Have started the ball in motion and have some brilliant contacts for chinese manufacture of components.
want to have as much Aussie input as possible in the process. I'm big on Aussie jobs.
So what is needed is ideas on what are the features in such a strap system that you would want if you were to buy them.
What Makes the perfect Lace Strap?
get a cabrinha one and send to your chinese mates to copy .Theres my aussie job done, now where's my thousand bucks
I sort of agree with both NJ and Chad on this one.
definitely the wrap around support at back cries out "Bindings"
How ever!!! as demonstrated elsewhere there are too many toes showing for it to be classified a real Binding.
and as a life member of the Naming police old boys club, I feel obliged to say that 'There' is not short for 'They are'.
So get it right or I will have to start ridiculing you.
still looks like it can happen on the sync straps.
as for lf ones just cut the laces down, i did that to mine, find a nice tight setting you like, then cut it with just enough excess to not reach ur toes but open enough to get in and out easily.i cut mine so they just reach the clips. works perfect, not that i ride them anymore
Aren't bindings ghey this season... or is it straps... I'm not sure, I can't keep track of what's in and what's out, when does this season start anyway... and what should I be using to be not ghey, or totally ghey... what's cool this season, is it cool to be ghey or not ghey, or should I be trying to be cool or not cool to fit in... oh God is it hard to keep up with the times.
Bugger it, I'm going to ride without straps, and without bindings, this year... that's not ghey... is it
Oh sh!t, I just done a search of the forums and there is conjecture about riding strapless.
Screw you all! I'm going body dragging.
only 8 days to go till 2010 season,boardies over the wettties will have wakestyle laces on the fly with a new IDA QR for emergencies, a number of companies will have them available (not sure who came up with it first,probably cabrinha),it hasn't been decided yet whether they are cool or ghey.
I would hope mister Float, that you are not inferring that seeing as Bows were termed Gay and now there is connotation that lace straps called 'Bindings' are gay.
that that somehow has any implication that the companies that are pushing heavily into this market and producing progaganda to promote the image of "first to market", are somehow deserving of a similar reference.
Also brings to mind the term, "Guilty by association".[}:)]