anyone have some tips on the subject ^^^
behaves very differently to the bigger kite (9m convert) when self launching
what happens with the 6m is the kite usually drifts back into the window, then hot launches, i usually have the stopper pushed out, so i can keep some control - prefer the safer option with the glide up on the edge of the wind window ?
Sounds like your standing to far downwind. What method of self launch are you using are you just folding a wingtip.
Hi Waxmaxman
on launch - standing at right angles (approx) to the kite and pulling the far outside line - so the wind is caught and the kite takes shape
then pull the inside line for lift off, but this doesn't happen with the 6m because it generally blows downwind somewhat for hot launch
hard to explain, but something like that ? maybe I should be further upwind and with the power half to full ?
the smaller kites are much lighter, and you're generally using them in stronger wind, so the tendency is for the kite to just scoot over the sand rather than stick and rotate upwards. try building a small sand pile behind the leading edge so that it will hold it in place as it turns around, instead of blowing away downwind.
You may just need to be quicker so that the kite actually catches the wind before it starts to blow back.
I've found that pulling the front line tends to put the kite in a funny position... Try just using the backlines.
The kites small enough that should it just rotate up, and if you've got both hands next to the bar, you've got heaps more control and the ability to depower/power as much as you want...
To be honest i've never used the front lines for self launching (Except to experiment with it). And with the IDS kites it's impossible to get to the front's without 3m long arms...
I've never tried to self launch a 6m but I understand your situation as even when I launch an 8m it kind of likes to move downwind a lot more than my 12m sb3. I always get the smaller kite up but can see how the six would give u this issue. Have you tried the old c kite launching method folding a wingtip and putting sand on it?. It always worked a treat for me even on smaller kites. I have never tried this method with a bow style kite, but don't see why it wouldn't work.
Perfect timing on this posta as I have been curious about launching/landing hybrid/bow kites now that i have one (from a C kite background).
Anybody got a you toob or similay link also?
i have an 8m sb3 that i've regularly self-launched and landed in up to 30 knots. i basically use what people refer to as a drift or slide launch. here's my take on the process and how it differs with a small kite in strong wind.
firstly, your sb3 doesn't have as much leading edge curve as the convert so it takes more force to roll it onto a wing tip. this means that it will need more surface area exposed to the wind which is why it won't roll onto the wing tip until its further downwind. as waxman said, you can walk slightly upwind as you use the rear line to slide the kite around; that way it's not skidding over sticks and stones, and the power comes on gradually.
secondly, i think a drift launch is much safer if you rig your lines downwind of the kite. that way they're much less likely to catch on each other or the leading edge as you start to pull on them.
so, here are my steps for sb3. have your kite perpendicular to the wind as you attach lines from downwind. i have just a little bit of sand near the leading edge either side of centre strut.
when you've checked your lines, turn your kite about 25-30 degrees to the side you're going to launch from. to minimise wear i find it easiest to lift the leading edge on the launch side just a bit and pull it upwind rather than turn the kite from the centre of the leading edge.
then, with a little sand still on the leading edge near the centre strut (too much sand or sand on the trailing edge can mess things up and if you put it there to stop fluttering, take it off just prior to launching), head down to your bar and, mindful of snags, walk to a position perpendicular to the kite without going so far as to load up the lines yet.
as your bar is 180 degrees from it's kiting position (left side in right hand) when its downwind of the kite, rotate it in the direction that the kite will rotate when it stands up on the wing tip so you have the yellow side (cabs) in your left hand and black in your right.
attach safety leash to centre lines (plastic-coated line on cab sb3), hook onto the chicken loop and secure with the donkey dik.
walk across the wind until the slack is out of the far rear line, then walk in an arc upwind so the kite rotates on the spot as you go. that way there is no sudden skidding and surprise flip into a hot launch. this way you will see when the kite is ready to roll over and you can get ready for that split second of power as it launches and heads to the edge of the window.
if it doesn't flip as soon as you think it should, try pumping it up harder. the cabs are built well and can take it. i pump mine pretty darn firm so self-launching and water launching are easy.
hope this helps, dojo
Hi everyone
Thanks for the ideas - will try techniques these next time - and until I get it right
re my technique above - when I said inside line to guide kite upwards, I meant to say pulling the other outside line to guide/direct the kite upwards
yes, some good youtube videos on launching a 6m switchblade and hybrid would be useful too
Let`s see that demo again in 30+kn winds. Does work, but the reality of it is the kite will behave a bit different. If they gonna show demos in self launching at least show them in real conditions so people will know what to expect. Smaller kites are taken out in strong winds and it is likely you will be dragged a bit. But if you give yourself enough room down wind and stay calm it shouldn`t be a problem. Bloody hell, when I get my 6m out you`d have problem filming it never mind hearing what I have to say. That kite was barely flattering.
heres another one
Key point here, is as opposed to the earlier vid is to Orientate your kite towards the water ....if anything goes wrong you will get pulled towards the water.
And move your self around so that the kite does not drift along the beach.( this might avoid the hot launch monkeyfish was talking about )
There is a vid on youtube somewhere showing lenton doing this in a storm. You can do this in strong winds but be prepared to be pulled around abit.
Sorry Whathe but half of that vid the bloke is walking away from the camera muttering to himself??
Idea for all helpful vid makers - look at the bloody camera so we can make sense of your well intended vid.
I'm not involved with the video or KP, just saw it there a while back and linked as it shows the general method I use to self-launch:
1) Lines across the wind.
2) Lift kite up over lines so they are trailing out downwind at the kite.
3) Turn kite about 30 degrees away from the bar.
4) Hook up and start walking across the wind (away from kite) to put tension in lines. Tension will mainly be in your lower hand on the bar.
5) The trick now is to get the back trailing edge to catch the wind. This will fill the kite and get it to turn on its side as you keep walking backwards.
6) If the kite floats downwind a bit as it flips up on the LE, walk downwind to try and keep lines about perp to wind - just as you would do with an assisted launch.
7) Kite should be sitting on its side like a water relaunch, so turn the kite to launch.
8) I usually depower the kite fully prior to launch and hold the bar right in whilst flipping the kite, then as the kite launches & flies up to the edge of the window you can let the bar right out to take the power out.
Works for me on a 7m in about 25 knots.
No worries mate - I just wanted to point out to those who attempt to make helpful vids that if they atre inaudible it makes them far less useful and possibly a bit dodgy if you mistake their instructions.
It seems every 2nd vid on kiting tips is like this. Hard, I know, with 30 kts gusting away but if you walk away from the camera there is fek all chance of conveying the info. A bit disapointing to find some manufacturer's webby vids are like this too. Getyactogether!