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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Point Walter +hidden rocks = nasty infected foot..

Created by Juddy > 9 months ago, 12 Aug 2008
WA, 1103 posts
12 Aug 2008 11:35AM
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Dear all,

Long story short: there is a lot of silt in the Swan River water at the moment that has managed to hide many of the usually, easy to see rocks @ Point Walter. I happened to land on my right foot, quite heavily, on one of these hidden nasties.

I thought at worst, i'd bruised a bone, maybe some muscular damage...the small graze that I got didn't look so bad...BUT within 2 days I was on crutches & the doctor spent an hour y'day digging sand, rock & other assorted shizel out of my foot. An entirely unpleasant experience i can assure you. The infection was quite severe and hugely uncomfortable.

My message comes in 3 parts:
1) take a very good look at where the rocks are & stay the **** away from them;
2) if you get a cut foot in the Swan River, get it attended to - don't ignore it. If i'd paid more attention, maybe I wouldn't have had to watch the puss come out of my foot y'day...the doctor indicated it was as bad as any coral cut he's seen.
3) booties...i'm out to buy some this w/end...any suggestions as to a make good for kiting???

Yours for a limp free future.


WA, 221 posts
12 Aug 2008 12:29PM
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I heard that someone had been injured down there on the weekend. I to have been bitten by the hidden rocks but not as bad as you by sounds of it.

Rest up mate and make sure it better other wise youu could get a nasty sea ulcer.


VIC, 100 posts
12 Aug 2008 2:33PM
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hey juddy,

i use oneil super freak booties and they pretty cool...the two velcro straps stops any water getting in, good sole that hasnt failed me yet on any rocks and the strap at the back makes a world of difference getting the things on and off.

WA, 753 posts
12 Aug 2008 12:35PM
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Couldn't agree more,sorry to hear about the infection.

I was out there sunday,smacked my foot one one of those rocks and broke a toe[}:)]

Cut got infected as well and i am taking antibiotic.

The good news is that the toe doesn't hurt when in the foot strap so i can still kite next week end

Any mining crew can pinch a bit of dinamite and blast away those boulders mettam's pool style????

I guess the shops like it, must maintain steady sale of new sets of fins

WA, 762 posts
12 Aug 2008 1:30PM
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Lets clarify something quickly the rocks are not HIDDEN they are THERE! I suggest anyone who is complimenting taking on this spot to get an education of the rock zones.

Sunday morning was good winds and hairy down on the point and a few good men where pushing kite-loops, handle-passes and many other high risk maneuvers by at the base of the spit ie where the nastiest, sharpest life ending rocks live. I love a bit of show ponying myself but risking a cracked skull, punctured leg or other season ending injury just is not worth it!

Last season I was foolish enough to get dragged over and bump a rock thereby flooding my leg with internal bleeding of sorts had I not have been wearing my wetsuit I think I would have torn my leg off. I have seen others take fins off, body drag over the rocks.

If you see a newbie to the spot give them a spot check.

Here is a little map I have whipped up. There are more rocks but these areas are the main ones to avoid.



WA, 1103 posts
12 Aug 2008 2:12PM
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sensational map.

Kited @ Pt W a bit during summer easterlies so i'm pretty dialled in as to the rocks.

the one i landed on was a bit outside the red zones you've marked out - somewhat closer to the gap in the sand bar that you can see in the photo. the thing that made me go "!@#$ %&!" was the fact that due to the silt & other crap in the river, this one wasn't visible to the naked eye.

and mate, my foot knows about it now. Booties for summer...

WA, 40 posts
12 Aug 2008 2:36PM
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Hey all,

I've spent a fair bit of time polaroiding the flats flyfishing in summer. The upriver side has small clusters of limestone pinnacles randomly along the entire stretch, hence most crew fish the Freo side... From memory, there is no regularity to the rocks on the upriver side and 2 to 3ft pinnacles just seem to pop up randomly along the entire stretch.

