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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA

Created by Bo > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2010
This topic has been locked
WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:58AM
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Bo said...

Hmmm. My dear fellow kiters. The same circular arguments and we end up in a hopeless vortex of hardened perspectives. It sucks us in and the beaches get closed down. Not now, but eventually. E.g Mullaloo kiters have now perhaps 5% beach access...

To me it seems us kiters have difficulty sharing and compromising. Usage should be really easy to resolve because we do not need access to a beach when 'normal' people use it.

Imagine this:

WAKSA has pro-actively worked with Stirling Council addressing public safety, resource sharing and council liability i.e submitted a formal best practice proposal with all the public sector jargon etc. and ratified it.

Now, let's call him Dean or Denise (our showponies) full of turkey, sprouts, custard, sucking on a Jagerbomb, dreadlocked like Dre, ready to show Dem Skills, walks down to the beach on a balmy Boxing day arvo. All FIRED UP about the crowds of spectators on the beach and

-wait a minute what's this?-

There's this sign (next to the one about submerged rocks and the snakes!) "Caution: Kitesurfers Frequent this Area When Windy" and below 'Kitesurfing prohibited: Below 20 knots, Fines Apply"

Ego-crushing disappointment for Deano/Denise but I can almost guarantee you that beaches where this is implemented will remain 100% open indefinitely

Win/Win for all but a few ponies

PS Approaching someone, 'educating them' can only work if you actually have clear, established rules. At the moment there are no rules. Let's stop crying and make some!

I agree -- especially with your last point.

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:07AM
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Chris6791 said...

This is quite stunning read and hey I will add my two bobs worth.

Select to expand quote
rsc said...
[... I turned my head and this split my attention and caused some confusion for a moment.

In the 2-3 nano-seconds I looked down at the bar and it was the right way round (red to the left) and I said "I know what I'm doing" (or words to that effect, meaning what the "f..." are you talking about?) and in the process turned back to the kite and continued with the delicate balancing act, and bingo, before I had time to think, up it went. I was a little off balance due to the intervention (both mentally and physically) and was lifted up and dumped on a small sand lump about 10m away.

It took six or so pages or fluffing around with fancy legal speak without you actually quoting a single act, regulation, section or piece of tested case law to support your arguement, then when you do start quoting stuff, the best you have is wikipedia, google, and council by-laws from some county in the UK somewhere. With a bit of proper research through say the State Law Publisher website or something likea Butterworths you might come up with something local to support your arguement.

Quoting the Trade Practices Act is useless, I'd imagine there is a close zero chance or proving the 'advice given' was either misleading or deceptive, especially as there was no commercial arrangement between you and the person that offered the advice.

In your 'case study' the advice was given, received, verified by you as incorrect, and you continued with the delicate balancing act and bingo before you had time to think up it went. Me thinks you suffered from the classic case of things going pear shaped and you hung onto the bar bar for dear life. It is an instinctive reaction that you can only overcome through experience and re-training mucsle memory. As a result that baby was powered up with the inevitable result.

Blaming the girl that said something is selfish, you might not accept 100% of the blame but you can't apportion any to her.

By your own admissions the kite was around the wrong way, so my guess is you were going to fluff the launch regardless, either way you were probably going to get served a crumbed sausage. Bugger you got hurt and snapped a line but it happens.

I don't like how you have deliberately exaggerated parts of the story to provoke a response from SB members, and worse with the sole intent to quote and reference in a paper you are writing, I think that is bordering on trolling and inflammatory??? The paper you are now writing is worthless unless you declare to WAKSA and anyone else that you give it to that it is based on an exaggerated scenario that resulted in the responses you received.

By and large kiters are a great crew that don't deserve this attitude from another kiter.

1. "Quoting the Trade Practices Act is useless, I'd imagine there is a close zero chance or proving the 'advice given' was either misleading or deceptive, especially as there was no commercial arrangement between you and the person that offered the advice."-- the bar was not around the wrong way.

2. I'm not blaming the girl. I'm pointing out a complex situation that has risk for both parties. "Blame" is one of the strong cultural dynamics here obviously -- a blame culture cannot learn. The issue here (as per title) is Show Pony and the risk and outrage by joe public (like myself until a few months back) have regarding some the kitesurfing activity around public beaches. Not about me and a small event that was used to describe and communicate a stubble point about risk in public places.

