Forums > Kitesurfing General

WA Seasonal Kiting Map

Created by LostDog > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2013
WA, 445 posts
18 Jan 2013 2:26PM
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Hi all!

I've been kiting for a few seasons now, but only really become confident enough to call myself a kiter quite recently. So now that I'm really feeling the stoke I hope to plan a few local trips throughout the year, staying in WA.

Has anyone produced a “wind map” or “kiting map” of WA, based on conditions for kiting at various times of year? I know I can trawl this site (I have for a number of years) and get all the info I need, but what would really be cool is a bit of a synopsis chart.
Perhaps something like this:

Peel, Perth and Wheatbelt Coast:
Best time of year for wind:
The Sea Breeze typically occurs between November and April, providing a fairly consistent supply of afternoon sessions.
These sea breezes are most often SSW winds which make kiting almost anywhere along this stretch of coast possible.

Typical Conditions in other times:
Ie: Frontal winds, blah blah…

The South West Coast (including Great Southern Coast:
Best time of year for wind:
Blah, blah…
Typical Conditions in other times:
Ie: Frontal winds, blah blah…

The Goldfields Coast:
Best time of year for wind:
Blah, blah…

Typical Conditions in other times:
Ie: Frontal winds, blah blah…

The Mid West Coast:
Best time of year for wind:
Blah, blah…

Typical Conditions in other times:
Ie: Frontal winds, blah blah…

The Gasgoyne Coast:
Best time of year for wind:
Blah, blah…

Typical Conditions in other times:
Ie: Frontal winds, blah blah…

Now all you smartarses out there dont merely add more "blah, blah's"

Would appreciate some input. (Obviously, otherwise why create this thread)
Even if you point me to a similar topic already created.

WA, 445 posts
18 Jan 2013 4:18PM
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After re-reading the post I think it might be unclear.
I'm trying to establish which times of year one should plan to go to various regions if your main intention was to feed the need.

(Probably the same as the first post....)

WA, 893 posts
18 Jan 2013 9:26PM
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Why do you want this info posted on the internet?

Are you a lonely kiter that wants some buddy's cause if that's the case i can send you a few who have started crowding my local spot.

I think you will find good kiting spots out of well publicised areas like good surfing spots are word of mouth & getting off your arse & exploring.

It's called local knowledge & IMHO shouldn't be blurted all over the internet.

Sorry i dont want to share the love on www.

WA, 142 posts
18 Jan 2013 10:43PM
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Weta said...
Why do you want this info posted on the internet?

Are you a lonely kiter that wants some buddy's cause if that's the case i can send you a few who have started crowding my local spot.

I think you will find good kiting spots out of well publicised areas like good surfing spots are word of mouth & getting off your arse & exploring.

It's called local knowledge & IMHO shouldn't be blurted all over the internet.

Sorry i dont want to share the love on www.

I think your missing the point entirely. . . .

just like the info for perth and the wheatbelt coast he posted up it is general info
it doesn't mention any special spots
. . . . bad form
there is some really negative people on this forum sad actually
do you by chance get the "special bus" to your special spots

i think its a great idea
also . . . . in case the only part of the internet you've seen is this forum the weather has actually been online for a long time now Lost Dog was just looking to consolidate it for the benefit of others (inc himself of course)

WA, 790 posts
18 Jan 2013 11:27PM
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Start in the red bit in July and work your way round to the dirty yellow bit by March/ April

WA, 893 posts
18 Jan 2013 11:54PM
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airjunkie said...
Weta said...
Why do you want this info posted on the internet?

Are you a lonely kiter that wants some buddy's cause if that's the case i can send you a few who have started crowding my local spot.

I think you will find good kiting spots out of well publicised areas like good surfing spots are word of mouth & getting off your arse & exploring.

It's called local knowledge & IMHO shouldn't be blurted all over the internet.

Sorry i dont want to share the love on www.

I think your missing the point entirely. . . .

just like the info for perth and the wheatbelt coast he posted up it is general info
it doesn't mention any special spots
. . . . bad form
there is some really negative people on this forum sad actually
do you by chance get the "special bus" to your special spots

i think its a great idea
also . . . . in case the only part of the internet you've seen is this forum the weather has actually been online for a long time now Lost Dog was just looking to consolidate it for the benefit of others (inc himself of course)

Hey mate one of those special buses might be for you. I was just airing my opinion on a public forum.

