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Staying fit in the off season

Created by kitebt > 9 months ago, 1 Jul 2013
NSW, 325 posts
6 Jul 2013 12:29AM
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eppo said..

kitebt said..

eppo thats my regime today. Thought I would back the Sea Breeze forecast so packed the car. Currently sitting at Kurnell looking at a millpond connected remotely to my laptop through my iPhone 5 while I wait for the wind Gods to come good....tick,tock,tick,tock......i have a feeling today is not going to be my day.

Can you feel the burn....oh yeh that's it ladies. Pack car, drive, wait, drive, pack gear away...ooh yeh the burn the burn.

Or you could do the less strenuous pull up king routine above, Christ that guys serious. I'm fked just reading it. Lol.

Another one of those workouts today. At least I got in the water today. Although had to stand in waste deep water barely keeping my kite in the air during the lulls.

NSW, 1637 posts
6 Jul 2013 9:27AM
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Hey Kitebt, where were you yesterday? The wind was good when it was on, but there were some very long lulls. More of the same today!

NSW, 325 posts
6 Jul 2013 5:07PM
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dafish said..

Hey Kitebt, where were you yesterday? The wind was good when it was on, but there were some very long lulls. More of the same today!

I was up at the point at Kurnell. It was ok for a while with some pretty long lulls. Unfortunately had to leave before the wind really took off and could not get out today as I am leaving for the US tomorrow and wanted to spend some time with the family.

4862 posts
7 Jul 2013 1:49PM
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Right. So the first week of July panned out like this.
Mon. 13m kitesurfing
Tue. 15m land board 2, night mountain bike ride
We'd. 13m land board
Thurs. off
Fri. 15m buggy
Sat. 10m land board and kitesurfing
Sun. 10m and13m kitesurfing and land board, 1.5m kite skateboard

So I guess I stand by my original statement.
What off season?

NSW, 527 posts
7 Jul 2013 9:47PM
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I'm seriously struggling to find recovery time over the last month or so, the surf has been close to perfect with a couple of kite sessions thrown in here and there.

NSW, 1637 posts
8 Jul 2013 9:01AM
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So plummett, you have a wife and kids, and do you have a job as well? That is some seriously good amount of time spent away from them during a normal week. I too kite all year around, if there is wind I am on it. However, winter is when I work a little harder so summer can be dedicated to fun.
Saying that, i had a great two days of butter smooth water and jumping session on the tt and my abs are killing me. I struggled out bed this morning! Haven't had a good boosting session in months as there have been loads of southerlies which is all surf for me.

4862 posts
8 Jul 2013 8:10AM
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dafish said..

So plummett, you have a wife and kids, and do you have a job as well? That is some seriously good amount of time spent away from them during a normal week. I too kite all year around, if there is wind I am on it. However, winter is when I work a little harder so summer can be dedicated to fun.
Saying that, i had a great two days of butter smooth water and jumping session on the tt and my abs are killing me. I struggled out bed this morning! Haven't had a good boosting session in months as there have been loads of southerlies which is all surf for me.

yep 3 kids and full time job. To be fair that is an unusually good week. Its not the norm. The week day sessions are pretty. Cranking a quick sesh before the sun goes down or a lightning fast lunch time session. But none the less they are a session.

Some times all the moons of Jupiter align to produce an epic week. Other times they conspire to produce a bullarky. But that can happen summer or winter. I take it when I can get it.

WA, 1347 posts
8 Jul 2013 10:59AM
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kitebt said...
Warmup - good 5 - 10 minutes of running and dynamic stretching

20 sets x 2 chin ups - alternate between hands facing forward with wide grip on the bar and hand facing backward with narrow grip on the bar and allow 20 sec rest between sets.

5 sets of 6 overhead squats (bar overhead)

5 sets of 4 front squats (bar on the front of your chest)

5 sets of 2 back squats (bar on your back) Its a lot squats but great for strengthening quads, butts and hamstrings to protect knees.

20 x 5 sets of hanging knees to elbows. Hang onto a chin up bar bring your knees to touch your elbows and slow release back to hanging (allow 30 - 45 sec between sets)

This provided for a general all over body workout and worked the big muscle groups you would use when kiting being legs, back, arms and abs its a solid workout.

Keen to hear what other types of workouts members do to stay fir in the off season.

I am a big fan of strength training using compound exercises. Google "Starting Strength" or "Strong Lifts 5x5".

However I don't do a lot of strength training these days. Surfing, swimming, yoga, and a weekly PT session do it for me. I also have a young dog demanding my time and attention so plenty of jogging on soft surfaces (grass or sand).

