Forums > Kitesurfing General

Sunshine Coast... its on again!

Created by echostorm > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2009
QLD, 1245 posts
9 Jan 2009 9:42AM
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Looks like the wind is up already (we are getting 37knot gusts at cape moreton), Im up for an arvo run at say 2:30pm. Who's keen?

QLD, 776 posts
9 Jan 2009 10:43AM
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how about a bit earlier, like 12
taxi Mike an me r keen as brew

QLD, 416 posts
9 Jan 2009 11:40AM
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How about midday mike.

QLD, 1245 posts
9 Jan 2009 11:55AM
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Gotta work Moreton just got hit by a 42 knot gust.

NSW, 1514 posts
9 Jan 2009 1:04PM
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How about you all kiss and cuddle in private?

QLD, 1245 posts
9 Jan 2009 2:54PM
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Loco, we dont want to hear about your gay yearnings

Moreton Averaging 42 with 47knots gust.... YEA BABY

QLD, 776 posts
9 Jan 2009 5:17PM
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loco4olas said...

How about you all kiss and cuddle in private?

yeh we already 'got a room'

QLD, 2057 posts
9 Jan 2009 5:50PM
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Caloundra was awesome today. King tide runout and over 30 knots at times.

Just a reminder to those visiting our beaches..... Caloundra over 20 knots on a king tide runout is not for the inexperienced or for the fools who launch big kites. (we we super powered on 8's today and some guys still rocked up on 14m kites). Please talk to a local and have a safety plan in your head. Most locals will not launch you in these conditions if you have the wrong kite set up or if you look like you don't have a clue.

NSW, 6451 posts
9 Jan 2009 7:18PM
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Oh well,guess I will just have to self launch my 16m then

QLD, 2057 posts
9 Jan 2009 8:38PM
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near the rocks please!

NSW, 6451 posts
9 Jan 2009 10:27PM
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I hope there covered in oysters ready for me after my straight down wind beach jump hot launch[}:)]

QLD, 2057 posts
9 Jan 2009 10:53PM
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is that you Alex? Thought you was in hospital with granny's false teeth in yo ass.

NSW, 6451 posts
10 Jan 2009 4:18PM
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^^^^^^^^^ha ha ha he he ha ha

QLD, 470 posts
10 Jan 2009 5:16PM
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Hi Dave,

had a blast boosting big with you yday, (thanx to Grumpy man for the board taxi)!

Wicked spot you guys have in Caloundra and kewl crew!

much love and wind for the locals in Caloundra, keep producing Oz's best kiters..

We had a good sesh in Elliot Heads today- i wrecked..



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Sunshine Coast... its on again!" started by echostorm