Hi People,
Just a quick heads up, It's time for the AKS/Pinnacrew End of Season Party again.
A shout out to all the Pinna regulars, friends of AKS and customers of ours. We will be providing a BBQ style feed (catered by Todds and his helpers) with I think Roast Beef Rolls, salads and other nibblies down at the beach on Saturday afternoon/evening 20th March.
Hopefully we will have some great wind and we'll be able to finish off the season with all our friends in similarly fine style as previous Pinnaparties.
You need to supply your own drinks, (there is a limit to even our generosity ) we will supply eskies/tubs with ice, music, lighting and the food.
As per previous AKS Shindigs, the ladies or gentleman with talent for cooking cakes, desserts or slices are encouraged to bring along your fave sweets to share amongst the crowd.
Lets hope we have wind and kind weather as we bid farewell and thanks to the season. This is a family event and will kick off around 6pm.
We hope to see you there
Darren Marshall - AKS
I'd like to extend my sincere thanks to all involved in making this event happen. I really enjoyed it . Cheers, James
Thanks to AKS for an awesome end of season party.
Todds catering was again fantastic.
We would like to thank "Team Marshall" at there unrivalled prowess at cream cake demolition.
yep that was just a very nice end of season bb, thanks to darren and todd who prepared everything, the wind and wicked sunset. rv.pictures coming up.
Hi Peeps,
Thanks to everyone who turned up or stayed around for the Pinnacrew, End of Season party! We were indeed blessed with warm winds, good kiting most of the day, a stunning sunset, cold drinks, great tunes and great friends, some old, some new. To our newest friends, welcome to the Pinnacrew! A group of people like no other!
I love putting this on each start and end of season and would love to take all the credit, but in reality, the kudos must go to our awesome caterers. A big thanks to Todd and All Seasons Catering in Ozzy Park who supplied us an amazing selection of top nosh. I'm sure anyone who dined with us can attest to the quality of the food as it was equally as impressive as the food provided by them for the start of season party!
Menu consisted of : Prawn cutlets, mini spring rolls, vege samosa, and crumbed chicken strips, all with assorted dips for entree, as well as coleslaw, potato salad, garden salad, pasta salad, fresh bread rolls and enough beautiful roast beef in delicious gravy to sink a battleship! I'm having cold cuts for the next month
To the lovely ladies who baked and whipped up enough deliciously sweet desserts to keep my daughters and all the other young kids peaking on a sugar high for a fortnight
Thanks also to Pascal our resident DJ, for supplying great tunes, and last but by no means least, my AKS crew and Pinnacrew, as always, for their support in setting up and pulling down this and many other "events" AKS host throughout the year.
Ya's are all gold and I can't wait to do it again in late October!