3. The case study is an intervention -- you don't know what it is designed to do. Its worth will be dependent on how I frame it in context. It is a side by-product, not my primary focus. Primary focus of paper will by Soft Systems Methodology (by Peter Checkland) and the Viable Systems Model (VSM) by Stafford Beer.

4. And I'm not working for this group -- I simply spent a few spare minutes searching for any easy material to find examples that might help move this forward. They are not definitive research. Just what anyone here can also find. The Irish Beach seems to have covered the point -- if their regulations on paid trainers covers risk communications skills then the system problem can be corrected by the local councils etc. It is outside the bounds of this group/culture it seems.

5. However, the Show Pony at Briton and other beaches such as Kawana still remains an issue and not one that seems to be of much concern here.

WA, 3856 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:27AM
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Been an interesting topic this one, however I sense a change in tone is not far off, with people starting to get a bit short with each other.

Please remember, It's about beach safety.

That point is getting lost ... "When you're up to your neck in crocodiles, it's hard to remember the original intention was to drain the swamp"

As Bo says, "The same circular arguments and we end up in a hopeless vortex of hardened perspectives" .... lets all please move past what somebody did/didn't do, and whether he does/doesn't accepts responsibilty - there's no doubt that plenty of advice has been offered.

Move forward folks...

WA, 724 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:44AM
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Hey rsc,

Actually I reconsidered my post to take into account your feelings and even though you are new to the sport and could be a liability (a major liability). I honestly thougtht I would not want to distract you from an unbelievably amazing sport. I reviewed your ealier posts to determine if you where a genuine kiter or just a troll, what shocked me the most was that you were keen to kite on the 31/12 but was tired and chose not too - but what it seems like you actually did not take into account the conditions on the day (25+knots and a newb). I suppose that your 100% depowerable 12m kite was capable of upto 50knots.

In regards to OH&S officer, I beleive they create more safety isssues, the ones I have delt with generally are the same types of people trying to make a name for themselves and are are generally in the business for the money and the limelight. I have met a few that actually use their common sense ( the other type^^ will say there is no such thing as common sense) and rationalise the situation as they have an understand of the job at hand - these are people I respect.

Now I myself wear a helmet (and look like a total chop) as I have dependants and this is were reasoning and rationalle come into play.

Your investigative skills are amazing and commend you! Oh and thanks I need to update my profile.

Chill out


NSW, 120 posts
5 Jan 2011 1:02PM
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QLD, 796 posts
5 Jan 2011 12:08PM
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I think everyone should put more of there time into the pay it forward thread instead of this rabble.

the gaz
WA, 173 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:28AM
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Where are those green arrows when you need them?

VIC, 1614 posts
5 Jan 2011 1:40PM
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laurie said...

Been an interesting topic this one, however I sense a change in tone is not far off, with people starting to get a bit short with each other.

Please remember, It's about beach safety.

That point is getting lost ... "When you're up to your neck in crocodiles, it's hard to remember the original intention was to drain the swamp"

As Bo says, "The same circular arguments and we end up in a hopeless vortex of hardened perspectives" .... lets all please move past what somebody did/didn't do, and whether he does/doesn't accepts responsibilty - there's no doubt that plenty of advice has been offered.

Move forward folks...

Nah, RSC gets what's coming. If he wants to keep jumping into the bear pit with ever more elaborate justifications for his actions and ever more verbose avoidance of his own ego issues then let him. I for one am curious to see how much larger the albatross around his neck may grow before he either strangles to death, or experiences a moment of grace and says something like,

1) "Sorry guys, I have a lot to learn about kiting, and maybe a bit to learn about myself. In hindsight maybe inventing a research project was a silly subterfuge to make myself feel important and justified when my pride was hurt and now I realise that I should back down a bit and get back to basics. Hope to share a session and a beer somewhere down the track."

or, if the project existed all along,

2) "Sorry guys, I have a lot to learn about kiting, and maybe a bit to learn about myself. Maybe if I'm going to enter a community as a researcher I should be up-front about that from the start. As a soft-systems researcher and second-order cybernetician I will give more thought to the ethical and methodological importance of disclosure and especially of establishing rapport. I'm going to take some time out from argumentation and instead go and learn some of these practical people skills. Hope to share a session and a beer somewhere down the track."

NSW, 561 posts
5 Jan 2011 2:55PM
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rsc said...

kitegirl21 said...

rsc said...

mandog said...

