand, fill again untill all gone.
he told me that it will be fine as long as its clean when glassed over.

but he did say use polly resin, or the UV actvated stuff.

latest pic after its first coat of high fill.

Note the good looking fella holding the board!!!!!!

NSW, 551 posts
1 Jul 2011 6:12PM
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Looks great. No not you. At least try a sample of resin over a painted test piece 1st to see if it'll verk.
Another tip when wetting the glass round the rail. Expect to get dirty, wear surgical gloves. 1 hand under cloth edge & hold it out flat from edge of board. Work the resin out from the board & wet out thoroughly. Only then lay the cloth down around the rail. If you just try to work the resin down around the rail it'll end up on the floor. Both top & bottom layers should wrap around rail.

WA, 724 posts
1 Jul 2011 9:04PM
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Hey Peter,

Nice job, well done.

An option if you are using poly resin is to mix a bit of pigment in the laminating resin to make whatever colour you like (I think you can get pigment for epoxy but is a bit difficult to find)

Here is a couple of photo's, I thought you may find interesting I find this type of stuff very interesting, of a snapped tufflight board I was given, joined the two halves together with epoxy and stringer splints, the tufflight boards have a pvc foam wrapped around the board so where the snap was I used balsa wood to replace the the foam, filled the majority of pressure dings with Qcell resin mix, replaced a couple of the fcs plugs and then glassed the entire board top and bottom. The black area the original owner did with what looked like a carbon fibre with nylon woven in.

I used epoxy resin to glass for the first time and found it alot easier to work with than poly resin, it wets out alot better and you can remove quite a bit of excess to keep the weight down. As I understand it is also stronger than poly resin as the bond is a chemical bond rather than resin going hard (if you knwo what I mean)

The weight doubled but still faily reseasonable, I have used the board now for nearly two season and no problems. Just don't use spray paint in a can, doesn't last.


NSW, 551 posts
1 Jul 2011 11:44PM
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richswing said...

Hey Peter,
I used epoxy resin to glass for the first time and found it alot easier to work with than poly resin, it wets out alot better and you can remove quite a bit of excess to keep the weight down. As I understand it is also stronger than poly resin as the bond is a chemical bond rather than resin going hard

Epoxy is a good choice for the back yard guy.
These days you can get brands with really good clarity, which was a drawback compared to polyester.
Epoxy is more expensive but
It has a really good shelf life, polyester's is poor
gives you longer work time
you can draw more resin out without the layup becoming dry
It has a stronger adhesion to the fibres(good if using exotics) and to most anything else.
It's not as brittle, will allow flex without little fracture marks.
Can use it over urethane or polystyrene
you only need 1 resin, not lam and filler
epoxy may be carsinogenic, so ventilate well
Mix ratio is critical, so weigh up carefully, specially when mixing small quantities

NSW, 1625 posts
1 Jul 2011 11:56PM
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COL said...
epoxy may be carsinogenic, so ventilate well

correction - carsinogenic
Best to ware gloves
Rarely but occasionally if you develop a sensativity to it you will come up in a rash and welts, even if you have never used before

WA, 724 posts
1 Jul 2011 10:35PM
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carsinogenic - Sh1t, I was covered in the stuff - oops could explain alot.

Its also quite b!tch to get off your hands if you don't use acetone (which I hear stays in your body forever).

Did notice that if you leave it in a cup and not spread it out it starts to go off quickly and smoke (thermogenic effect if that the right words) with a very punjent smell, had to evacuate the house for a couple of hours.

I had read somewhere that Green surfboard manufacturers use epoxy rather than poly resin - maybe it is a specific epoxy made from natural stuff.

On my next project, I will wear gloves and keep the kids far away. could be a bit heavy but it will be strong, I cut the rocker profile out and laminated them together with 3 stringers. I may just skimp on the glass to keep the weight down.

NSW, 551 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:24AM
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richswing said...

Its also quite b!tch to get off your hands if you don't use acetone (which I hear stays in your body forever).

Yes it sends you crazy. Ever noticed how women who use nail polish are illogical & difficult to reason with.

Did notice that if you leave it in a cup and not spread it out it starts to go off quickly and smoke (thermogenic effect if that the right words) with a very punjent smell, had to evacuate the house for a couple of hours.

I take it that you didn't burn the house down then? They teach you to always place the pot in a bucket of water when finnished with, whether epoxy or polyester, as the exothermic heat generated can easily start a fire.

