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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Shark Stories

Created by Uber > 9 months ago, 21 Jun 2005
VIC, 107 posts
13 Jul 2009 6:45PM
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I dont no about sharks except i saw a large whale 200m off green point in port philip bay yesterday!!!

WA, 3856 posts
3 Nov 2009 9:57PM
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NSW, 482 posts
4 Nov 2009 10:43AM
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Kayaker gets chomped!

'It was big, dark eyes, scary, evil': man's shark attack terror
November 1, 2009

A kayaker is lucky to be alive after being attacked by a four-metre great white shark in the ocean off Victoria’s south-west coast.

Rhys Gadsden was out for a morning paddle off Portland on Friday when he says a great white shark appeared from the deep and wrapped its jaws around his sea kayak, leaving giant puncture marks.

The 27-year-old was flipped off the kayak and spent a terrifying 15 minutes in the water by his kayak desperately hoping he would not be eaten alive.

‘‘I grabbed my oars, hit it in the head probably five to six times and it released it,’’ the Portland man told the Nine Network.

‘‘As soon as it released its bite it turned and headbutted me and knocked me over and put me in the water with it.

‘‘It was freaky being in the water, yeah, I didn’t know where it went, I didn’t know if it was going to come back.

‘‘I didn’t know what to do really, I didn’t want to splash around and make it come back.’’

Finally a nearby boat came to his rescue.‘‘It took me a while to calm down, I was shaking for hours after,’’ he said.

‘‘It was big, dark eyes, scary, evil, I never want to do that again.’’

Less than 24 hours after coming face to face with the great white, Mr Gadsden was brave enough to paddle out for a few metres into the water on Saturday for TV cameras.His friends have also nicknamed him ‘‘shark-bait’’.

Local surf life savers have conducted patrols of the harbour since the attack but have not spotted the shark.

NSW, 482 posts
4 Nov 2009 10:47AM
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Dangerous sharks to be tracked off Qld
October 28, 2009


Australia's most dangerous sharks will be monitored and shark netting improved, as the Queensland government tries to reduce the risk of attacks.

The government will spend $125,000 on a five-year program to monitor bull, tiger and white sharks, to learn more about their behaviour.

It will also invest in new acoustic alarms to alert whales and dolphins to the presence of shark nets off Queensland beaches.

Alarms are already in place but the new devices will sound a longer and louder noise at a lower pitch to make the creatures aware of the nets sooner.

Premier Anna Bligh said although the program would help scientists learn more about sharks, the government would keep using shark nets and drum lines because human safety came first.

Five whales have become entangled in shark nets off the Gold Coast this year but Ms Bligh said it was a relatively small number considering up to 13,000 whales were migrating back to southern waters.

"There's no guarantees that this will make any big difference but we need to trial it and see," she told reporters.

"We do need to keep people safe on our beaches but anything we can do to keep whales safe as well is worth trying."

Shark control program manager Tony Ham said he hoped the program would lead to improvements in shark management.

"If, for instance, we were to find that some species of sharks no longer interact with the gear as they do now, it might be that we do change some of that equipment - perhaps a net for a drum line," Mr Ham told reporters.

"That might then further refine the species that we trap."

Acoustic tags would be inserted surgically into sharks that were caught and would provide data for up to seven years, Mr Ham said.

Monitoring stations would record data from the sharks when they were close by, and may also get data from sharks tagged in other projects.

The funding announcement comes after a great white shark caught in a drum line off Stradbroke Island was hauled in with a massive bite taken out of it, probably by another shark up to six metres long.

Mr Ham said it was rare evidence of the large sharks that lived off Queensland's coast.

"I don't see that it's a need for more fear, if you like, but it is a pointer to people to remind them that they need to be very discerning about where and when they swim, particularly in Queensland's waters," he said.

About 150 sharks are expected to be tagged in three years.

VIC, 244 posts
4 Nov 2009 4:48PM
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great footage of some psycho feeding and swimming with bullsharks.

Attenborough commentating too

NSW, 692 posts
4 Nov 2009 9:32PM
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what a freak!!! - Not my idea of fun.

