Forums > Kitesurfing General

Photos of the girls in action at the 2008 Nats

Created by mrbonk > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2008
NSW, 483 posts
21 Mar 2008 2:30AM
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Just to prove the girls were rippin'

QLD, 431 posts
21 Mar 2008 2:33AM
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Nice pics mrbonk!!!!

the first one,s very nice..... nice extension with abit of a tweek...... but love the last one what can i say i dig girls kiting wish my railies were that good

NSW, 483 posts
21 Mar 2008 1:15PM
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merman said...

Nice pics mrbonk!!!!

Credit goes to my GF for all the stills. She was on the SLR while I was shooting the video.

NSW, 238 posts
22 Mar 2008 11:01AM
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That's more like it. Great pictures.

WA, 32 posts
22 Mar 2008 7:44PM
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Love that last shot!!
Your gf did a great job with the camera!!
As a female starting off, I love seeing other chicks getting out there ripping it up. I am really new to kitin and have just stood up on the board for the first time the other day. I know people know what I mean when I say, kiting gives me excitement elephants in my stomach & a constant grin on my face.
Thank for the inspirational piccies!!

WA, 250 posts
23 Mar 2008 3:15PM
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i agree, that "bottom" photo is great


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Photos of the girls in action at the 2008 Nats" started by mrbonk