I'm willing to take a GPS next time i fish it on a low tide and pass the waypoints onto someone versed in GIS. A safe tack map on the WASKA site could save a few this summer....

WA, 762 posts
12 Aug 2008 2:46PM
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Thanks shmoo,

My map just covers the MAIN and OBVIOUS danger zones to be avoided. Due care should be taken at all times at this spot.

Ben De Jonge
WA, 819 posts
12 Aug 2008 5:45PM
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How about a windless weekend working B with a dozen people armed with block busters and sledge hammers engaging in a little bit of environmental persuasion to soften the worst bits, or the most hidden bits?

NSW, 132 posts
12 Aug 2008 9:12PM
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sci said...

... I suggest anyone who is complimenting taking on this spot to get an education of the rock zones...

Since we're talking education I'd suggest you mean 'contemplating' not 'complimenting' ...

QLD, 4087 posts
12 Aug 2008 9:57PM
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shmoo said...

I'm willing to take a GPS next time i fish it on a low tide and pass the waypoints onto someone versed in GIS. A safe tack map on the WASKA site could save a few this summer....

I've got a pretty good handle on GIS, I could certainly plot waypoints onto Google Earth pictures for you.

WA, 254 posts
12 Aug 2008 9:09PM
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yep been there. had a nasty infection earlier this year from cuts from point walter. You could see the infection travelling up my veins. took 2 rounds of antibiotics to clear up. Its a real worry but there is alot of bacteria in the swan. i always seem to get blocked sinuses after a sess in the river also. Wore booties at point walter on the weekend got em from BCF in osborne park for $25. They are a real hassle to kite with and my feet never fitted nicely in the straps. handy though cause i could kite upwind of everyone else and have a bit of room.

VIC, 760 posts
13 Aug 2008 11:38AM
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Another vote for the Oneill Superfreak booties.
As was mentioned before the dual straps do a decent job of keeping everything in place and the sole is strong enough that i've used them for reef walking and kiting with no problems.

WA, 814 posts
13 Aug 2008 9:46AM
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Aerial perspective

WA, 66 posts
13 Aug 2008 9:48AM
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shmoo said...

Hey all,

I've spent a fair bit of time polaroiding the flats flyfishing in summer. The upriver side has small clusters of limestone pinnacles randomly along the entire stretch, hence most crew fish the Freo side... From memory, there is no regularity to the rocks on the upriver side and 2 to 3ft pinnacles just seem to pop up randomly along the entire stretch.

I'm willing to take a GPS next time i fish it on a low tide and pass the waypoints onto someone versed in GIS. A safe tack map on the WASKA site could save a few this summer....

Nerd Alert !!

WA, 563 posts
13 Aug 2008 9:57AM
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Simon, you'll be wishing you had one of our sexy talking devices which say 'tack left now' / 'slow down' / 'rocks in 5 metres' / etc when you see us doing unhooked 1080 forwards to blind.. in between the rock pinnacles without a care in the world. ...a nerd.

WA, 40 posts
13 Aug 2008 10:01AM
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You've been waiting patiently for a chance to get me back for that SUP dig haven't you - fair call Bermuda boy....

QLD, 4087 posts
13 Aug 2008 12:41PM
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Simon. said...

Nerd Alert !!

Went for a jog in Kings Park yesterday, training for the City to Surf.

The GPS struggles to get a fix under the trees sometimes, I actually followed the path starting to the North of the Lotterywest family area.

WA, 3619 posts
13 Aug 2008 12:11PM
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Looks like you started at the office & finished at the pub.

WA, 3489 posts
13 Aug 2008 2:43PM
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Looking at some of those tracks I think it was a plot of him leaving the pub last night with his wobbly boots on and trying to stagger home.

WA, 1884 posts
13 Aug 2008 5:43PM
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Serves everyones D##B A#S for playing on the rocks when you knew better.

Forget the twinkle toes booties and just stay out of that area !!!!

Geeeez - How do Surfers & W/surfers manage to stay off the reefs !


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Point Walter +hidden rocks = nasty infected foot.." started by Juddy