Forums > Kitesurfing General

Skimming, Wanda - James Grundy & Richard Stenning

Created by Sir V > 9 months ago, 12 Oct 2008
Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Oct 2008 11:48AM
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09 Oct -A day with no wind but I got to test my new Kitecam at Boat Harbour and later caught on with James Grundy and Richard Stenning. They were on their Skimnboards at Wanda playing on maybe 9-11 knots and small kites..

If anyone knows how to contact Richard tell him to PM me as I have some more photos to send him. His email address is bouncing or I have it wrong. The man is a machine on the skimboard. No wind, no water , no hands .

Oh darn.. another toy to get..

Smiling winds..


Cameras: Pentax Optio W60 with Camrig4, Canon 350D Rebel

NSW, 60 posts
12 Oct 2008 1:00PM
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great pics!

you must have missed all the good ones of me ;)

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Oct 2008 12:04PM
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Were you there? Should have said something... always space left on the card. Will be at Kurnell this avo.. say hi


NSW, 452 posts
12 Oct 2008 6:54PM
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That James Grundy, he's a legend. I believe he gives skimboard lessons for those of you that are interested.

NSW, 186 posts
12 Oct 2008 9:34PM
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Love to try it but i dont like to get my sneakers wet Rich always makes it look good

SA, 69 posts
12 Oct 2008 9:26PM
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Sir V said...

Cameras: Pentax Optio W60 with Camrig4, Canon 350D Rebel

Great second pic with the kite shadow so prominent. Reminds me of when I was learning to kite and thought a massive Ray had cruised by.

Was the multi frame stuff done with the pentax or the canon or other software? I'm thinking of getting the W60.

While I'm asking questions in your thread is their free software to make 'turning kite video' into the stabilised stuff I've seen on Youtube?

Gone to dark side
NSW, 391 posts
12 Oct 2008 10:14PM
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Great Photos
James or Know As AirRush James

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Oct 2008 9:44PM
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The aerial kite photos were taken with the Pentax Option W60 on interval shooting.

Still to try the video option, can't wait but still reading the manual to get to right. I took some more aerial photos today at Kurnell and they turned out awesome. Will post some later..

The sequence compositions were taken with the Canon in Sport Mode and then a lot of time on Photoshop. Labour intensive but I love it.

Kite surfing gives itself to some awesome stuff I've been meaning to get into. More to come and very different styles.

Wait till you see my board arriving in 10 days.


NSW, 416 posts
13 Oct 2008 2:01AM
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The best bit are Grundy's elbow pads.

NSW, 60 posts
13 Oct 2008 1:25PM
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hey mel we have had this conversation before, im happy with my GF and we can be friends and no more!!

i do know some KKK kiters that would love to meet you though ;)

WA, 1097 posts
13 Oct 2008 12:12PM
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hey do you know what type of skimboards they use?
or even what size they are?

WA, 724 posts
13 Oct 2008 12:20PM
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Where's Wanda?


NSW, 226 posts
13 Oct 2008 5:07PM
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Thanks Vasco for taking the shots and posting them. Must have taken ages to stitch together the sequences. You made a very average afternoon look pretty fun.
To answer the last two posts...Wanda is Cronulla in Sydneys south. Ideal for kite-skimming in a southeasterly though this was an easterly with a bit of north?? Still worked alright because there was a lot of water moving around. The board with the grip tape that i was using is a Zap Large which is 136cm (53.5 inches) by 51cm. James's skimmer was a couple cm larger and similar width and you'll have to ask him of the brands as i forget. We we comparing skimboard dimensions in the first shot actually. James was a bit flatter so the nose gets tripped up a bit easier. His has the options to add fins if you want which is fun on the wave especially for bottom turns (more of a surfing feel). I wouldn't want a board any smaller which is a shame as you can get cheap wood skimboards that would work fine except they are usually only a meter long. Hope this helps. Rich

NSW, 60 posts
13 Oct 2008 5:56PM
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james rides a cyclone skimboard from south africa.

watch the skim militia numbers grow this season!