RSC mate were are you its been bloody quite with your no show today ,mmm disapointed

Well just for you then. I've written up a draft summary for a possible future thread called "Why I Am Not Joining AKSA At This Stage". It's around six pages (*) and I'll email it to WAKSA President ...

seriously dude get a life, u say u got one but its pretty hard to believe, kitesurfing is about switching off, enjoying the thrill of waves or landing a new trick, yahoo-ing with ur mates on the water, enjoying beers and bbqs/get togethers after, enjoying sand sun and water or how bout even just the stoke of attaching yourself to a massive kite and being able to use it to drag u round in the water... its not about writing six page essays of bullsh1t... get ur hand off it

It gets even worse than that young lady. This is just a very small section of a larger peer reviewed paper being put together on 'the cybernetics of kitesurfing and the cultural infeasibility of desirable change'. Some of this free data here can be of use, but in general I'm a bit disappointed with lack of variety and diversity.

You make a lot of assumptions. Study how Troy was breached. This was a case study for private research and testing purposes. It is based on a real event although some aspects may have been exaggerated to solicite effects. For example, I'm really not that shy at all, but someone in a similar position might be. They can read this and make their own conclusions. They might even comment (but I doubt it, sensing the danger).

My life and my demographic is so far removed from what you have described that I would have to refer to the 1970s to remember. I have kids who are older than you and grandkids who are probably more emotionally developed. I'd suggest you think about this exercise as an early sign of a new demographic with a focus on more mature pleasures. Perhaps the cost of entry to the activity (thanks to the Show Pony effects) and the more pedestrian rules enforced in the future will be to our liking and help clear to waters for the more mature, gentle and considerate participants.

But keep going, I'm reading and collecting although I won't comment unless it suits me. And if you think business is not listening -- they know where the money is going to come from in the future!

Oh, and btw: I already have a technical innovation designed in concept that will I think solve a lot of the physical risk described here. It'll take a bit of time to get the patent set up but I can see it getting there for 2012/13. And I'm prepared to share it with the thoughtful emailer who prompted the idea AND the young lady/man who actually precipitated the opportunity in the first place. Let me see: 70% - 20% - 10% perhaps? As mandatory standard safety equipment on all kite rigs it might fetch a few royalties. That is what this is about dear, learning ... oh, and getting the Show Ponies off the beach. Believe it or not!

So, what are your great suggestions for 'Briton Beach' dear?

Geez, mate, you are a condescending w@nker!

Dear rsc, have you considered the possibility that Kitegirl21 could be more 'emotionally developed' than even you, let alone your grandchildren? It seems to me a pretty 'developed' and well-balanced aspiration, to want to enjoy your life & a healthy pursuit like kiting to the fullest with a bunch of friends? Don't assume that just because someone is young and enjoys frivolity that they are not also capable of emotional development and mature well considered opinions.

Djdojo is on the money i reckon

WA, 1255 posts
5 Jan 2011 12:40PM
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I find in these windless times a good root often helps

WA, 205 posts
5 Jan 2011 1:40PM
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Well put Djdojo.

WA, 186 posts
5 Jan 2011 1:56PM
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With apologies to poor rellie:

NSW, 561 posts
5 Jan 2011 5:44PM
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NSW, 21 posts
5 Jan 2011 6:03PM
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Stick to Lawn Bowls grandpa..... Plenty of old retired Fuddie duddies there that will be happy to argue crap with you all day.

To sound smarter I should have quoted something from wiki but I'm going kiting instead.

NSW, 1317 posts
5 Jan 2011 7:20PM
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ezza said...


gold ezza ,just earned yourself a new moniker at the local" rsc " rsp !!!(real show pony)

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:09PM
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richswing said...

Hey rsc,

... what shocked me the most was that you were keen to kite on the 31/12 but was tired and chose not too - but what it seems like you actually did not take into account the conditions on the day (25+knots and a newb). I suppose that your 100% depowerable 12m kite was capable of upto 50knots.

And your source of data for this amazing research and conclusion?

By any chance: ?

And you know the exact specific location as well by telepathy I assume. Amazing!

One thing you fail to notice is the need to define the time I was talking about. I'm normally down and back in the 9am-12am window. 2 hours at 15-20 km/h -- perfect for me at this stage. I missed a nice session and self launch exercise.