QLD, 6 posts
5 Nov 2009 9:08AM
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Thats the same guy who got his calf bitten off by a bull shark while making a film in the water with them....

matt camo
QLD, 95 posts
11 Nov 2009 10:47PM
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f-ing retard has a death wish

NSW, 482 posts
15 Nov 2009 11:34AM
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Great Whites hang out in 'shark cafe'
November 5, 2009


Great Whites may be loners but the ocean's most feared predators also hang out together between Mexico and Hawaii at a deep sea watering hole known as the "White Shark Cafe", a study released on Wednesday reveals.

No animals inspire more fascination and frissons but scientists admit to knowing precious little about how the endangered Great Whites get around and get it on as they navigate the globe's oceans.

Like other open water sharks prized for their meat - and, in Asia, especially for their fins - the magnificent hunting machines are threatened with extinction, according to experts.

The new study identifies a distinct population and a major new genetic grouping of the Great White in the eastern Pacific, only the third such "clade" ever found.

The other two concentrations of Carcharodon carcharias are off the coast of South Africa and in the waters between Australia and New Zealand.

It had long been assumed shark species at the top of the ocean food chain that roam the high seas looking for food and mates did so almost randomly.

But using satellite tagging, acoustic monitoring of shark "hot spots" and genetic samples, a research team led by Barbara Block of Stanford University found - to their surprise - that the eastern Pacific's Great Whites are real homebodies.

Over an eight-year period, nearly 100 sharks were electronically tagged and even more had tissue samples taken by scientists working from a ship.

Not only do the sharks consistently migrate along the same paths, they stick to a schedule too.

Between August and December, the Great Whites - which can grow up to six metres and three tonnes - stalk waters off the coast of central and northern California, feasting on seals and sea lions.

Their preferred hunting grounds in this area are known as the "red triangle", notes the study, published in the British journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Starting in January, they head for the deep blue around Hawaii some 4,000km to the west, where they are found in largest numbers between April and July.

But some - especially males - loiter at a halfway point known as the "White Shark Cafe", with females coming and going for what scientists presume is a bit of shark intimacy.

The new findings will help conservation efforts, the study concludes: "The population's fidelity to predictable locations offer clear population assessment, monitoring and management options."

A third of the world's open water sharks - including the Great White and hammerhead - face extinction, according to the largest ever shark survey, completed earlier this year by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

For decades, significant numbers of sharks - including blue and mako - have perished as "by-catch" in commercial tuna and swordfish operations.

More recently, the soaring value of shark meat has prompted some of these fisheries to target sharks as a lucrative sideline.

Europe is the fastest growing market for meat from the porbeagle and another species, the spiny dogfish.

Around 100 million sharks are caught in commercial and sports fishing every year, and several species have declined by more than 80 per cent in the past decade alone, according the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

QLD, 4 posts
22 Nov 2009 3:24AM
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I went to mige point for a kitesurf and found this

I have seen one or two but not 20 at the same spot !!!

QLD, 4 posts
22 Nov 2009 3:25AM
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TAS, 753 posts
25 Nov 2009 8:59AM
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poodle360 said...

Probably something like this
' ')

Doesn't eat people, nothing to worry about

24 posts
12 Dec 2009 8:07AM
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Hi All,

Not so much a shark story but advice I saw on here.

Someone had asked about kiting over in Frazer Island and all of the responses had said don't do it there are lots of sharks active and all advice is stay out of the water ......... except one.

Someone had writton that...

'It should be OK as long as you don't do too much body dragging......'

What a nightmare if the poor guy then gets attacked. What does the doctor write on the death certificate - " Reason for Death: Too Much Body dragging"

Made me smile!!!!!!!! (But didn't get as much as my toes wet over there!!)

VIC, 244 posts
15 Dec 2009 9:33AM
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THIS great white shark photographed cruising in Port Phillip Bay has raised fears of our worst shark season yet.
Two fishermen were frozen with fear as the 4m monster circled their boat off Altona for about 10 minutes.

"He came and touched the boat about three times," Ray Theuma said.

Have you snapped a big shark? To send us your pics, click here

"He was going around and around and around for about 10 minutes. He was very hungry, mate."

Experts say conditions are perfect for a big shark season, with ideal water temperatures and an abundance of bait fish.

