Forums > Kitesurfing General

Seabreeze pull ur finger out and give me a KITEMAP

Created by salt > 9 months ago, 12 Jan 2011
VIC, 616 posts
12 Jan 2011 11:51PM
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Give me a map that users can update with their fave spots around Aus..they can include useful info eg. suited to beginner/advanced and ideal wind conditions eg:
this last website is in no way comprehensive though.

If seebreeze did it it would be off the hook.

ps posted this in the wrong section before...

VIC, 4501 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:04AM
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Yup. How about making the next kite comp an "Add a location in Australia along with Pics" competition.

That should give you all the spots in Australia.

QLD, 139 posts
12 Jan 2011 11:10PM
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Why would we want that!!!! so every tourist knows where to go!
Talk about destroying your local!!!!!!!!

WA, 3464 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:26PM
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Give me............huh, what planet.

NSW, 692 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:29AM
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Half the fun is finding and exploring the next untouched piece of paradise. AKSA, and state branches have details of the most congested areas or sensitive kiting beaches, to assist with maintaining access. Get out and explore.


NSW, 692 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:33AM
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Why start another thread with the same topic. People aren't go
Ing to respond any diffent. Maybe go Tao the other forum, and get them to do it.


WA, 1255 posts
12 Jan 2011 9:39PM
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TAS, 824 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:44AM
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kyteryder said...

Half the fun is finding and exploring the next untouched piece of paradise. AKSA, and state branches have details of the most congested areas or sensitive kiting beaches, to assist with maintaining access. Get out and explore.


Like this??

Click on the 1st pic!!

Cannot wait to get home to Tassie and explore some spots like this!!

VIC, 616 posts
13 Jan 2011 1:54AM
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default said...


when i was new to victoria i went to Gunnamatta and it was frgn dangerous due to unseen hazards (rips and rocks) maybe us seabreezes could act like a community and help each other out. If u don't want to meet new people and help out a fellow kiter ur post is not welcome.

I guess this post is for all those people who don't have all the time in the world to "explore" dangerous beaches near seal colonies/rips/reefs.

I personally would like to travel 2 hrs and know its worth the drive. gr8 if u have limitless time or a car. I have neither, so hiring a car and knowing i'm going to a good spot would be ideal.

QLD, 2057 posts
13 Jan 2011 1:53AM
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Salt, pull your finger out and make one yourself.

Do us a favour. Leave Qld off your map.

Half the fun is finding spots.

Don't give the lazy people any help.

I suppose you want beachside Maccas at each spot too?

There's enough info on the state associations websites.

NSW, 517 posts
13 Jan 2011 10:26AM
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Heres your map right here GOOGLE EARTH
Thats what I use
You would be suprised of how many spots you can find using that alone
As KR pointed out
Half the fun is finding and exploring the next untouched piece of paradise
Get out and explore.

QLD, 129 posts
13 Jan 2011 9:45AM
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The last thing I want is some blow through telling the rest of australia/world about my local. The tourists bash it hard enough as is thanks.

WA, 1874 posts
13 Jan 2011 7:53AM
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Theres some recently new flatwater spots over East there - just be carefull of the Cows with horns

P.s W.A is crap at the mo, no wind anywhere - try Egypt

WA, 1255 posts
13 Jan 2011 8:01AM
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salt said...

default said...


If u don't want to meet new people and help out a fellow kiter ur post is not welcome.


VIC, 4501 posts
13 Jan 2011 11:29AM
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Relax people. Nobody says you have to put your hidden secret spots on the map. Just the main kiting locations so people who arrive in a city know where to go. How many of you know the main locations to go to in any city you travel along with hazard (rips, hidden rocks etc).

Every month we have people posting "Hi, I'm arriving in XYZ, where do I go kite?". We have new people to the sport who need to know suitable locations to ride at so we don't have douches self launching at bathing beaches. This could quite easily be combined with a list of beaches that you're not allowed to kite at (like Bondi or wherever the lifeguards are likely to give you hassles) so we don't have to constantly educate idiots.

The way I see it, we could even get Laurie to remove secret locations on request so if some euro happens to get to one of your prime secret locations because some knob in QLD tells him about it to try get into the pants of his hot girlfriend, and he puts it on seabreeze, you can get it removed.

VIC, 1395 posts
13 Jan 2011 11:31AM
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I like the idea.

the truth
QLD, 189 posts
13 Jan 2011 10:35AM
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I've checked all the recent posts and cant find those pants anywhere, common give us a clue

VIC, 1159 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:22PM
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"Seabreeze pull ur finger out and give me a KITEMAP"

Not the best way to word a request, makes you sound like a spoilt 5 year old mate.