Suggest you engage brain next time and think about all your assumptions.

QLD, 796 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:19PM
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Come on get a life and leave it alone. If you dont reply it will fizz out...

rsc said...

richswing said...

Hey rsc,

... what shocked me the most was that you were keen to kite on the 31/12 but was tired and chose not too - but what it seems like you actually did not take into account the conditions on the day (25+knots and a newb). I suppose that your 100% depowerable 12m kite was capable of upto 50knots.

And your source of data for this amazing research and conclusion?

By any chance: ?

And you know the exact specific location as well by telepathy I assume. Amazing!

One thing you fail to notice is the need to define the time I was talking about. I'm normally down and back in the 9am-12am window. 2 hours at 15-20 km/h -- perfect for me at this stage. I missed a nice session and self launch exercise.

Suggest you engage brain next time and think about all your assumptions.

NSW, 439 posts
5 Jan 2011 11:22PM
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rsc said...

richswing said...

Hey rsc,

... what shocked me the most was that you were keen to kite on the 31/12 but was tired and chose not too - but what it seems like you actually did not take into account the conditions on the day (25+knots and a newb). I suppose that your 100% depowerable 12m kite was capable of upto 50knots.

And your source of data for this amazing research and conclusion?

By any chance: ?

And you know the exact specific location as well by telepathy I assume. Amazing!

One thing you fail to notice is the need to define the time I was talking about. I'm normally down and back in the 9am-12am window. 2 hours at 15-20 km/h -- perfect for me at this stage. I missed a nice session and self launch exercise.

Suggest you engage brain next time and think about all your assumptions.

suggest u engage ur mouth next time u open it... everyone on here is over ur bullsh1t research/data collection/blame game/60-40 ratio performance.
kitin obviously aint for u according to the crap that u write on here so move on mate

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:31PM
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jas73 said...

Come on get a life and leave it alone. If you dont reply it will fizz out...

The sooner the better imo -- but I think it is important to address direct attacks and name calling when they make blatant and incorrect statements or assertions. They are just for the record. No one needs to respond.

And for international readers: if you ever wondered what the Ozzie phrase "Kangaroo court" meant -- well this is it. Trial by ....

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:35PM
Thumbs Up

laurie said...

Been an interesting topic this one, however I sense a change in tone is not far off, with people starting to get a bit short with each other.

Please remember, It's about beach safety.

That point is getting lost ... "When you're up to your neck in crocodiles, it's hard to remember the original intention was to drain the swamp"

As Bo says, "The same circular arguments and we end up in a hopeless vortex of hardened perspectives" .... lets all please move past what somebody did/didn't do, and whether he does/doesn't accepts responsibilty - there's no doubt that plenty of advice has been offered.

Move forward folks...

Very good summary. And, might I add, informative in the statement “The same circular arguments and we end up in a hopeless vortex of hardened perspectives". This observation is one of the best I have seen here. This condition is indeed a clear indication that an effective form of languaging according to Maturana & Varela is taking place. Once this circularity is reached, and more importantly recognised, then the opportunity to move forward ‘qualitatively’ has really arisen. The undecidable (limits to current system, see Beer) have been recognised and acknowledged – one cannot go back. One can only move forward, repeat or stop.

QLD, 2057 posts
5 Jan 2011 10:36PM
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kitegirl21 said...

rsc said...

richswing said...

Hey rsc,

... what shocked me the most was that you were keen to kite on the 31/12 but was tired and chose not too - but what it seems like you actually did not take into account the conditions on the day (25+knots and a newb). I suppose that your 100% depowerable 12m kite was capable of upto 50knots.

And your source of data for this amazing research and conclusion?

By any chance: ?

And you know the exact specific location as well by telepathy I assume. Amazing!

One thing you fail to notice is the need to define the time I was talking about. I'm normally down and back in the 9am-12am window. 2 hours at 15-20 km/h -- perfect for me at this stage. I missed a nice session and self launch exercise.

Suggest you engage brain next time and think about all your assumptions.

suggest u engage ur mouth next time u open it... everyone on here is over ur bullsh1t research/data collection/blame game/60-40 ratio performance.
kitin obviously aint for u according to the crap that u write on here so move on mate

I like that girl!!

WA, 360 posts
5 Jan 2011 8:54PM
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rsc says" big word, bigword, blah, blah, blah ,bigword.

but all I can pick up is that you are a MASSIVE TOOL!!!

