Glad to hear that there was a bit of forethought and contingancy but I really wonder if Sir Dick would have listened to advice to land where less numbers of impressionable folks were gathered?? Would you or your guys have felt comfy going head-to-head with him?
I haven't met the bloke - nor do I desire to - and have never enjoyed his 'charisma' that he attempts to saturate in media with. Frankly any bloke who thinks he is showing his manhood by treating a woman as a prop and throwing her over his shoulder is a class A toool in my book - regardless of his wealth or self importance.
BTW forums are for comments pro and con - not just for positive press for an attention seeking businessman (kiter or not).
A stunt is a stunt. Cunning or not.
Certainly we would have withdrawn our involvement if we considered it risky to the public or negative for the sport.
As one of the founding members of WAKSA and pushing the safe kiting barrow for over 10 years I would be a real hypocrite if I didn't.
We also had the back up of him paddling in on a SUP if the kiting didn't happen.
As one of the people expressing concern about Branson's arrival @ Cottesloe I certainly appreciate the information that Ian has posted about permissions being sought etc.
It just goes to show how easy it is to get ahead of yourself on this forum without knowing all the facts. A valuable lesson learnt...
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
All smiles and its a luvley fkn day sir i can go and do wot i fkn like ,coz i can ,whos gonna say no !!!!Bend the rules,, wot a load of bollks,,the local anti kiting council shook and fell at the kneez to this ,,Just a shame da cnt never felt the efects like all da local crew from deep water dredging.
He still needs a hair cut...............old men with long hair just look stupid and then the stunt with the chick on his back............sorry SIR Richard but you are no longer chick magnet, but just a famous old man and a marketing genius to boot. Good on ya for the fund raiser, but showing off as you do has gotten old for me. Don't grow old, but grow up.
The great thing about Richard Branson is that he showed you could be a success in business without having to be a suit bound emotionless carbon copy. I get the feeling he truly enjoys and finds fun in all the things he pursues.
The things I take from his life is that if you do the things you truly enjoy, then your life will be fulfilling. Also, don't sell yourself out because of what other people think (ie. he won't be cutting his hair any time soon I suspect) Not everyone can be a billionaire, but we can all try and find fun and enjoyment in our lives.
OK Ian G - ta for clearing up the questions I and others had. As I said earlier it was good to have a contingancy and I know you guys like to play safe. I still have my doubts about the strength of personailty involved with the Brashone though, but hey I wasn't there so wadda I know? I actually didn't meant to paint you guys badly as my poorly constructed post seems to, so appologies there.
As for the comments from others concerning what a wonderful guy Brashone is for holding the dinner just remember he kited into Cott entirely to suit himself and his company. The tix for the charity function would have been sold a long time before and his stunt would not have aided that function of $500 a plate sycophants one iota. He donated his time but the pay-off was great publicity for himself (such a huge cult of personality around this bloke it's like he bloody cured cancer!) and his business interests. One stunt achieves golden coverage for his airline, books, phones etc etc etc. Cost to him - zero. Hell he didn't even have to hire the kite - right? Yes the funds go to a good cause but the motivation of most of the business people there is not really the charity lets be real about that.
OK so nobody got hurt (well I got a tad singed - but not 3rd degree) hopefully nobody will copy cat, and some sycophants kicked out some coin for a cause. Next thread.
wether or not you like /dislike the guy. **** he has some pull. He talks people listen . The fact he kited into cott safely and then spoke about kiting at his dinner is a big plus in my books .
he has always pushed the envelope , publicity stunt or not and i applaude him
What's the beef with R. Branson?? Of all the things in the world he could be doing, which is literally anything, he chooses kiting as his hobby. Top bloke and anyone who says other wise is a jealous whinger.
There are much worse people in the world to complain about so how about you get to it.
What a fabulous event and a real positive image for the sport.
In the recent past Cottesloe council has threatened banning the sport .
The access issues have largely been resolved but could rear its head at any stage if a member of the public is ever injured or a councillors dog gets frightened on the beach.
