I recently got a new depower rope for my B3 as the old one was defective. The problem is I can't figure out how to remove the life line that runs through the bar and chicken loop. I need to thread the life line through the new depower set-up. the life line has a small SS ring that you clip your leash onto. I can't disconnect it from the other end either as the other end is also connected to the SS swivel. I can't even work out how they attached the damn thing in the first place.
If anyone has a B3 and can figure this out I'd really appreciate the heads up. BTW it isn't in the manual and I spent an hour or two searching on the net for a solution to no avail.
loosen the line at the ring end, then feed the loop over and through the ring hey presto the ring is disconnected, feed line though the bar and disconnect at swively thingy. replace line and do everything in reverse.
see pictures, they are from from a carbrinha ids landing line and bar, but same principle i think!!
Those pics helped heaps. Just did it and it worked. That was really doing my head in yesterday. I can't believe how easy it was. Guess I can throw tear up my application to Mensa.
Thanks for the help