The biggest draw back to strength training is the loss of flexibility which goes with it. Obviously stretching counteracts this, but stretching can't be a 5 minute addition to a workout, it must be say 30 minutes to gain flexibility.

Maintaining strength and fitness is of course important, however it is lack of flexibility which leads to injury.

I have held back on this post but will throw my hat in the ring here, for what it's worth...

I suggest rising 30 minutes earlier each morning and completing a 30 minute dynamic breathing, stretching and meditative sequence to start your day. You can of course stay longer than 30 minutes - this morning took me 90 minutes - which is the normal time to compete the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series.

This 30 minutes includes a warm up (Sun Salutes A and B - 5 x each) and Standing Poses. It is the Standing Poses which in particular work extremely well as stretch training for surfing and kiting. Further, breath training through yoga increases lung capacity.

If you're interested, read up or check some videos on correct breathing and "Bandhas" (core muscle locks).

Surya Namaskara A (complete 5 times)

Surya Namaskara B (complete 5 times)

Standing Sequence

Breathing and Bandhas

NSW, 325 posts
8 Jul 2013 5:09PM
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I agree with what you say bene313 and I am not advocating that the strength workout the I originally posted is the only workout to do. I think 1 - 2 strength sessions, coupled with some cardio sessions and some core sessions/dynamic bodyweight work when you are not kiting as much such as during winter will keep you in good shape for when you do get out to enjoy your sessions more and to also ensure when you do start kiting more often in the summer you are less prone to injury. Particularly when you get to to your 40's plus. I think stretching is also a really important aspect to any program to prevent injury and while yoga is not my personal preference it should be a key part to any program. Thanks for the yoga video's particularly the first 2.

WA, 1347 posts
8 Jul 2013 3:57PM
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For sure you don't need to do yoga, just stretch and breath. Stretching feels good, under-rated!

That is essentially how I got into yoga. Through stretching. I had tight muscles, lower back issues and stretching was the only thing which helped.

I also had a copy of Rocky Snyder's "Fit to Surf" book. The book introduced full body stretches I had never done before;

- Triangle pose + variations
- Warrior pose + variations
- Upward dog
- Downward dog

At some point I started going to a few classes here and there. Anyway I'm 30 now and am far more flexible than when I was 16.

VIC, 40 posts
11 Jul 2013 2:00PM
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I'm surprised no one has quoted this site: (sorry if I missed it if someone did already)

Off season, didn't know there was an off season either.

I'm stuck at home with the kid and can only get out weekend warrior style these days, I've recently had trouble finding the time to get to the gym so my solution was to get the P90X program - It's a bit naff but I like someone telling me what I should be doing next, it's more intense than you'd think and only need minimal equipment, the 1/2hr traveling to the gym I can now spend jumping around like an idiot in my front room - it's better than nothing.

I'd love to know what programs the pros use, they seem to not want to share their workouts.

But I'd focus on Squats, pullups and anything that can make these more dynamic.
Also some sort of cardio.

NSW, 325 posts
12 Jul 2013 10:36AM
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Good find. I like this website.

NSW, 124 posts
14 Jul 2013 9:26PM
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Plummet said..

Right. So the first week of July panned out like this.
Mon. 13m kitesurfing
Tue. 15m land board 2, night mountain bike ride
We'd. 13m land board
Thurs. off
Fri. 15m buggy
Sat. 10m land board and kitesurfing
Sun. 10m and13m kitesurfing and land board, 1.5m kite skateboard

So I guess I stand by my original statement.
What off season?


4862 posts
14 Jul 2013 7:41PM
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stjepan said..

Plummet said..

Right. So the first week of July panned out like this.
Mon. 13m kitesurfing
Tue. 15m land board 2, night mountain bike ride
We'd. 13m land board
Thurs. off
Fri. 15m buggy
Sat. 10m land board and kitesurfing
Sun. 10m and13m kitesurfing and land board, 1.5m kite skateboard

So I guess I stand by my original statement.
What off season?


amusingly this week.... zero sessions. !.... a comedy of inconvenience that led to nothing!... grrr.... though there was wind!... oh well that is life.

WA, 752 posts
15 Jul 2013 4:43PM
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Freddofrog said..

kitebt said..

All right....let me be clear by what I mean as an off season. I mean in winter we are lucky to be getting out once every three weeks compared to summer where we are getting out three or more times a week. I would consider that an off season.

haha, you bite way too easily...

yeah, I was having a lend,.....Guess we're just lucky in the West ?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Staying fit in the off season" started by kitebt