Seabreeze is a free site, it takes people's time to set up these things.

There is already a site called for finding new spots. It works pretty well and I have used it to find spots in Europe and Australia. Anyone can add a location - it can fall flat because the quality of information comes down to the quality of data the contributor adds to it. You can also download a .kmz file from Windfinder which overlays onto Google Earth so you can get an idea of good wind areas, which in turn leads to being able to do a desktop recon of potential beaches.

Discovering unique spots takes time and those who are prepared to take the time should be rewarded, its just not feasible to rock up to an unknown spot and expect to know it well and work straight off the bat. I have been on trips around Cape Leuvin/Margaret River area where I have just checked out a location to save in my brain bank, but never got the chance to ride it because the conditions weren't right.

That said, some of the localism is pretty bad on this thread (and site generally), I have traveled to lots of spots in France, Greece, Spain and the UK and the locals are always happy to help out, even if there is a bit of a language barrier. I've had a French girl strip down to her underwear to rescue my kite off a rock shelf after I dropped it in the break. I couldn't imagine many Australians doing the same for a Euro tourist if they got caught in a similar situation over here.

This isn't surfing, where a crowded break leads to less waves being caught. One great bit about this sport is rocking up to a new spot, having a chat on the beach with other people about their gear and experiences, finding out what the local rules are while setting up/waiting for the wind to build and then helping each other out by giving safe assisted launches, then sharing the stoke with each other whilst enjoying it out on the water.

NSW, 692 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:28PM
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I understand that it is important for people to know were obvious hazards are, to avoid injuries etc. Though what Salt has asked for is:

"Give me a map that users can update with their fave spots around Aus..they can include useful info eg. suited to beginner/advanced and ideal wind conditions "

When i was younger and pre the internet, if i wanted to go for a surf, i would grab a map. (or google earth in this instance - thanks teabaggin), and look at the weather charts, etc. and make my mind up.

Good local knowledge is always good, but do you think a bunch of surfers really want to people to know, that there favourite break only works in a huge southerly swell, with a slight North Wester wind, at low tide, which gives the best barrels. You would have 5 bus loads of people surf the spot when the conditions are right.

Your favourite Spot doesn't necessarilly have to be a secret spot. But by having it up on a website as a kitesurfing destination will certainly bring more people to the area. I agree that you could remove places from the maps. But do you really think that people will be removing - Woodies/Dolls point/Cotton Tree etc. from the map. This will only make these areas busier, and the Locals, probably don't mind a few extra people visiting. But to put them up with Flashing Neon Lights seems to me a bit unnecessary.

The State association websites all ready flag the beginner areas/ rock areas and dangerous areas. Why don't we leave it up to the State Associations to contiinue to perform that function.

Trust me i will probably be the first person to put a post in Seabreeze, when I go to WA, lookin for the best spots. But the post will disappear of the first page of the forums in a day or so, and unless you search the site or google, it wont be easily found.

Idea isn't a bad one, but with already on the internet, if all people feel that strongly about it. Add your spots on the list, and even Laurie might put a link to the site if it is accepted by all parties. - But i bet it wont happen. - Because no one wants to add their own local break, to the site. They want it for themselves, and their mates.

Rant over


VIC, 4501 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:45PM
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the truth said...

I've checked all the recent posts and cant find those pants anywhere, common give us a clue

How about these which are all on the first page of the Vic Area?

kyteryder said...


I understand that it is important for people to know were obvious hazards are, to avoid injuries etc. Though what Salt has asked for is:

"Give me a map that users can update with their fave spots around Aus..they can include useful info eg. suited to beginner/advanced and ideal wind conditions "

When i was younger and pre the internet, if i wanted to go for a surf, i would grab a map. (or google earth in this instance - thanks teabaggin), and look at the weather charts, etc. and make my mind up.

Good local knowledge is always good, but do you think a bunch of surfers really want to people to know, that there favourite break only works in a huge southerly swell, with a slight North Wester wind, at low tide, which gives the best barrels. You would have 5 bus loads of people surf the spot when the conditions are right.

Your favourite Spot doesn't necessarilly have to be a secret spot. But by having it up on a website as a kitesurfing destination will certainly bring more people to the area. I agree that you could remove places from the maps. But do you really think that people will be removing - Woodies/Dolls point/Cotton Tree etc. from the map. This will only make these areas busier, and the Locals, probably don't mind a few extra people visiting. But to put them up with Flashing Neon Lights seems to me a bit unnecessary.

The State association websites all ready flag the beginner areas/ rock areas and dangerous areas. Why don't we leave it up to the State Associations to contiinue to perform that function.

