Forums > Kitesurfing General

Storm season

Created by pearl > 9 months ago, 17 Nov 2013
NSW, 984 posts
17 Nov 2013 4:15PM
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Was kiting in a 15kn northerly at 6pm. By 7pm there was a 50kn southerly spike in wind, trees splitting in two and hail. I was in and packed up at home. Hope the other guys out at the time got home. Schoolies got caned in town Beware the storm season

WA, 532 posts
18 Nov 2013 9:41AM
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You can kite as late as 7pm????!!! Wow!!! You guys in NSW are really advanced We not know what that clockee wind back thing is. Light at 4.20am right now ....

NSW, 984 posts
18 Nov 2013 2:32PM
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alverstone said..

You can kite as late as 7pm????!!! Wow!!! You guys in NSW are really advanced We not know what that clockee wind back thing is. Light at 4.20am right now ....

Ha! Yes our NSW politicians need an extra hours light to shed on their shady deals. Tassie is way more advanced than us though. I think they kite past your bedtime down there!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Storm season" started by pearl