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:02PM
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Chris6791 said...

This is quite stunning read and hey I will add my two bobs worth. . . .

The paper you are now writing is worthless unless you declare to WAKSA and anyone else that you give it to that it is based on an exaggerated scenario that resulted in the responses you received.

I would just like to add to my other comments – this is not an “exaggerated scenario”. It is one person’s perspective among many possible in a mulitverse (Pask) which includes conversation theory.

By definition it is subjective and elements will be selected for emphasis (not exaggeration) by virtue of this reality. We all do it whether we recognise it or not. Anyone past 2nd year university should know how to handle a case study as a narrative. ‘101’ stuff really. How much you take for granted and the assumptions you make are your own responsibility. If I have directed your attention then look to yourself for some of the reasons for this.

Those who wish to simply read it at a simple and surface level as a communication device would have had no problem moving to the conclusion that there is an issue of public-private interaction on public beaches by people doing business. And moved on to the thread topic of Show Ponies.

With a view to the pubic statements to me (and really to everyone now and in the future) about CLEAR etc (*): once the point has been made then why keep harping on about it? The message is delivered in a public forum for all to read including myself.

What is done with that information is a private matter. The rest just becomes repetitive, boring, and increasingly more about self disclosure than adding value. It is obviously an ‘undecidable’ issue for this forum ‘community’ and the prognosis is that it will be resolved by higher authorities in due course (e.g. local councils most likely).

In action research (as Checkland interprets it) the end outcomes are the study of the research. The process is simply methodology and technique to get there. The interpretation and reflection on social/cultural 'reality' comes at the end. The rest is narrative. See Checkland, 1981.

(*) btw: the WAKSA site does not display the CLEAR statements CLEARLY – your system has a problem Huston! See: . The 1st time I saw this I thought WTF and moved on. Please correct or provide a link to a site that does take care to ensure their web site is working correctly for the public.

WA, 444 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:10PM
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rsc said...
With a view to the pubic statements to me

Ha ha!!! rsc said "pubic" and that means something to do with a willy and/or fanny. I think he might be starting to lighten up.

WA, 127 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:13PM
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WA, 15 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:19PM
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dirtyharry said...

rsc said...
With a view to the pubic statements to me

Ha ha!!! rsc said "pubic" and that means something to do with a willy and/or fanny. I think he might be starting to lighten up.

sh1te finally touch down it might be i say might be after nearly 250 posts.

WA, 77 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:24PM
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Come on you guys Confess. Whose the clever entertainers who created the RSC user and registered only to post this most entertaining (if not time consuming and not overly constructive) thread.

Surely RSC is not a real person who legitimately believes the twaddle he is posting.
Its not possible for someone to persist with this "last word" stupidity in a public forum for days and not Get it.

So confess you RSC creator(s) All gathered around a computer monitor with many beers having a big laugh!!!!

You're all very funny.


WA, 25 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:24PM
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Nice way to start out in this sport !

On ya.

I guess your close enough to 100, so the rest of us won't have to worry about you for much longer.

Yours truely


QLD, 4873 posts
5 Jan 2011 11:31PM
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Just getting in before lock-out. Don't want to miss anything.

PS - RSC, things must be pretty quiet in the photocopy room of the law firm you work for.

WA, 96 posts
5 Jan 2011 9:51PM
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djdojo said...

laurie said...

Been an interesting topic this one, however ...

Nah, RSC gets what's coming. If he wants to keep jumping into the bear pit with ever more elaborate justifications for his actions and ever more verbose avoidance of his own ego issues then let him. I for one am curious to see how much larger the albatross around his neck may grow before he either strangles to death, or experiences a moment of grace and says something like,

1) "Sorry guys, I have a lot to learn about kiting, and maybe a bit to learn about myself. In hindsight maybe inventing a research project was a silly subterfuge to make myself feel important and justified when my pride was hurt and now I realise that I should back down a bit and get back to basics. Hope to share a session and a beer somewhere down the track."

or, if the project existed all along,

2) "Sorry guys, I have a lot to learn about kiting, and maybe a bit to learn about myself. Maybe if I'm going to enter a community as a researcher I should be up-front about that from the start. As a soft-systems researcher and second-order cybernetician I will give more thought to the ethical and methodological importance of disclosure and especially of establishing rapport. I'm going to take some time out from argumentation and instead go and learn some of these practical people skills. Hope to share a session and a beer somewhere down the track."

