Absolutely fab session at Umina today. So unusual to have cranking South wind and brilliant sunshine.
Anyone get any photos?
Was the maiden flight of my "Angry Koala" 10.5 m Griffin TRX. Was never over powered and the kite really likes riding with a bit of speed. Will be interesting to see how it goes in more "normal" winds. Btw I'm 105kg so need a bit of power...
Started at 11am and went out strapless, way up wind, where the wind funnels like crazy and played around in the growing surf. Later swapped to the twin tip for some boosting and playing in the surf along the beach front. Nocked off at 3pm.
Great great day
Who else was out today?
I was out at Brighton (1st carpark) from 4 - 6pm. Was a nice 20 - 24 knots, warm and sunny Sunday afternoon - and only 6 other kites up in the air! Where normally there would be 30+ I think the big winds earlier scared everyone away.
Took my new sector 52 out at pinnaroo and was just practicing jibing around the markers fantastic arvo great finish to the weekend shared with ten or so others on the water
I rolled up at Umina around 4 and had one of my most enjoyable sessions ever. A fun amount of swell for a non-surfer, and a chance to give the new Shinn Dundee a run in something other than Botany Bay chop.
When I came in, I spotted a dude standing next to a bag & pump. Thinking he was a kiter, I did the old head-pat. He looked at me, looked up at the kite, grabbed his missus and his dogs and took off up the beach. So, not a kiter then.
Hard to imagine a better spot for a southerly. We should probably keep it a secret
The wind speed at 9am was all over the place to start with, somewhere between 20 to 30+ knots. Struggled on an eight, but was cooking on an 11.
One dude pulled out a 12. He literally flew!!
One of the best runs I have had at Umina. Awesome day and it was great to see so many kites.
First decent kite in NSW. I kited from Kilcare beach. Went out a few Kms went around box head finished up at Umina. Long kite.
Great day yesterday on the south coast, 20 knots, overhead waves, and only three of us out. Was a nice steady southerly, sunshine, and a few bomb sets. That was after backing up a 5 hours session of NE winds the day before. Ah, I love some summer southerlies that hang around and blow a bit more steady. It's an almost guarantee that we will get good waves if a southerly comes up. STOKED!
Totally agree yesterday's session at Umina was Awesome!! My girlfriend and I were out on the green ozones. We had lots of fun playing in the waves, which was a nice change from the flat water in Brisbane.