carn't we just ban windsurfing! I mean come on what other stuff do we cling onto from the 70's its just embarrassing...
get rid of it just like we got rid of tape recorders.
Hey ..... for 10 years I played 1st grade rugby and trained in full contact karate in New Zealand, and recieved or witnessed these injuries during play. I personally had a broken forearm arm, dislocated Knee, 20 to thirty stitches in my head from getting punched or kicked, 3 broken noses, ..... I also witnessed 40 or 50 dudes fully knocked out, 2 broken legs, lots of split heads and broken noses, many broken fingers, and many a dude taken to hospital etc etc etc.... and was involved in 2 large Rugby brawls where both teams were involved and up the 20 bystanders joined in the mayhem.
Strangely we all played this game because we were having fun, all competitive types , and got to hang out with our mates. No one ever had little pissy fits after the event. OK, we got to also drink alot of beer .... not alot else to do in NZ.
Come on Kite and Windsurfer flowery dudes - Toughen the Fark up.
Matt (reflex) you are one of the Great WA Water Men ( with a big smile) lead by example and show the love.
Thanks for the wake up Matt. Felt all warm inside when you sprayed me at warp speed as you fanged past me while I floundered boardless. Not big, not clever. I'm not in the market for a closed head injury and 3 years of rehab. Please don't do it again.