I have some very sad news to share, our mate Bob Dawson died last night around midnight. He had an accident at work on Thursday, a fall from a roof, suffered severe head and spinal injuries. Was sent to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, on life support, but was declared brain dead on Friday/yesterday, he was kept on life support as he had indicated he would allow his organs to be harvested, this occurred very late on Friday and he was taken off life support around midnight last night.
I'm very sad about this, Bob was a huge help to me in business and personally, he listened to me when I needed a shoulder to lean on, I'll really miss him.
He was also extremely trusting and generous with me, I'll publish a story about him in our blog this week, without Bob Dawson, Kitepower simply would not exist as it does today.
Take care out there and live like Bob, like there is no tomorrow.
He will be sadly missed here in Coffs.
Most of the crew here where either taught to kite by Bob,had repairs done by him,or kited with him.
In my eyes kiteing would have hardly existed here without him.
Bob was an insperation to alot of us here,a legend.
Anyone that has had the pleasure to have met Bob will undertand.
Best wishes to his family through this tough time.
RIP Bob.
****. Terrible news. If you were a part of kiteboarding in Australia in the earlier days you would have known Bob as a true pioneer and legend in his own right! I'm sure Bob will be sadly missed by quite a lot of people. I never knew Bob really well but what I did know is he seemed like a top bloke!
Hope your shredding waves or riding high doing whatever it is you like doing best.
RIP mate.
A very sad day for all who knew him. Everytime I had the pleasure of his company, either kiting with him or hanging out in his kite loft hassling him to repair something super-urgently, chatting away, I would be suprised to learn of another talent that Bob was passionate about. He was a great guitarist, yoga teacher, builder/inventer, and eternal optimist. Those that were lucky enough to know him better than me would probably have a huge list of his accomplishments.
I hope to be as fit, resilient, energetic, mentally sharp, and as fearless when I reach my 60's.
Thank you for keeping me inspired.
Warm and windy wherever your kiting Bob, see ya.
I'm very sad about this shocking news.
I met Bob when he was still flying huge Delta frame kites in the water on a surfboard. Gutsy stuff and his passion for the sport was evident way back even then.
A Pioneer, good bloke, kind and a kite sporting legend in Australia.
Sadly missed. Rest peacefully mate! To his close friends and family, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Sad news and a legend in kites. I remember buying one of his Delta kites in the late 90's to learn about kiting and was blown away by how much power a kite could develope. He was very helpfull and one of the leaders.
yes devastating .I and many other will miss Bob terribly .He touched everyones lives with his special brand of humanity.He was inspirational to me and many others I am sure .I will miss our chats and good times together .My deepest sympathy to his family and friends
Bob will be sorely missed in the kitesurfing community. My memory of him is of a wicked smile, inventive attitude and a passion for kites that was unquenchable.
RIP Bob and I hope there is clean wind where you are now.
I propose we request AKSA to send flowers as a kind gesture from the Australian kiting folk?
This has shattered my day reading about Bob Dawson. Let me share with you my experience of meeting Bob one day on the beach at Sawtell/Coffs Harbour
I was at the southern end of the beach helping my boyfriend rig up his kite. It was on a Saturday in Nov 2006. The NE was just coming in and my BF had his kite up with the sniff of the seabreeze. Once I lauched his 14m kite (a struggle for a 5f2in girl). I went back to my towel with an upside down smile and watched him kite.
Bob came over and introduced himself. He picked up my sadness. He asked what was up and here I was explaining to a stranger that I so wanted to kite again but had a major accident kiting 11months and 25 days ago and blew up my knee in a jump. Explained that I was 1mth in hospital and 3mth off work and I'm working in the gym to build the muscles back up after they were wasted.
Well Bob then spent 1hr sharing with me his experience of when he broke his neck and the challenges of getting back into kiting. I rember fondly of how he got back into it after his accident by borrowing kite/board/harness from a friend and just made a decision to kite again...... only problem was when he got back to the beach after his short ride his surgeon walked up to him and gave him a verbal bashing. We both laughted. He said that life was for living and never hold back and when I thought it was right to go back to kiting only I would know.
Bob's words mulled around in my head over night. We headed back to the beach the next day and again bf was out kiting. When he came back in he noticed that I looked like a girl in some sort of zone. I hobbled over to him ... asked him for his kite, harness and board. I needed to know if I could do this again. With gf holding the kite ready to lauch and my bf holding my harness handle the kite went up and we edged to the water. My knees were wobbling, my heart rate was going off. I got into the water and found it difficult to get the board on my feet as I couldn't bend my knee... but alas I got it on. I must have gone out and back twice then came in.
I knew then I was going to get back into the sport and as Bob suggested I needed to invest in a knee brace. My bf was so happy for me so we headed to Sawtell pub and celebrated with some champagne. I ran into Bob that afternoon and shared my experience. I gave him the biggest hug and said thankyou for being a special man.
4yrs on I'm kiting... even jumping again but only thanks to Bob.... RIP and now I know I have Bob as my angel everytime I kite.
This is devastating news. I was just chatting with him the other week and am shocked to read he gone. He was a genuine guy, full of honesty and integrity. RIP Bob.
Terribly sad news indeed. I was trying to explain what made him such an incredible guy but I don't think I can do him justice. He was inspirational, and I really mean that. He just seemed to really have his way of being in his life sorted out - he was incredibly astute and intelligent, as well as very, very kind. There was much more to him that that I thought, but I just don't really know how to express it and I would probably do a crap job.
