Forums > Kitesurfing General

Pretty windy today

Created by wishy > 9 months ago, 18 Sep 2011
WA, 1501 posts
18 Sep 2011 6:39PM
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Pretty windy today.
Good to see the locals doing some good old fashioned boosting.

WA, 9581 posts
18 Sep 2011 6:45PM
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was one of the gustiest days i've been in for a while, was just insane. And down here 4m swell, the ocean was one angry bugger.

QLD, 2433 posts
18 Sep 2011 8:48PM
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Nice one, without looking at the kite- on first reaction I thought it was a blurry helicopter.

WA, 1501 posts
18 Sep 2011 6:48PM
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Here's a clearer one but not as high.

It's Darren from the Scarbs shop, he certainly knows how to send it. Wasn't very easy to hold an edge out there either, choppy as hell.

QLD, 2433 posts
18 Sep 2011 8:55PM
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Nice pic wishy.

4862 posts
18 Sep 2011 7:04PM
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7 or 9m c4?

WA, 1501 posts
18 Sep 2011 7:06PM
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Plummet said...

7 or 9m c4?

The new 9m edge

WA, 1255 posts
18 Sep 2011 7:10PM
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woohoo, way to go Daz

WA, 281 posts
18 Sep 2011 7:30PM
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Awesome today, out at Mettams from 3 til 5 - not a poley in sight

As they must have been too scared to come out and play today I officially claimed it as a kitesurfing spot

WA, 3 posts
19 Sep 2011 8:41AM
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Wave action on Port Beach. Very windy indeed!

WA, 1883 posts
19 Sep 2011 8:55AM
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Cool as pics guys

Especially when your at work with red bulldust

But their is a God and makes flyback Wednesdays windy... I hope ?

Krishna Some good Karma to you for seeing the best in both worlds reminds me of way back when with the last shot

Wishy did you loop it

WA, 87 posts
19 Sep 2011 9:52PM
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yeah that squall that came through got me a good 'un

WA, 134 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:16AM
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c'mon your not trying hard enough! should have been out in the morning could have gone even bigger!!!! and not a strapless board in sight?

WA, 1501 posts
20 Sep 2011 11:01AM
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DaCurls said...

c'mon your not trying hard enough! should have been out in the morning could have gone even bigger!!!! and not a strapless board in sight?

Haha one of the lads was texting us all at 6am asking where we were!
Given that it was squalling between 18-40knots and raining completely sideways (if not upwards?) I took the stay in bed for a few more hours option.

WA, 1094 posts
20 Sep 2011 11:43AM
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But raining upward means extra lift


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Pretty windy today" started by wishy