Any suggestions for taking someone along for a kiting experience, is piggy back the best alround technique ? GB
Yep get a old back pack cut 2 holes in bottom for legs to go through . They can put it on like a nappie you put it on like normal (do it in the water is much easer if the weigh a bit . This was the best way i found for taken the kids for a ride . If you go with out back pack they nearly strangle you and hurts the hell out of ya neck .
I have also seen kid standing between legs of daddy just leaning back against Dad's legs.
Seems and easier way to get started as well.
Kid's head would have to be below harness hook.
I know someone is going to call me weak, but wearing your kid in a backpack whilst kitesurfing seems to be a really good way to accidentally drown your kid. What happens if you need to body drag? You have a weight on your back.
I think the "standing between legs" way seems to be the way to go, at least you can put a life jacket on the kid and if things go wrong at least they will bob around in the water while you sort things out. That said, I would have to be confident that my kid was happy in the water, a good swimmer and wouldn't panic if they found themselves in the drink.
good way to strain the strength of your kite
well my nephew was kinda heavy when i tried it
never again....
My guess would be to use a really big board. surf long board or something similiar or old windsurfboard and get them to sit on the back. Backpack sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Between the legs sounds pretty bad if you accidently face plant it. Even sitting on big board doesn't sound too great but at least they not attached to anything and a bit away from you and lines.
Spoil sports, where's ya get up and go!!!
Nah you are totally right, would be on flat water, lightish breeze on a big board, and shallow.
Backpack! ha ha, so someone has actually done that - damn! Was fishing to see if someone posted a picture, my wife would cut my nuts off if i tried that (physically of course, mentally that's a done deal already).
done it plenty with my kids from age around 5. obviously competant swimmers. keep it slow and steady, dont want to scare the crap out of em...
easiest way i found was between my legs leaning on me on a twin tip. very safe, very easy, heaps of fun, and they love it. my young fellas been kiting ever since...
note - reasonably shallow water, other kiters around, full OH&S accreditation blah blah blah...
a rope on the harness, and the kid just wakeboards behind Daddy... I've seen that on the beach.. it was pretty cool!
Ha....hey GB your gonna need back surgery if u try putting val on your back...and a bloody big backpack. put her on her boogie board and tie her off to your harness. do it tomorrow in 25 knots with the 12 bandit, she will get goin then
put a ski tow (short ) around you harness and a young kid(mine is 11) on a surf board with them hanging on to handle , they can let go at any stage .
good with small onshore beachy.
Just make sure you do it safely, by ,
Attaching your real leash to your kids ankle so if they fall off you can real them in
And make sure you wear a helmet in case the leash tension up and the kid springs back at ya.
And never never never ever try it flying a Cab.
Getting kids out of trees is not fun.