Melbourne Aquarium's Nick Kirby said an increase in fish populations after the tightening of fishing permits could attract more sharks into the bay.

"What you've got is a temperature in the bay which is a great temperature for a cold-water animal if it wants to speed up its metabolism and have a feed," he said.

"I would suggest it's going to be a long summer given how early the temperatures have peaked."

Mr Theuma, 56, was fishing with his nephew Brian Bell about 7km off shore when they were stalked by the great white shark.

"My boat is 4.6m and the great white was approximately the same size as the boat," he said.

Mr Bell, 47, from England, took some amazing photos of the shark as it circled.

Mr Theuma, who has fished in Port Phillip for 20 years, said he feared the shark would venture closer to shore.

He was also concerned about inexperienced young people taking boats out and swimming in deep water.

"There's a lot of young people who are new to boating," said Mr Theuma, who is a member of the Altona Boating and Angling Club.

Life Saving Victoria's Guy Britt said the Westpac rescue helicopter was already patrolling on weekends.

It will be on duty daily after Christmas until Australia Day, when beachgoer numbers peak and sightings are more likely.

Mr Britt urged swimmers to take care.

Surfwatch Australia founder Michael Brown said conditions were attracting many more bait fish along the east coast, which in turn brought sharks close to shore.

He said swimmers should avoid areas with schools of fish that could attract sharks, which often sat just behind breakers.

QLD, 4 posts
19 Dec 2009 2:42PM
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Taken up near exmouth last week. Not huge, but big enough for me to not hang around.

QLD, 2776 posts
30 Dec 2009 7:57PM
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^^^ that looks like a shovel nose shark. they get to about 3 metres but are completely harmless.

WA, 1675 posts
6 Jan 2010 9:48AM
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That one in Exmouth looks like a shovel nose at sandy bay.
We are a bit further down the coast at the moment and had a small tiger in the bay yesterday but with a 3.5m tiger washed up on the beach and a ray on the sand bank with a big chunk taken out there is something a lot bigger lurking around windy.... bay at the moment.
The perth crew are wondering why no one else was keen on a night kite, especially when we have been kiting all day anyway.

VIC, 244 posts
15 Jan 2010 10:35AM
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Giant shark killed man in shallow water

January 15, 2010 - 12:17AM
JOHANNESBURG: Witnesses have described their horror at seeing a tourist being eaten by a ''gigantic'' shark in South Africa's most popular holiday spot.

Lloyd Skinner was pulled under the surf and dragged out to sea by the shark, believed to be a great white, off Fish Hoek beach in Cape Town. His diving goggles and a dark patch of blood were all that remained in the water.

''Holy ****. We just saw a gigantic shark eat what looked like a person in front of our house,'' Gregg Coppen posted on Twitter. ''That shark was huge. Like dinosaur huge.''

The attack on Tuesday afternoon came after an increase in shark sightings and led to calls for an electronic warning system to alert swimmers.

Mr Skinner, 37, a Zimbabwean who lived in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was standing chest-deep 100 metres from the shore and adjusting his goggles when the shark struck. It was seen approaching him twice before he disappeared in a flurry of thrashing.

Disaster management services had issued a warning hours earlier that sharks had been spotted in the water, but the shark flag was not flying.

The shark was ''longer than a minibus'', Mr Coppen told the Cape Times. ''It was this giant shadow heading to something colourful. Then it sort of came out [of] the water and took this colourful lump and went off with it. You could see its whole jaw wrap around the thing, which turned out to be a person.''

Mr Skinner was reportedly on holiday to attend the wedding of his partner's daughter. His partner was at the beach with him.

Four rescue boats and a helicopter searched in vain for him on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ian Klopper, a spokesman for the National Sea Rescue Institute, said: ''You can rule out any chance of finding him alive. Whether we find body parts, it's very unlikely. We think the shark took everything.''

QLD, 796 posts
22 Jan 2010 4:14PM
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I know of a few guys who have crossed the path of small sharks around Redcliffe and Brighton/ Sandgate in bris. One of them being my 14 year old son who was on a down winder with a group of guys. When he got to Sandgate from Scaborough he was all excited about seeing the shark which i thought was his imagination untill the the next four guys came into the beach yelling did you see the shark. There is a **** load of bull sharks around Brighton and Sandgate, The jetty there is very popular with shark fisherman but no one has been chewed on yet touch wood.