Ok, I’ll pick this one up for the record although what I have to say is very far from the topic. If it develops then it should move to another thread imo. In fact djdodo, as there seems to be no interest here and only rudeness then I am prepared to email you direct offline through this website system if you wish. It is long and concludes my efforts for this session. I’ll drop the short version here now. It responds to the points you raise. If you or others want the longer version where I suggest other links to people you may be interested in and some ideas for simple solutions then use the email/message service and I’ll oblige 1:1 for the record.

Dear Djdodo,

From your self promotion at your website ( you appear to have a solid grasp of many of the deeper themes being explored here. However, espousing theory and practicing are two related but distinct activities. Words are cheap as they say: it is what you do that matters.

So you have reached Hon. Level – congratulations. Now perhaps if you applied your alleged knowledge and skills here better then others might benefit more. Or could it be you are also sitting back and observing the show and taking notes? I hope so. Be my guest, it is an open research phenomena. I am doing little more than this – other than also applying a certain catalyst effect – that is my practice according to the theory as I understand it.

You raise the ethics issue – fine. I have no ethics issue in what I’m doing. My approach is according the way of people like James Lovelock who ‘work’ as private researchers on issues they find interesting. There is no commercial or actual real or implied link between myself and my action here (or elsewhere) and any organisation or association which I need to declare or justify or ask permission from. I am a free spirit and a free man. I do not give up this freedom without very careful consideration: hence my hesitation on joining AKSA and agreeing to its indemnity conditions.

As for declaring it. Well, if it was a real research programme then what you say is correct. But it is not. It is me, myself, working in my own backyard to fix my problems such as road and traffic noise, hoon behaviour on the roads and in some cases on the beach. It is a GLOCAL phenomena. This website which I normally use to check the weather/wind conditions simply attracted my eye with the title “Show Pony”. My original comment addressed one of the sub-points of the topic – the rest is history as they say.

The broader research topic fits within the theme of the responsible development of sustainability. My area of interest is good governance – hence the link to cybernetics, and more specifically management cybernetics (Beer). When not ‘ distracted’ by this raging viral ‘outrage’ phenomena I am normally participating in a small forum of cybernetic experts who participate from all around the world. I am a junior in those ranks, many of whom do not just know of Bateson, Beer, Maturana, Pask, Von Forester etc but studied, taught and ate meals with them. I write a paper every odd year for a small journal on Systemic Practice and Action Research. I am not an academic and have no interest in being one.

On this basis:

• I reject your typing me with labels such as “a soft-systems researcher and second-order cybernetician” - I am not a label generated in your mind or anyone else’s. I am a human being who is entitled to his rights and privileges under the laws of the country. Those rights include ‘free speech’, peace and private enjoyment of my home and neighborhood (which includes a beach), and safety and enjoyment without fascist bullying and domination by group think. My responsibilities include (in this context) acting safely towards others in a public space so as to keep the peace. Nothing expressed here in this thread’s context conflicts with this. What I believe, what I think, and within certain bounds, what I say, is entirely my private domain and you or anyone else here will just have to live with it. I purchased a kitesurfing kit and training – I did not join a cult. However, as it became quickly obvious to me that in fact there was very strong cult-like behaviour and attitudes here I very quickly got out my ‘note book’. It is a free world! So, in the vernacular: eF-off with your intrusion into my personal domain! Play your NLP games all your like, but please demonstrate the respect you expect yourself.

• Your “curiosity” statement gives some insight into your paradigm. It is very good to be curious but you step just a bit too far by what you go on to say next imo.

• I would normally stop here, but seeing you are so confident in your talents to read others, and so arrogant as to presume to prescribe a set of linguistic ‘solutions’ for others to ‘think’, then I will continue a touch more so people have alternatives to consider.

• Your first alternative: I do not drink beer. I suggest you analyse your own statements in a second-order manner to better understand where you yourself are coming from. I suggest start with your opening statement to both alternatives “Sorry …”. Sorry for what? Do you want to spank me or something? I am afraid my ‘child’ (in your mind) is not ready for your ‘adult’ in your mind to get orgasmic relief through psycho-physical abuse. Go figure…!

