While at the Mambo I saw one of the funniest tricks ever. A guy boosted, removed his board and placed it between his legs so that he was straddling it, he then put one hand on the bar and the other in the air, waving it around as if he was riding a bronco. He almost stuck the landing.
My guess is that it would be called a "rodeo" could it be the new General?
Anyone know who the rider was, and what it's called?
SICK!!!! hahahaha I had a heap of people ask me about it after that session - Ill try and get a photo of me doing it and post it up for you all
Ahhh Mr Porter, your legend is growing !!!
Glad to see that Old School Big Air and Board Offs is still getting the attention it deserves !!!
I imagine the consequences for future family would be drastic if it went wrong, lot of risk for a trick, but absolutely hilarious to watch.
Lol must be a Brisbane thing I didn't know Kurt did board-offs too!!!
Thats the first picture i've ever seen of me doin one loooool
Edit - Its Rhys by the way
Rhys - I'm flattered you picked up my trick sprog!
But it was a pisstake from years ago when you probably saw it first at pebble beach and now you're doing it in public - LMAO!
Lol I actually saw a tiny sequence of it in Core magazine last month - If I saw you doin them at Pebble i'd be a lot better by now lol, that was like 4 years ago!!!
Ah good onya Rhys. =]
Sounds like you've really excelled in kiting as of late! [}:)] Congrats.
Get the video footage up on youtube asap
So if you do a Rodeo but instead of doing the spin your hand in the air bit, pull a General salute instead, are you doing a Field Marshall or a Knight?
but 20kts and 150 kiters.......no thanks....
I'd like to know how many $$$$ worth of equipment was totalled?
Bet ya wish yer gear was tax deductable now....heheheee.
If you held up your board like a shield and made swordlike movements with your other hand would that be a Spartan, or just gay enough to be an Alexander the Great? The possibilities are endless.
Yes, the rodeo General has been done and experimented with... It doesn't draw as much of a crowd....
Little brothers are currently experimenting with the Air Guitar....
Only people getting totalled at Mambo... Oh and I know Dustin split his Rev2 in half when he dropped it in the waves...