Nothing to do with kiting!
As the SE got smashed with another storm last night, i decided to film it.
Front last night was unreal to watch and left a wicked light show for hours as it moved out to sea.
Hi Angie,
How has the kiting been on the Goldy either side of the actual cells going through,
I should imagine there has been some full on sessions ?
I will be there at Chrissy so might see you guys around.
Next time you do some painting could you film that too and post it up here, I would like to compare that with this and see which is more interesting.
Its important to know these things.
Looked nasty.
Cya and
The vid doesn't do it justice. you can kinda tell that it went from blue sky to darker than midnight in a couple of minutes. I was driving north from caba to tweed heads. It was the lowest sitting, fastest moving, darkest and scariest front I've ever seen. As I drove thru caba every singal person on the sides of the road were just stopped and pointing or looking at it coming out of the west. amazing how quickly it went from summers day kiteable north easterly to, westerly total blackness with masses of lightening, squals and a touch of hail. I wished i had my camera then thought f*ck this is too scary, I should be hiding under the bed with my dog. Steve... everyone likes watching scary storms more than paint. But yeah, you had to be here.
Totally cool... we had a good view here on the 'Point'...
Amazing lightning show and rain that reduced visibility to 15m or so !
Mother Nature at her fiercest...
However, my thoughts go out to those who have had homes and lives wrecked by this last week...
And it looks like we are brewing another one tonight !!!
Batten down !!!
That video has nothing on this one. 1.39 is when it gets really intense
who's a storm.if you believed the news you'd think there was some great tragedy.who died? oh yeah some idiot in a drain.