Forums > Kitesurfing General

Pulling the trigger, looping kite jump

Created by dorothyinste > 9 months ago, 24 Oct 2012
QLD, 453 posts
24 Oct 2012 6:08PM
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At what point do you loop the kite? Where should the kite be in the window when the loop is initiated?.
Is it proper to loop the kite at the apex of the boost...looping the kite by pulling hard on the back hand?
Fellow kiter told me the kite needs to loop completely and end up in the same position in the window as when the loop was started. Is this the general consensus?

VIC, 641 posts
24 Oct 2012 7:44PM
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Lots of info in this thread. Started off about back roll kite loops but still worth a read

VIC, 641 posts
24 Oct 2012 7:48PM
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actually i just re read the thread and maybe its to back roll orientated

VIC, 210 posts
24 Oct 2012 8:19PM
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Depends whether you are just learning - or have been "looping" for a while.

The later in the jump you loop - the less likelihood of your kite returning and you having a nice landing, but there will also be less power from the loop.

QLD, 549 posts
24 Oct 2012 8:09PM
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The first few times you probably don't want too much power anyway, so start the loop before reaching the apex, then play around when confident.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
25 Oct 2012 12:31PM
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Less power in the loop after the apex than before...
Sending the kite into a loop whist you are still on the way up will result in a wider longer loop as the kite face is more open to the wind...

Looping the kite after the apex whilst it is directly above you will result in a small arc as the kite pivots directly above you.

A kite loop just before landing can turn a rapid decent into a softer landing. A kite loop on the way up will send you down wind fast

VIC, 4501 posts
25 Oct 2012 3:35PM
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If you haven't done loops, my best bet would be backroll kiteloops in light wind. You can control how much pull you get from how much board speed you have. Slow board speed = pussy loop (for lack of a better word). High board speed = more yank.

Here is an example of light wind with minimal board speed, you can see pretty much zero pull through the loop so its an easy way to get to grips without putting your body on the line.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Pulling the trigger, looping kite jump" started by dorothyinste