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WAKSA Wave Comp - Heat 1

Created by WAKSA > 9 months ago, 10 Jul 2010
WA, 813 posts
10 Jul 2010 6:09PM
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In what can only be called a hit & miss affair, the long awaited WAKSA Wave Comp finally commenced today.

Initially listed to commence at 9.00am this morning, due to a lack of wind the event was postponed several hours and by 2.00pm the wind was suitable.

The first heat commenced at 2.30pm with 6 guys in the water for a 30 minute heat. Trying, on-shore conditions made the heat an interesting event for the small group of spectators to watch. Kiters were flying anything from 7m to 11m kites (depending on how much winter flab many appeared to be carrying...) Just as the first heat finished, the wind dropped off yet again.

The judges showed remarkable consistency in their decision making: Ian, Will & Corey were considered to have shown sufficient skill, ability & just a small degree of luck to proceed to the final heat....

Showing remarkable patience, those listed for Heat number 2 waited until 4.00pm when the call was finally made to postpone Heat number 2 until Sunday morning... and as is always the case, by 4.30pm the wind had picked up so that crew were out on the water again on 9m kites.

Heat number 2 is scheduled for early Sunday morning - 9.00am safety briefing again, with the heat commencing at 9.30am.

For those who are listed for Heat 2, please keep an eye on the weather forecast - it it looks sketchy, we will post again here to advise. If it looks like it's on, we will run Heat number 2 as above.

The Final heat will commence about 10/10.15am Sunday.

PS: two of today's competitors forgot to return their blue rashies - if you are coming down for heat # 2, please bring them back in time for the heat.

Thanks to all those who came down today to either participate, spectate or assist in various forms. Hope to see you all again Sunday morning....

matty l
WA, 52 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:37PM
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WA, 18 posts
10 Jul 2010 8:43PM
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nice photos! hopefully the wind will be on for the second heat 2moro. did anyone get the email of the guy with the underwater camera? he said he gave it to one of the event coordinators.

WA, 463 posts
10 Jul 2010 9:33PM
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Nice Pics, that last one of Ian is my favourite.

Thanks to the WAKSA guys for putting in the effort to get something off the ground.

Lets hope the rain holds off for while in the morning and there is enough wind this time.

WA, 365 posts
11 Jul 2010 6:41AM
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Did you make that floater in the last shot Jonno?

WA, 551 posts
11 Jul 2010 10:49AM
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Last shot is Aussie, I had a shocker of a heat, had a plan to find a big barrel out back on the rights but no luck today, saw Corey pull a nice air reo, but was cool fun and was great to get together with the boyz. Great work Rusty and all the comp organizers. Aussies close out lip glide, you had to be there to know if he made it.

WA, 3464 posts
11 Jul 2010 11:42AM
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Excellaaaaaaaaaaa. Guys putting their bods on the line for on a good show I'm sure. My bet is that Oz did a back roll kiteloop and landed in the smooth and rode away smiling What an ugly wave.......evil thing.

Now to sacrifice my own bod for softball..............can't wait for the fronts not


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"WAKSA Wave Comp - Heat 1" started by WAKSA