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Forums > Kitesurfing General

Tell me again why you should have lessons??

Created by rusty7 > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2008
QLD, 504 posts
16 Jan 2008 6:34PM
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...... he he. just saw this couldn't help but post it.Sorry if its been done before but...hey!

QLD, 95 posts
16 Jan 2008 8:33PM
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Another one to add to the where's wally archive !!!!

Stuff him ... clearly he's cannon fodder and deserves a graze or 5 from his own ignorance .... but I reckon I counted at least 8 or so VERY lucky innocent by standers. All of which should have been allowed to whip his butt with a towel at least once each [}:)]

Take a lesson .... find a friend
Happy Days

270 posts
17 Jan 2008 12:57AM
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I like that one

WA, 254 posts
17 Jan 2008 1:00AM
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funny but not funny

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
17 Jan 2008 1:11AM
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HAhahahhahaha what a twat. But you cant always blame the learner. What if he sees people kiting, gets second hand gear with no questions asked and knows nothing about the danger of the sport.
You dont get lessons for surfing, bike riding and many other sports, why assume this to be different with limited knowledge.
Watched an idiot just yesterday. Did many things wrong.
-Offshore winds, a few other guys out, i assumed he was good and knew the risks etc.
-Launched with no safety on. again i thought, oh well hes forgotten
-He launches, and i see afterwards he has done so unhooked.
-Fully powered 9m kite in 25+knots offshore winds.
End results, getting dragged into the air his mate comes to hold him down, they both start lifting off the ground. Kite smashes into fishermen. Dad and i run over to help, i go to the kiter, dad to the kite.I tell him ill grab the chicken loop, and for him to let the bar out al itte. i get "thats not the problem". It was a bow kite, and it would solve the problem.
Dad comes over "You dont really know what you doing do you?" (in a nice way)
"Oh and i surpose you do??" (in douche bag talk)
"Actually yes ive got some idea"
"Lewis (the guys mate), grab the ktie, this guys starting to piss me off".
He left very sheepishly,and thankfully didnt see him again.

But can we fully blame him. How would he just "know" that lessons are required. He might have seen kiters on tv, thought oh yeah ill give it a crack, and with no idea of kiting off he goes on his merry way. i think we need some advert of tv to just show people the sport a little.

I was kinda hoping he woudl let go of the bar, kite goes out to see. Then i could quickly set up, collect kite, and quickly drive off. As i need a 9m.

QLD, 2057 posts
17 Jan 2008 12:31PM
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ebay should post this video next to every piece of sh1t kite that gets bought by some sucker thinking they're getting into the sport!

Scenes like this are frighteningly common on our local beaches. One day .......

WA, 201 posts
17 Jan 2008 12:59PM
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Bit like that twat with a kite (was not a kitesurfer) bodysailing through the bodysurfers/swimmers at Brighton Beach /Scarborough yesterday.

Acted like a Euro - did not do a great service for other kiters wanting to use the beach.

A fool .....

NSW, 483 posts
17 Jan 2008 3:18PM
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Oh dear

Just out of curiosity, anyone know where this was shot? Accents on the vid were Aussie, unless I'm mistaken?

WA, 67 posts
17 Jan 2008 1:24PM
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Bit more air in the LE wouldn't go a stray!

WA, 3464 posts
17 Jan 2008 1:30PM
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Man that is sad.....the camera person's voice is great "I think he is out of control (laugh laugh) holly ****" ...only person with a brain here it seems.

WA, 190 posts
17 Jan 2008 2:06PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

But can we fully blame him. How would he just "know" that lessons are required. He might have seen kiters on tv, thought oh yeah ill give it a crack, and with no idea of kiting off he goes on his merry way. i think we need some advert of tv to just show people the sport a little.

If people haven't heard at least one story of a kiter being injured, whether it be through the news or from someone third hand, then they've had their head in the sand.

The smallest amount of research on the net or through a local shop will quickly tell someone that lessons are required, so yes, I think the person on the end of the kite should wear the blame for any injury or damage they cause.

WA, 568 posts
17 Jan 2008 6:38PM
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Dawn Patrol said...

But can we fully blame him.

Yes. Fully and solely

WA, 644 posts
17 Jan 2008 6:53PM
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mrbonk said...

Oh dear

Just out of curiosity, anyone know where this was shot? Accents on the vid were Aussie, unless I'm mistaken?

looks like the gold coast at the spit, nth of the pumping jetty.

SA, 65 posts
18 Jan 2008 1:26AM
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Dawn Patrol said...