WA, 752 posts
3 Feb 2010 3:55PM
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Great white shark near miss off Rockingham W.A. this week...

NSW, 106 posts
4 Feb 2010 9:49AM
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theres be heaps at hawks nest beach lately, the alarms were going off nearly every day at one stage, i kited right over one the otherday and the same about a month before. the lifeguards thought they would get a closer look at a great white one day, it bit the ore

NSW, 3 posts
5 Feb 2010 9:18AM
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Kite surfer killed in shark attack in Florida.

16 posts
5 Feb 2010 10:52AM
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Feb 4, 8:10 PM EST

Man is killed in shark attack in Florida

Associated Press Writer

AP Photo/Chris Shultz



Shark Attacks

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After the Attack
STUART, Fla. (AP) -- There was blood in the water, the sharks were circling and a grievously hurt Stephen Schafer - his thigh gashed and his hand mauled - was screaming in pain by the time the lifeguard reached him.

The lifeguard pulled Schafer onto his rescue board, but his cries quieted as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

He would soon be dead, marking the first deadly shark attack in Florida in five years, and perhaps a rare instance of a lethal attack by a swarm of sharks.

Schafer, 38, was attacked Wednesday afternoon a quarter-mile off South Florida's Atlantic Coast while he was out kiteboarding - using a large kite-like sail to pull him along the surface on a board strapped to his feet. When the winds lightened and his sail dropped, the Stuart man found himself in the water, surrounded by sharks.

Lifeguard Daniel Lund, 46, spotted Schafer as he scanned the ocean with binoculars from the beach about 100 miles north of Miami. He said Schafer appeared to be in distress but wasn't flailing around. Instead, he seemed to be floating on his kite in the choppy water.

Lund paddled out, struggling through 6-foot waves. As he got close, he said, the normally turquoise-green ocean was red with blood, and he could see the shadows of perhaps two or three sharks circling Schafer, churning the crimson water, occasionally breaking the surface.

"The one thing he said is he'd been bitten by a shark," the lifeguard said

Afraid the blood would set off a feeding frenzy, Lund cradled the man's head and with one arm, began paddling back to shore as fast as he could, fighting the current and wind.

About 20 minutes later, they were on the beach with paramedics performing CPR on a badly bleeding Schafer. He died a short time later at a hospital.

Schafer, an artist and graphic designer with a lifelong love of the water, had a 10-inch gash in his right thigh and numerous teeth marks on his buttocks. Authorities said his right hand was mauled in an apparent attempt to fight off the animal - or animals.

Authorities are investigating what types of sharks were involved and whether more than one shark bit Schafer. Beaches remained open Thursday.

The International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida's Museum of Natural History lists 1,032 documented shark attacks in the U.S. since 1690. Fifty of them were fatal.

"Internationally, we've been averaging four fatalities per year, despite the fact that there are billions and billions of human hours spent in the sea every year," said George Burgess, who oversees the file. "Your chances of dying in the mouth of a shark are close to infinitesimal."

He said that it was too soon to say whether Schafer was bitten by more than one shark, but that once there is a lot of blood in the water, other sharks sometimes come and investigate and may attack.

Friends said Schafer always followed the buddy system while surfing, and they were surprised he was in the water alone. They said he knew sharks were out there this time of year.

"It's hard to believe that such an experienced waterman would make that one mistake," said Teague Taylor, a childhood friend who says Schafer taught him to surf.

Schafer surfed competitively and later started sailing, windsurfing and kiteboarding.

"He had to be around the water," said Taylor, who manages a local surf shop.

The last fatal shark attack in the state was in 2005 off the Panhandle, where a 14-year-old Louisiana girl was attacked while swimming about 100 yards off shore.


Associated Press Writer Kelli Kennedy contributed to this report from Fort Lauderdale.

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WA, 284 posts
7 Feb 2010 11:25AM
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Here's the TV news video.