WA, 724 posts
2 Jul 2011 12:14AM
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Yea, I new about poly resin but didn't realize about epoxy as you usually mix it as prescribed and therefore has a defined curing time compared to poly resin.

If I had spread the epoxy in a thin puddle it would never had gone off so quickly.


NSW, 551 posts
2 Jul 2011 2:16AM
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wdric said...

COL said...
epoxy may be carsinogenic, so ventilate well

Rarely but occasionally if you develop a sensativity to it you will come up in a rash and welts, even if you have never used before

The 1st place you'll notice a problem is on the sensitive skin areas. ie using the toilet after working with epoxy. It can last for weeks. You'll be more careful the next time!

WA, 6277 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:20AM
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COL said...
Mix ratio is critical, so weigh up carefully, specially when mixing small quantities

Something that helps me mix small quantities is to go to the chemist and get some disposable 10 mL syringes (50 cents each).

Then you can meter out exactly the right amount instead of doing it by eye. Had heaps of problems with epoxy not setting right before I tried this method, afterwards have always had the perfect mix.

WA, 724 posts
2 Jul 2011 1:28AM
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The epoxy that I buy you have to weigh it out rather than work off volume as the weight of the two different chemicals is different - but you would think that they would state the required volume of each as the weight would not change in other words the volumetric ratio of each.


QLD, 40 posts
3 Jul 2011 9:35AM
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very helpful.

ok so its epoxy resin then.

the resin i used to set the plugs was left over from another project, and if i remember correctly (old timers here) i got some white tinting pigment from the same hardware shop, mixed it into the resin mix and it worked well.
oh yeah it was to repair the underside of a kiteboard, twintip, that had a huge section missing from the bottom lamination.

application of the resin.....

can i use a brush????
the squeege thing has me a bit worried.

i watched a great video on laying the glass, it is a Solares video, but the technique of cutting, pulling the loose threads off, sanding, etc etc, is very easy to follow.

this guy has a heap of videos on the stuff.

cant seem to find solares in australia.

NSW, 551 posts
3 Jul 2011 11:13AM
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That's a very good vid. Gave me a few tips, like the sticky rack.
Make sure your hands are clean touching the cloth, anything on your hands will show, big time! I have loads more rail wrap than that.
You said EPOXY, but he is using polyester.
My current epoxy is KINETIX, it goes really well. WEST is not clear & i don't like the 5 to 2 ratio.
BRUSH[}:)] For Pete sake, you won't be using a brush. You're not painting, you're glassing, & a squeegee is THE tool.
If it was a minor repair, the wife's credit card is the perfect tool.

NSW, 1625 posts
3 Jul 2011 11:51AM
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And the reason epoxy is so good is because it has very little shrinkage during the curing stage, so doesnt seperate from what ever your gluing it to like polyester does giving a slightly weaker bond to the reinforcment.

That also means if your in a hurry to help the curing process put a cardboard box over the project once it has gelled and stick a little heater in the end on low to get it done quicker.
Just make sure the heater is not aiming directly at the job so you will have a more even temperature around the job.
50 to 70 deg is no problem or even higher, but check with the brand of resin your using.

Note: If you heat before it's gelled the resin may thin out and run out of the glass and end up on the ground! (that is the error bit in the phrase "trail and error")

In winter if it's to cold and you are doing small jobs and dont need long gel times sit your resin tins in some hot water (about 40 -45 deg) before mixing and it will flow really nice and cure quicker (also a neat little trick if your hand brushing emamal paint and want the brush stokes to flow out and look smick).

WA, 724 posts
3 Jul 2011 6:56PM
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I like the Enamel trick, my front door looks crap.

Deffinately need to use a squeegee and not a window cleaning one. You can buy them online specifically for surfboards.

A couple of years ago I bought a book on making your own surfboards and it came with vhs cassette but once I am back home of will dig out the book - shaped my first board from that book, really helpful.


WA, 724 posts
3 Jul 2011 10:49PM
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After watching that vid, I searched for UV cured Epoxy resin.

Has anybody used the Solarez UV-cured Expoxy resin and how does it compare to normal stuff.

Were can I get some in Perth, there is a contact over east:

Surf Hardware Int'l Pty Ltd.
5-7 By The Sea Rd
Mona Vale, NSW 2103, Australia
Ph: +61 2 9997 4744
Fax: +61 2 9999 1537

Not bad price over in the STATES but here they will most probably triple the price at least.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Old Surfboard rebirth into a Kiteboard." started by peter2008