-He launches, and i see afterwards he has done so unhooked.

all my lessons (some IKO) taught me to launch and then hook in.
nothing worse than a failed launch AND having to unhook, not that i don't know what to do

Dawn Patrol
WA, 1991 posts
18 Jan 2008 12:23AM
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Dudhit said...

Dawn Patrol said...

-He launches, and i see afterwards he has done so unhooked.

all my lessons (some IKO) taught me to launch and then hook in.
nothing worse than a failed launch AND having to unhook, not that i don't know what to do

Do you launch unhooked with no safety leash attatched?

WA, 1194 posts
18 Jan 2008 12:36AM
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I got a stoke of a different kind today but not from kite surfing in some sweet winds!

I am not iko qualified but have helped couple dudes out that wanted to get into the sport with gear selection and what not… as I wont teach on my gear (unless I sold it to them, to update my quiver), anyhow.. last dude was couple days ago and over two lessons on how to set up and all the rest of the gig, self rescue ectra. Normal IKO stuff... to being a safe and educated kiter, well today he dropped off a carton of crownies and a bottle of wild turkey ! But more to the point he left a letter (as I wasn’t home) how he was loving the sport and so forth... makes one feel pretty good when helped someone out, although I think the main point isn’t so much how I felt or how he felt but the fact... looking at that video with that dude that its a shame he wasn’t able to get the stoke as he might have if he sort some advice ,instead of getting draged down the beach like a fkentard!

QLD, 5283 posts
18 Jan 2008 2:12AM
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meerkat said...

mrbonk said...

Oh dear

Just out of curiosity, anyone know where this was shot? Accents on the vid were Aussie, unless I'm mistaken?

looks like the gold coast at the spit, nth of the pumping jetty.

don't think it's the pumping jetty, not enough structure and pipes, and not enough holidaymakers walking the beach.

far too much wind for the goldy too!

QLD, 119 posts
18 Jan 2008 8:19AM
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greenleader said...

meerkat said...

mrbonk said...

Oh dear

Just out of curiosity, anyone know where this was shot? Accents on the vid were Aussie, unless I'm mistaken?

looks like the gold coast at the spit, nth of the pumping jetty.

don't think it's the pumping jetty, not enough structure and pipes, and not enough holidaymakers walking the beach.

far too much wind for the goldy too!

Nope, definitely not the spit (& that would be south of the pumping jetty) There is no seaway rock wall behind it.

Anyway, where ever it is you see too much of it these days. A few years back I saw a similar thing except it was 100m south of the flags at Elkhorn Ave in Surfers in a light southerly in the middle of summer on a packed beach. Luckily the guys couldn't launch the kite (they were trying to launch it with leading edge pointing down wind) I ran down to the beach to politely tell them what they were doing wasn't a good idea, but the lifeguard got to them first.

Anyway I caught up to them as they were packing away & ask them if they had had lessons & the answer was no. When I told them they should have lessons, they weren't really interested in what I had to say & just said they haven't got time as they are tourists & were going home to France the next day.....

WA, 1792 posts
18 Jan 2008 7:00PM
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I think launching unhooked is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! IKO endorsed or not. It has precluded nearly every accident where somebody gets lofted or looses their kite that I have seen

WA, 67 posts
19 Jan 2008 12:01AM
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dachopper said...

I think launching unhooked is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! IKO endorsed or not. It has precluded nearly every accident where somebody gets lofted or looses their kite that I have seen

I agree. Never have and never will launch unhooked.

poor relative
WA, 9091 posts
19 Jan 2008 10:46AM
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dachopper said...

I think launching unhooked is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! IKO endorsed or not. It has precluded nearly every accident where somebody gets lofted or looses their kite that I have seen

Agreed retarded idea if you ask me

WA, 501 posts
19 Jan 2008 12:01PM
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dachopper said...

I think launching unhooked is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! IKO endorsed or not. It has precluded nearly every accident where somebody gets lofted or looses their kite that I have seen

Unhooked launching is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. Although not checking to make sure your safety is operating properly before launching is even more stupid.

Who agrees to hooked launch's with hand on or close to safety, ready for anything.

My Ocean Rodeo bar has a very simple and effective safety system. no matter how much sand, salt etc it will always release thank god.

NSW, 240 posts
19 Jan 2008 2:58PM
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I teach hooked in myself. There is no need to launch unhooked with 100 % depower kites.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Tell me again why you should have lessons??" started by rusty7