• Your second alternative has more weight to it. However: (a) I’m not “entering a community” – I’m posting on a public forum website; (b) I’m not (as noted above) a “soft-systems researcher and second-order cybernetician” – I’m a joe public (with some skills) concerned about a local issue and communicating to the best of my ability (effectively or otherwise in your mind) on a global internet service; (c) “more thought to the ethical and methodological importance of disclosure and especially of establishing rapport” – well, I did give it more thought in light of your posting and, I believe, clarified it in my response here; and (d) “take some time out from argumentation and instead go and learn some of these practical people skills” – well, good try for touting for business but not really relevant imo. Based on your web site alone I might suggest you should be more active here, and at earlier stages, to help guide the ‘strategic conversation’ towards emerging a solution for the theme topic (Show Pony effect) and more rapidly dissolving the ‘problem situation’ growing out there in the public domain – i.e. one I would describe as outrage. I believe it can be handled by use of risk communication (e.g. see Sandman) and approached with Maturana & Varela's languaging in mind.

Now, in summary, as cybernetic feedback, to more fundamental observations about your self promoting website.

1. In general it reads well. You have covered a number of interesting areas that I myself have also embraced (including many years in the 1980s receiving Alexander treatments). You will no doubt remember that Alexander was overheard once to say to a patient/client: “If you ask me to sit/stand then all I can do is agree” (or words to that effect). Pure VSM system 5 and the exact systemic-linguistic point that needs to be ‘emerged’ here to find the core policy-identity issues that are blocking sustainable, responsible and viably development of kitesurfing. That is, development and resolution of a micro ‘problem’ and a macro culture effect which is, in ecological speak, providing a niche for that ‘problem’ species. I would offer a link to my paper which used various techniques to tap the blocked energy in the ‘undecidable’ situation of concern at a departmental level to good effect (and it was I believe also appreciated by someone in the Melbourne scene with similar challenges based on email feedback). However, in this forum I do not consider that safe or prudent. Perhaps you and others might ask yourselves “why?” based on the evidence listed here? Then you might be able to practice better what you espouse for the improvement of your fellow ‘community’. Using the VSM language, the issue I raised by way of a simple case study example was a communication device to show, for a non-technical audience, a certain dynamic that had risk (and could be directly related to the topic of Show Pony and their safe management in a public place). The actual higher ‘problem’ is at another level of recursion – ....

In summary, practice what you preach. Less handy work on your ‘bar’ and more on your books might help. Conjoining the two might find you with some good winds for you mind.

“Hope to share a session and a beer somewhere down the track.” – that is very dependent … so far, only mild interest on my part.

My ‘research’ is simply an extension of my life in my local domain. I apply ‘sense of place’ in a triple bottom line approach (economic, social and environmental) with culture and inter-generational equity dimensions added. The fuller Futures framework covers social, technological, economic, environmental and political dimensions (STEEP). It is not ‘disembodied’ into some extra academic activity – it is right here in front of my front door! I have a right to act in my own locality. I am doing that. ....

I am justified and empowered in my efforts (using all my skills and resources) by the very fact that under sustainability theory I am perfectly able to start investigating the area around my house and neighborhood (say within a radius of 1 km) for various boundaries of contention (my actual research interest) without recourse to artificial ‘separation of observer’ logic. The observer is imbedded in the experiment (and actually is, more correctly, not separated in the first place – i.e. this is real time analogue not dualistic digital). And here I am: not because I am some clandestine ‘researcher’ in conspiracy mode -- but rather because I am a mature, concerned citizen, ratepayer, beach enjoyer, parent, grandparent and freedom-lover working in my Glocal time-space. I do not want to close this recreational activity (and sport) down – I want to enjoy it. But I will ‘vote’ in any local council decisions based on what I think is best for all. Based on this experience I’m still undecided. I read here that these ‘voices’ do not necessarily represent the wider kitesurfing community culture and views. I am pleased to hear that – but without demonstrated action and evidence (here or elsewhere) I will reserve my judgment. ...

That is a warp for me. I’ll comment only to correct, or add value to the Show Pony issue as it develops. And yes, Monitor (Laurie), the air is getting a bit stale. The desirable outcomes implied in the resolution of the title issue of this thread will come soon or never (and I’ll only claim 20% causation … ;-).

Good luck and good night!
(,_and_Good_Luck )


(btw: wikipeadia in this context is a 'good enough' meta-language device. If you see it needs improving then do it yourself. )

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"Show Pony Alert @ Brighton WA" started by Bo