So instead, I'd like to tell the story I always tell about Bob, from when him and Lachy picked me up and we all went to the wave nats at Kawana.
We got to a motel (after laughing till we cried all the way in the van) and Bob and I went into the office, leaving Lachy in the van. The woman at the reception gave Bob (a short, grinning 60 year old) and me (about a foot taller, in my twenties and in a mini skirt) a very terse look and drew her own conclusion.
Never EVER passing up an opportunity for a chortle, Bob looks at her and says:
"Ah, yeah. I'd like a room. For me..and me..ahhhhhhhhhh, me...NIECE"
The woman handed over the form and key in stoney silence and Bob straight-faced it all the way out the door.
He was a wonderful bloke and many many people will miss him dearly. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Thanks everyone for the testimonials and stories, they have been wonderful to read, they are helping all of us through a tough time.
Rest assured Bob did not suffer.
The ladies and his kids/family left behind in the wake of Bobs life, and who are now trying to deal with the empty place in their hearts, have asked me to relay a message here.
If any of you want to attend the funeral service you are all very, very, welcome. The service will be held in Bobs local SLSC at Sawtell, most likely.
Anyone who wants to speak at the service should let me know 0433323299, or call Shelley Dawson on 0423 368426
You can email tributes/testimonials that you would like to be read at the service to me at steve(at)kitepower.com.au (replace at and brackets with @).
I'll post details of the service time and exact location soon.
Please let everyone you know, to stop sending repairs to Bobs address. His website will be shutdown within the next 48hrs.
Hi Steve
Perhaps rather than shut Bob's website down we could keep it going (not as a retail site of course bus as a testimonial site and with Bob's families blessing ) but change it and keep it as as a Tribute to Bob and get some photos of Bobs life and have his story up there (friends and family from kite and non kite backgrounds being welcome to contribute.) for all to see and enjoy and maybe allow others who never met Bob to get to know what a lovely and inspirational guy he was and why he meant so much to all of us .
A very sad loss! Bob was all time, he was one of the first to work out kiteboarding way back when none of us knew. True legend, may you in Rest in Peace buddy!
Awesome idea Lach, I'll talk to Chris Robson and Mike Richards about this today, thanks for your input mate!!
Bobs Memorial service has been confirmed, Sawtell is just south of Coffs Harbour and was one of his favourite kite flying and kite surfing spots.
Sawtell Surf Club and the date is Monday, 30th August at 1pm.
Anyone wanting to send something to be read at the service, email it to me before Saturday evening please. Anyone wanting to send flowers send them to,
Sawtell S.L.S.C.
Fourth Avenue
NSW 2452
Ph 02 6653 2164http://www.sawtellslsc.hot.net.au/
Thanks for the update Steve.
We were just talking about it down the beach wondering when it was going to be.
If there is a need for people to help set up the surf club for it,or what ever, let us know, many here are keen to help out if its needed.
I'll be driving up the day before with my wife and son and staying somewhere in Sawtell, it would be good to meet up with some of you local mates of Bobs in Sawtell for breakfast.
Bob would not want us all to be sad and gloomy, and I'm certainly planning to fly some kites, especially the one he made for me in the KP colours, that I flew with him the last time I saw him.
There will be emotional times at the service, but I reckon there will be some wind too, and we should use it to remember Bob and what he really enjoyed most.
I only met Bob twice,through Lach and Frank, and he and his awesome reputation set a benchmark for me from that moment....to be happy and fit and loving his kiting at his age. If I can achieve what he had , I will be truly stoked.
Bob has so many admirers....I just hope he knows that somehow.
Bob was always such a positive inspiration and inevitably a cheerful voice in person, on the phone or in an email wether welcoming us Californian's back to Au or helping with a kite tech issue late in the evening. He was an absolute master of modifications for the Peter Lynn arcs and a magnificent intellect regarding anything flying on strings. He was just such a source of positive energy. Always remember Lach going on about what a great influence he was to the kitesurf culture in Au and everywhere else on the planet. It was obvious to us from our contact with Bob that this was the case to the highest level. Our heartfelt condolences to his extended family and friends from all of us here in the USA who ever who have been forever changed to have held a kite in our hands on the water and owe so much to this great person. RIP Bob.
Malibu Ca.
Over ten years ago, I was standing on the shore at the jetty in Coffs Harbour when some crazy guy in the choppy water caught my attention. He was getting launched about 50 feet across the water at lightening speed, before crashing is a spectacular fashion. I was in fits of laughter for what seemed to be hours as I watched him try and try again. He wasn't going to give up.
Weeks after that day I met him on the beach and we became good friends. He went out of his way to teach me all he knew about flying kites, and I bought my first kite from him. He introduced me to Ben, Rod and Pete one the waters edge of Coffs and Kiting became a big part of my life.
In the passed years I have enjoyed many hours of kiting with him. Working with and for him, sewing his kites in his shed out the back. It was more like being with a family member than work.
I have met so many good people through that crazy man. The world has lost one of the best people you could have ever met. My love goes out to Michelle and the family.
If anyone can teach angles to fly, It will be Bob. Rest in peace good friend.
Never met or even heard of Bob Dawson but to all those who ever knew him GOD BLESS to everyone my thoughts go out to everyone and the kite community
Cheers T