NSW, 511 posts
13 Oct 2008 6:44PM
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After riding James's Skim board a bit over a month ago im already in the process of making my own skim board. Shall be posting up pictures eventually.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
13 Oct 2008 6:56PM
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James is a popular kiter, judging by the comments.. so here's the latest work also from this Sunday. The sequence should be called: "Oh ****.. he's coming straight at me.." and he just missed my camera. That's the last time I take his picture (kidding..)

Also some more aerial shots from the same day.. still need more fine tunning. Will try zoom next time.

Been digging info on Zap Skimboards (tks RichieRich ) and although they are expensive they can be bought on ebay for a fraction of retail. And for those who want to start cheaper and trash the 1st board... check this out -

Its a start at least.. then buy a Zap, they are awesome.


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
13 Oct 2008 7:03PM
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Now all I have to do is to learn to kite properly and then find someone to take some photos of me

For the die hard Kurnell crew.. watch out, I'll be out there with you soon. Next time you decide to stare me down [}:)] for invading your turf with less thqan perfect skills, please remember you all started somewhere and I am sure you appreciated when people were nice to you.

Please note that I am saying while smiling


NSW, 108 posts
13 Oct 2008 8:50PM
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Firiejason said...
While I'm asking questions in your thread is their free software to make 'turning kite video' into the stabilised stuff I've seen on Youtube?

I think there have been other threads on this. There is some good quality free video editing software available.

One of the most common is VirtualDub ( which is linear editing software, and which can be used with the Deshaker plugin ( to stabalize the kitecam video. The Camrig website also has a download package and tutorial for this software (

AVISynth ( can be used with VirtualDub to import .MOV files if you have a Pentax instead of buying Quicktime Pro. It's harder to use, but very powerful.

NSW, 416 posts
14 Oct 2008 10:56AM
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Sir V said...

Now all I have to do is to learn to kite properly and then find someone to take some photos of me

For the die hard Kurnell crew.. watch out, I'll be out there with you soon. Next time you decide to stare me down [}:)] for invading your turf with less thqan perfect skills, please remember you all started somewhere and I am sure you appreciated when people were nice to you.

Please note that I am saying while smiling


I've been kiting there for a while now and still cop just as much crap as I did from day 1. I figure it's a sign of endearment so I wouldn't feel too bad if I was you.

I do know that we're not keen on people riding out there when they can't stay upwind though. There was one person out there on the weekend who went flying down the beach and stacked in front of the catamarans that were about to start racing. These guys should be learning out somewhere far away from the groynes and other dangers that you get at Kurnell. A couple of metres to the side and he would've slammed himself into the rocks on the way down there.

NSW, 60 posts
14 Oct 2008 12:24PM
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V ill quite happily take a few snaps of you, just dont shoot jeff or that other camera hog spitzy!

NSW, 1715 posts
14 Oct 2008 12:29PM
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Kurnell is a difficult place to learn. Small beaches, bull sharks, rock groynes, sharp stuff everywhere. I'd hate to see someone hurt due to inexperience. Neebies, keep this in mind when venturing out to Kurnell.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
14 Oct 2008 11:33AM
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Ive been shooting random people, still testing my gear. Got a few projects in mind but need the right day/subjects. I'll give Kitesurfing a new look that's for sure.

Was at Kurnell yesterday trying the new zoom and shot a few nice jumps but the light was terrible so I deleted most of the stuff. Some good airtime though.

Regarding the hard core , just giving them ****. I know it's all in good spirit and generally the kitesufing crew is awesome. I was expecting a bigger bite out of that bait I put on the hook judging by the slagging that goes on this forum but I am sure it's coming my way sooner or later . Everyone loves a stirrer.

NSW, 416 posts
14 Oct 2008 3:07PM
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Nah they're all a bunch of carnts, I'm the only cool one out there

SA, 69 posts
14 Oct 2008 3:08PM
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Thanks Nerk


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Skimming, Wanda - James Grundy & Richard Stenning" started by Sir V