I take it you have no idea where to kite either.

WA, 142 posts
19 Jan 2013 12:20AM
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Weta said...

Hey mate one of those special buses might be for you. I was just airing my opinion on a public forum.

I take it you have no idea where to kite either.

no Mark i don't know where to kite outside of the main perth season. . . .

sorry for the "special bus" dig i was just annoyed that you were so unnecessarily negative because you missed the point of the thread

. . . if he was asking about special or secret locations i would agree with you 100%
. . . . showing perth locals where they can kitesurf regionally may even thin the crowd at your local spot for a week or two throughout the year

WA, 893 posts
19 Jan 2013 12:30AM
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airjunkie/LostDog just be careful about the info you want to post on the web.

WA, 142 posts
19 Jan 2013 12:35AM
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Weta said...
airjunkie/LostDog just be careful about the info you want to post on the web.

fair point normally i am . . . member since jan 2007 less than 20 posts

WA, 445 posts
19 Jan 2013 7:28AM
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To Weta: "what part of my post makes you think I want to be your friend? Get a life..
Thousands of kilometres of coastline, yet you believe I'm going to give your little secret away. Probably kited right through and around your local a couple of times already, but I don't recall ever meeting an arsehole, so thankfully we've missed each other."

Broad brush strokes is what I'm after. In July school holidays I took the family to Coral Bay. Loved the trip, but had no opportunity to kite, because of lack of wind. Yet, reading forum posts it would seem that that area really goes off in and around the October school holiday time. Thus, my next family holiday is already booked to that area at that time of year. Perhaps once I'm there, I might hook up with a fellow kiter and have a few beers after a session, if that comes across as desperate for friends then I've been very wrong my whole life.

WA, 207 posts
19 Jan 2013 7:34AM
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Yeh nice one LOST DOG.
research is the go for the information you require.

WA, 142 posts
19 Jan 2013 10:18AM
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I've been to europe on many kitesurfing trips snowkiting trips and landboarding trips
all of these trips have benefited from similar information posted on the internet
and in the kiting scene in every country in Europe that i have visited for that purpose the local (euro) kiters have been more than helpful offering everything from wind and location advice to even accommodation (sometimes in there own house) to help out
it is only here in Australia that i see the most self serving and negative attitudes to the sport
this is pretty sad especially as we are a hugely multicultural country with a large percentage of our population born overseas and probably more coastline per capita than anywhere else in the world

also in my experience the euros have far better integration with the world wide web than Australia's they will also "research it" so why not consolidate this generalized information for our own benefit ?

WA, 1347 posts
19 Jan 2013 11:08AM
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All the information you require is currently available and it took me a matter of seconds to find it:

All that is required is some basic understanding of weather patterns and reading of synoptic charts. A kiter who is not interested in reading weather should perhaps consider a different sport!

WA, 893 posts
19 Jan 2013 7:39PM
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LostDog & airjunkie sorry if i offended wasn't personal

After a sesh at my local where i couldn't find the space i needed to do what i wanted to do i was frustrated; vented online. [}:)]

WA, 445 posts
19 Jan 2013 10:09PM
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Weta said...
LostDog & airjunkie sorry if i offended wasn't personal

After a sesh at my local where i couldn't find the space i needed to do what i wanted to do i was frustrated; vented online. [}:)]

On a forum such as this you didn't need to say this, but you did - shows some class. Well out!
Apology accepted. Rock on!
Sorry about the arsehole dig.. Obviously wrong.

WA, 445 posts
21 Jan 2013 9:17AM
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Bene313 was right - everything is available once you start searching. I knew this though, but thought perhaps someone had done a map similar to the one below before.
All good info can be found on Seabreeze and here:

Here it is for those who are interested in the broad overall map I was getting at.

What does it mean to me?
Keep eye out for frontal winds from April - August (unless you live in the Yallingup area), then pretty much go anywhere from September to March.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"WA Seasonal Kiting Map" started by LostDog