hey guys going for a month to mexico and US. going around june or end of july start of aug. Anyone have any good ideas or storys or places to go?
Havent been kiting in Mexico, but it has got some incredible wind and beautiful beaches. I'm presuming you're heading for the the West Coast of the US and California? Heading into Mexico either buy a cheap wreck of a car in LA and drive it across the border down the Baja coast, or head to San Diego, walk across the border to Tijuana, grab a 10 minute taxi to Tijuana Airport and get a flight to pretty much anywhere in Mexico/Central/South America mucho mucho cheaper than from LA.
California has got some pretty good kiting spots. You can get glassy surf in the mornings then kite when the wind comes up in the arvo. You're gonna want to take your 12m with you, and maybe a 10. The wind is reliable that time of year, but lighter than here.
The water wont be massively warm. You might want to take a 3mm shortie, and definitely a full suit if you're planning to surf.
Spots to check out are:
San Francisco - There's a fair few spots on the Southern side of Golden Gate bridge, around Golden Gate Park. You can kite under the br dge which is pretty cool, but be very wary of ditching your kite, as the current is ferocious.
Heading south from San Fran you've got awesome wave kiting spots all along the Coastal Highway. Just north of Santa Cruz is Waddel Creek, heading south, "C-Street" in Ventura and Santa Barbara are worth getting your kite out for. In the LA/Huntington area my favourite spots were Malibu, Belmont Shore, Seal Beach. Huntington was awesome...sunset beach is amazing, but dont stray too far South into the surfers. August is probably a better time to head to California as the marine layer can be pretty prevalent earlier on in the summer.