NSW, 482 posts
2 Mar 2010 10:16AM
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Shark attacks on the rise in Australia: study
March 02, 2010
Shark attacks in Australia are on the increase, according to new research.
The US led the world in 2009 with 28 attacks, followed by 20 in Australia and six in South Africa. Other attacks occurred in Egypt, Ecuador, Indonesia, Mozambique, New Caledonia and Vietnam.
Five people died from shark bites in 2009, compared with four the previous year, according to the University of Florida report released on Monday.
Except for a death in New Caledonia in the southwest Pacific Ocean, the fatalities occurred in South Africa, where white sharks congregate in cooler waters, said George Burgess, curator of the International Shark Attack File at the University of Florida.
One of the victims was body surfing and one was paddle boarding. The other three were surfing.
Attacks in Australia were up, according to Shark Attack File statistics.
In 2009, Australia had 20 attacks, compared with 12 in 2008 and 13 in 2007.
The same was true in South Africa which had six attacks in 2009, compared with zero in 2008 and two in 2007.
There has been an overall increase in the number shark attacks in the past two decades, although researchers attribute that to better reporting.
The report comes about a month after a 38-year-old kiteboarder was attacked and killed by a shark off the coast of Stuart, about 160 kilometres north of Miami.
It was the first deadly shark attack in Florida in five years.
According to the report, the number of shark attacks worldwide has stayed the about same, with 61 events in 2009 compared with 60 in the previous year,
The number of attacks reported in the US dropped from 41 in 2008 to 28 in 2009, said Burgess.
The number of attacks in the US has declined in each of the past three years, though Burgess said it's too soon to tell if that reflects a long-term trend.
More than half the attacks involved surfers, though the majority of shark-versus-human interactions are relatively minor.
"Most attacks are not of the 'Jaws' ilk, but more the equivalent of a dog bite," Burgess said, referring to the movie thriller about a killer shark.
The report also noted that fewer people die from the more serious shark attacks than a century ago, when about 60 per cent of shark attacks were deadly.
Only seven per cent of the attacks reported between 2000 and 2010 were deadly, likely because of advances in emergency medicine.
"We're doing a much better job of keeping people alive once they've been attacked," Burgess said.
The one thing beachgoers can do to avoid being bitten by sharks is to stay out of the water between dusk and dawn - and to stay in groups whenever possible.
"There's a reason why fish are in schools, birds are in flocks, and antelopes in herds," Burgess said.
"There's safety in numbers. It's the same thing in the water."

VIC, 46 posts
11 Mar 2010 2:15PM
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The best way to understand these beings are to get in the water with them, in a cage of course.

I did the cage diving with Great Whites at Mossel Bay in South Africa. Before that it was 90% fear and 10% respect, that totally switched around. Even my wife who is dead scared of any water got into the cage and was astonished to see how calm they actually are. It took us 3 hours just to get the shark to come close to the cage, the rest of the time she just circled us.

They are definitely not the muscles with a set of razor sharp teeth as many people believe. I would actually be careful of the young sharks though, they are stupid and very inquisitive, little like 13 year old boys discovering testosterone.

But I must say, the thought sometimes crosses my mind as well, especially with me being new in Australia and not knowing the waters as well as I would like to.

VIC, 244 posts
17 Mar 2010 3:24PM
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"The clip shows two divers interacting with sharks as they feast on the floating carcass off Port Douglas recently.

Incredibly one of the divers pats a passing shark before grabbing its fin and riding the 3m killer for a few metres while filming the joy ride on its back.

Cairns travel agent manager Clint Carroll posted the footage on his travel blog and said the action was captured around the outer Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea about 60km north of Port Douglas.

The blogger said the men in the video were known among the diving fraternity but didn't want media publicity.

"It's exciting for a diver to be able to get so close to such fish and get up close and personal. I would've loved it," he said."

VIC, 114 posts
18 Mar 2010 11:08PM
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f**k that , understand these beings, no way dude, they're killers man, hope the japanese eat them all

VIC, 46 posts
19 Mar 2010 1:20PM
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hotballs said...

f**k that , understand these beings, no way dude, they're killers man, hope the japanese eat them all

Dude without these beings you die in any case, they are one of the most important links in the circle of life in our oceans. I understand Kitesurfing would be better without the need to worry about them, but that is a bit selfish don't you think? We're in their territory, if the shark walks into your home, kill it. Same rules for all mate...


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Shark Stories" started by Uber