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Forums > Kitesurfing General

What Gopro camera is best for kiteboarding?

Created by Boyler > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2010
NSW, 94 posts
10 Feb 2010 9:57PM
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Any ideas on the best gopro camera (wide or normal). Would it be better to get a waterproof camera?

Any suggestions would be great. Also price is a factor too.


NSW, 4188 posts
10 Feb 2010 10:52PM
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Wide is better, as you can use the camera closer to you and/or get more in the shot.

But if you are after something to put on your kite to shoot back at you the standard would be better.

WA, 1501 posts
10 Feb 2010 9:26PM
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Get the wide angle HD gopro - the quality is incredible especially when it's sunny. $400
the coolest videos are when you tuck right in behind someone with your kite really high and theirs low and they boost or do a twirlybird right in front of you. If you use mode 5 it looks great on a flatscreen tv too. Like the other guy said, you'll look tiny if the cams on the kite so it's not ideal for that - get one of the waterproof canons or pentax

NSW, 604 posts
11 Feb 2010 9:40AM
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There is a user on seabreeze called NERK.. have a look at his videos. he uses almost every angle possible on a kite.. Just pick the one you like and go for that option.. He is a great guy too and always willing to lend some advice..

QLD, 1674 posts
11 Feb 2010 10:01AM
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The GoPro HD is our top seller with kiters. If you are not ready for a $400 one, get a waterproof helmet cam on ebay for around $100. Of course it has much lower res but still give you lots of satisfaction, and great for someone starting to film. We bought one just for fun around 5 months ago, records sound as well, and it is still working!

QLD, 211 posts
11 Feb 2010 10:08AM
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just dont mount the surf pro to your board good way to snap it off real quick, the chest mount one works pretty good though.

QLD, 1674 posts
11 Feb 2010 10:46AM
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The wrist strap is a much more secure option ay.

nathand said...

just dont mount the surf pro to your board good way to snap it off real quick, the chest mount one works pretty good though.

Danger Mouse
WA, 592 posts
11 Feb 2010 4:13PM
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SurfConnect said...

The GoPro HD is our top seller with kiters. If you are not ready for a $400 one, get a waterproof helmet cam on ebay for around $100. Of course it has much lower res but still give you lots of satisfaction, and great for someone starting to film. We bought one just for fun around 5 months ago, records sound as well, and it is still working!

One word, especially for helmet cams, Tachyon!


WA, 20 posts
11 Feb 2010 4:25PM
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Don't bother with the Olympus or Panasonic waterproof cameras in my opinion:
- both do not do interval shooting.
- I've had each brand and both have ended up getting water in them - even when following the cleaning directions.

Depending on how much patience you have, editing the video is extremely time consuming so interval shooting is really a must IMO.

I plan on getting a GoPro HD soonish, there is some really good video from them around.


WA, 3856 posts
11 Feb 2010 4:40PM
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The GoPro HD rocks .. here's nerks video:

My Pentax W30 died as well, but I did put it through a hell flogging, and then got the Pentax W60. Both mount in the CamRig (see the Shop menu above), and as you say are great for interval shooting.

Video is fantastic from the Kite, but even better with 5mp stills via the interval shooting.

Having kite filming, and board filming makes for some good editing options.

Sony Vegas is < $100 and is a super power editing platform.

It's all good stuff!

33 posts
12 Feb 2010 5:09AM
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The GoPro HD rocks
February Sharm El Sheikh 2010 Egypt,

Part 1 on GoPro HD
Part 2 on Sony Cam

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Feb 2010 9:04AM
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I agree... love the clean image of the HD 170w, BUT....

Has anyone found a 'sure way' to fix the fogging issue? Camera heats up, condensation on the inside of the case = hazy picture. There's a few of us trying all sorts of methods including closing the camera in the freezer, inside zip-lock bags, Rain-X coated, you name it.

Question: has anyone been able to use the HD camera for over 30minutes, film or video, without fogging on the lens?

There's beer in the mix for the right proven answer :) :) :)


WA, 1501 posts
12 Feb 2010 7:43AM
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Sir V said...

I agree... love the clean image of the HD 170w, BUT....

Has anyone found a 'sure way' to fix the fogging issue? Camera heats up, condensation on the inside of the case = hazy picture. There's a few of us trying all sorts of methods including closing the camera in the freezer, inside zip-lock bags, Rain-X coated, you name it.

Question: has anyone been able to use the HD camera for over 30minutes, film or video, without fogging on the lens?

There's beer in the mix for the right proven answer :) :) :)


not yet, but my uncle uses big expensive cameras in housings and what they do is put silica packs inside the housing- I don't think you could do this with the gopro because it's snug as a bug in a rug

WA, 20 posts
12 Feb 2010 8:53AM
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Laurie - in your opinion do you think it would be worth getting the Pentax W60 (already have a CamRig) or the GoPro HD??

WA, 1012 posts
12 Feb 2010 9:19AM
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i made this one using a wide angle standard def on a NERK back pack mount i made. very comfortable to use. i also have a line mount and board mount but the back pack works the best. as for the fogging i use the silicon bag out of vitamim bottle seems to work

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Feb 2010 12:16PM
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AlexBertram said...

Laurie - in your opinion do you think it would be worth getting the Pentax W60 (already have a CamRig) or the GoPro HD??

the answer to that is YES imo.. I have used the W60 since it came out and I get good video and very good photos on interval remote shooting. If you've got the CamRig (I do too) you kow it works a treat. W60 should can be set at 60% zoom, more or less) and you get awesome shots.

Another set up that works really well for the GoPro is the "Line Mount". It sets the camera at the front lines split and it takes some very cool angles, similar to the kitecam but of course much closer.. I will post some shots here as soon when I get home so you can see. the linemount is now on version 2 or 3 and you can get it from US at approx USD 50.00 - worth every penny.

Later man, hope this is useful.


Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
12 Feb 2010 12:19PM
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KAOS69 said...

i made this one using a wide angle standard def on a NERK back pack mount i made. very comfortable to use. i also have a line mount and board mount but the back pack works the best. as for the fogging i use the silicon bag out of vitamim bottle seems to work

Big ups for your videos man, love your work . How do you put the silicon bag in the GoPro housing?? Space??

I use Premiere Pro for my edditing but since I started doing that the video stabilizer VirtualDub no longer performs well and I can't get the image as smooth as yours... any tips?


NSW, 604 posts
12 Feb 2010 3:59PM
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AlexBertram said...

Laurie - in your opinion do you think it would be worth getting the Pentax W60 (already have a CamRig) or the GoPro HD??

The W60 is pretty hard to find nowadays.. it has been superseded by the W80.. but beware of this camera as it only lets you film 30mins of footage at a time..The W60 will pop up on eBay every few months.. Here is some footage taken with my Olympus tough in a kitecam rig.. I kinda like this angle more than the gopro..

WA, 1501 posts
12 Feb 2010 10:51PM
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Just found this one on youtube - he's managed to upload it properly in HD so it looks great! Nice and windy too...

QLD, 69 posts
13 Feb 2010 10:48AM
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as far as fogging in the gopro i had real problems the first couple of times i used it but have come up with something that seems to work.
I turn the oven on to about 100 deg and when its nice and warm just hold the camera and housing in there for about 30 seconds then put the camera in the housing and close up.
This removes the moisture from the air and has worked a couple of times for me where i have videoed for over an hour with no fogging.
Just don't make the oven to hot ...only needs to be warm really.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"What Gopro camera is best for kiteboarding?" started by Boyler