KITE REPUBLIC Trivia Night for Charity
A huge thankyou to everyone that made it along to the KR KITE CLUB Trivia Night as part of the monthly KR KITE CLUB Social Nights at Republica St Kilda Beach .
It was an awesome night with just under 100 competitors vying for Trivia stardom. Great effort by all teams to once again put the Republica Team to shame... ;)
Care of donations from our great sponsors:
- Michael Dunphy donating a Channel Islands Surfboard.
- Kahuna Street Sup for donating a Kahuna Creations Big Stick as well as skate tools and accessories.
- James Wallace from Wallace Risk Solutions Pty Ltd for donating a pair of RALERI s.r.l. Sunglasses (Wallytech)
- Claudia from Precious Breath SUP Yoga who will be running SUP Republic - the St Kilda SUP Centre's SUP & SKATE Yoga classes for the great vouchers
- Paul from Silent Disco - "Party Higher" Australia for the vouchers
- KITE REPUBLIC for various prizes and for co-ordinating this great KR KITE CLUB Trivia Night
for helping us reach our target of $500 in the charity raffle for Beyond Blue.
We couldn't have managed such a fantastic night without:
- the Trivia Master... Adam Trumble!
- the AV Man... Michael Dunpy
- the Raffle Queen... Sofia Carreno
- the Club Tour Coordinator... Sarah Cheeseman
- KR Team Rider Dalton Bruyns for his great help throughout the night.
- the great staff at Republica
- the help of Paul, Melissa, Lynne, & Michael for their help at the door
And a huge congratulations obviously must go out to the winning team... The Aitutaki Scooter Racers ;)
as well as this, congratulations to Joey Randall, the winner of the main prize in the Raffle. Joey put on quite a show and lived up to his side of the bet he made with mates on his table...
Seriously... who makes a bet to strip down to their undies and catch a wave in St Kilda if they win the board... haha
All the pics can be seen here...