This sort of thing reminds the average Joe what a fantastic amenity we have on our shore and quietens the 'ban it' brigade.
Nobody has said thanks to all the Airush boys.... Ian Grose, Matt and Marko, for organising this all so successfully. Well done lads.
When are you all going to the Caribbean and can I come too?
Is that chick still hitching piggy back rides over there?
You guys crack me up. Positive press for the sport positive vibes for the council... Dream on sheep.
I guess it's not just kiters who are sheep and succumb to the cult of Perthonality but joe public also. If I was asked to fek orf from my excercise/relaxation/tanning of pink bits at a public beach, for a trumped up billionaire to treat as his own, (given that joe public probably knew squat about the corporate vegemite pack at the Indiana) I would wonder what the fek happened to the public space?? What's wrong with is own kn island - oh yeh, he press aren't there to splash him all over the papers/news cause it's his private island.
Positive press for RB and Virgin - yes indeedy.
Positive press for Airush & Airborne - you betcha.
Get ya hand off it fellas, all n sundry involved were looking after their bottom line and that includes the function. Either that or I've been wrong about santa not being real all these years?
I am not the only one who feels this way - as has been communicated away from the thread. However (almost) nobody dares to offer an opinion other than "kiters are ace and everything in kiting is soopa great" or there will be a heretic burning.
Think I'll have some nice barbequed lamb tonight, must be going cheap as it's everywhere.
Richard Branson has done kiting in WA a huge favor, councils will look at the sport more favorable if guys like him use it a s a positive marketing tool.
I say thumbs up if we get a benefit out of it.
If making a human sacrifice will help kiting in WA GET FUNKY is one of the lads I would like to see go up in smoke
Get in line bud.
Nuttin wrong with Airush - I didn't say there was - but their motivation was good business sense and exposure. Same for Brashone. I took a dislike to his 'persona' a long time before this and it is not out of envy for his dough. I don't idolise people for being rich or famous. I guess that makes me kinda strange in this modern age tho. That and i dare to go against the sheep traffic.
To make out this stunt is all about being touchy feely is niave IMO.
Consider what a member of the public, who really detests kiteboarders, and has suffered from selfish and arrogant behaviour (that even fellow kiters document here again and again) may have thought about being shooed off from a public beach, where kiting is banned for mere mortals?? Don't think that is gonna beef up the browny points for kiting in general there to be honest.
Rick - what the dude from crazy John's (RIP) did for affordable telecommunications was good also, but nobody attempts to beatify him - he just saw a niche that could (after some arm wrestling) be worked for profit. Probably cause he didn't plaster himself n spunky chicks all over his products. And he didn't kiteboard either so no cred at all really.
Myehh.. anyway I thought Brashone sucked and so did the publicity stunt, but clearly I am in the minority. It's a democracy and (generally speaking ) we love to kiss the brown spot of anyone more famous, beautiful or rich than ourselves.
Kiss away if you chose.
I met Sir Richard many years ago in the Ansett terminal in SYD, while I was on duty, and even though he was starting a new low cost airline to compete in the Australian market, he still took the time to stop and have a talk with me. Alot of people, including me, have nothing but admiration for this guy, and I think the sport is lucky for him to take it up. I wasn't there, but it seems like there were plenty of minders for the kite, and it had council approval. Much more dangerous things happen in Perth, such as the Redbull Air races, but like Branson, are carried out by people that know what ther'e doing.
Hang on a sec Ray, we cant burn GET FUNKY. Apparently he's the only one on the planet who saw that this was a publicity stunt and had to tell us all. He really does'nt have much respect for the intelligence of his fellow man.
Can we really live without a man with such wisdom as GET FUNKY?
It must be tough for him when he leaves the house and knows that he's always going to be the smartest person in the room
Congrats to Airborne for a good stunt and publicity for the sport, and congrats for Branson on making it in the tough world of running his own business.( and giving me cheap flights)
Let me guess, GET FUNKY, you work for someone else, take a rubbish wage, and are getting more and more bitter and twisted about it every day?