Any one can do it surfingboye
Intelligence required zero - you lower any respect any one might have had for kitesurfers
Go you dragalong sand boy kitie
your posts are
If your wondering where this post was coming from - this faceless character continues to place less than pleasant content attacking people and posts photos with the f word in on the windsurfing forums. Why would you bother - obviously insecure about himself his sexuality, sporting abilities and probably cant kite anyway.
Russh, you need a snickers.
ah surfingboye,
perhaps i'm taking some obvious bait, but that's also what you do when you respond to criticism with the suggestion that someone should HTFU, or that they are gay (i assume you think gay is bad, correct me if i'm wrong), or some other irrelevant outburst. it just reinforces the perception that you're perhaps a little thoughtless, or quick to respond without thinking, and possibly a bit insecure, angry, unimaginative and confused.
i get a lot of helpful and well thought out insight from other kiters on this forum, and i try to offer the same. and this can all happen with a sense of humour, which is perhaps what you're after with the mr t clips etc, but the machismo just gets tired after a while.
do yourself a favour, lose the htfu mantra and the misogyny and the homophobia, and see if you still have something left to say that might be relevant, helpful or witty. if so, i look forward to your next posts.
by the way, my name's brendan, what's yours?