Trust me i will probably be the first person to put a post in Seabreeze, when I go to WA, lookin for the best spots. But the post will disappear of the first page of the forums in a day or so, and unless you search the site or google, it wont be easily found.

Idea isn't a bad one, but with already on the internet, if all people feel that strongly about it. Add your spots on the list, and even Laurie might put a link to the site if it is accepted by all parties. - But i bet it wont happen. - Because no one wants to add their own local break, to the site. They want it for themselves, and their mates.

Rant over


Would you prefer for people to attempt to kite at the wrong locations with disastrous results for both themselves and the kiting community (bans) or would you prefer for them to go to the correct locations because ultimately if they come onto seabreeze and ask where to go, people will point them to woodies anyway?

QLD, 4873 posts
13 Jan 2011 12:18PM
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One Kite Map as requested.

NSW, 601 posts
13 Jan 2011 1:19PM
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salt said...

Give me a map that users can update with their fave spots around Aus..they can include useful info eg. suited to beginner/advanced and ideal wind conditions eg:

Given the number of "helpful" Aussies who'd be sending Euros off into the outback to find that "Epic flat water lake free from crocs and sharks" they marked on the map 5 hours outside any major cities, I don't think it's the best idea!

WAKSA, NSWKBA, KBV and SEQKA all have locations on their websites already, if someone had the time they could take the spots from each of the state websites and update kitebeaches, assuming it doesn't have them already.

NSW, 692 posts
13 Jan 2011 1:33PM
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In my post i make mention that the state association websites already provide this service for kiters. On NSWKBA's page it makes mention on not kiting in specific locations, or problem areas for sketchy take off's.

Correct me if i am wrong, i would assume the Seabreeze website has more "hits" than AKSA, and the state association websites combined together, which is why people ask these questions. - To improve public knowledge on websites, i would agree that Laurie, could add a link, or a tab to each state association's web page, in a more prominent location. This would then make this information more accessible for Euro's extra, that are unfamiliar with the kite boarding association setup in Australia. - I know personally, i am on Seabreeze 2 times atleast per day. But visit AKSA or NSWKBA, about 2-3 times per year. Nothing wrong with their websites, its the forums, and weather i come here for.


WA, 3848 posts
13 Jan 2011 11:00AM
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It's a tough one!

On one hand, I thought it was pretty well catered for already via the associations, kitebeaches, and many other sites. I'm also well aware of some pretty serious hate mail that comes in by publishing "spots".

There is so much that we all want to add to the site, however there are limit to time, money & skills. The wish list currently has 156 items on it .. some small, some huge.

I'm passionate about seabreeze and adding bits that are really handy, and am up early most days eager to get on with improving the site.

p.s. A more humerous take on salt's original post here:

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
13 Jan 2011 2:45PM
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Maps showing kiting locations for city beaches are already available.......

outside of the city........ USE A MAP, A WIND FORECAST and COMMON SENSE

If you want to be a kiter ...LEARN to assess conditions, learn about the wind, about wind directions, swell etc........

Do not be a sheep and wait for someone to tell you

"YES you can kite here it is safe" because tomorrow or the following week when you do return ( with your mates ) it may NOT be safe.

Learn to asess the conditions by yourself.

Salt : If you had taken a quick look at Gunamatta ( Faces directly SW ) on any map you would see that that coast is super exposed ( CApe Shank to Portsea ) anthing over 4ft swell and you can get serious rips, 8ft + and it shuts down out the back like a freight train, ( massive 500m+ long closeouts ). 10 -12ft pluss and the whole beach vibrates when they closeout.

You will find Flinders ( Faces more SSE ) more forgiving on these days although not a beginer spot due to the rocks ( & sharks )

For a more beginner friendly set up ....if there is a decent swell and the wind is S -ENE try Pt Leo, Shoreham, Merricks etc........ For S-NW try Cat bay, Flynns Reef, Right Point ( all on Phillip Island )

Surfcoast - Swell is almost always 2-3 ft smaller than the Gunamatta/ Portsea coast ( Unless it is a SE swell ) most places work from a SW - ENE

Use common sense , dont kite near swimmers, share with surfers or be sent in , if you are unsure about the conditions dont go out.

For kiting in the bay and a few other places check

As I said earlier though ....learn to assess the conditions yourself and you will have the knowledge to kite anywhere in the world ( with the exception of local rules and no kiting zones )

Outside of that no-one is going to give you details about their local spot on a public forum, but you dont need them too if you have a map, a forecast and a sense of adventure.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Seabreeze pull ur finger out and give me a KITEMAP" started by salt