Forums > Kitesurfing General

When 15minutes of kiting is enough...

Created by KiteDevil > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2009
TAS, 778 posts
8 Aug 2009 9:19PM
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443 posts
8 Aug 2009 7:25PM
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Nice footage. One problem..... twintips in waves???

NSW, 159 posts
8 Aug 2009 10:18PM
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NSW, 2707 posts
9 Aug 2009 12:18AM
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i am soo envious of that weather.

ps. love the kook air at 1.35

rock on.

WA, 753 posts
9 Aug 2009 12:29AM
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Where is the footage of the hot Euro chicks then?
Nice work, thanks, it looks like a great spot.

WA, 1874 posts
9 Aug 2009 12:36AM
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Awesome Windsurfing moves added in too - you were crap at that ha ha but the rest was great

Nice waves looked very cold & reminded me of wavesailing conditions in Taranaki NZ...

TAS, 778 posts
9 Aug 2009 10:23AM
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The wind had mega holes in it, probably why only one windsurfer got out the back all day. There's a spot about 150m out and about 50m long where the wind will drop right off, right in front of the bigger closeouts. In other spots when your trying to just hop a little white water, the gusts would send you up and drop you like a stone.

All the time your watching for the next squally rain bomb to hit.

It's a good thing I'm not a professional kite surfers arse hair, otherwise I'd take offense to comments like kooky and twin tip! LOL

WA, 1874 posts
9 Aug 2009 9:23AM
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KiteEvil [}:)]

Hey man - its the new millenium

Its o.k to come out the closet & be gay or a Poley too ha ha

keep makin them shorties - weve gotta fill in time when theres no wind up here


VIC, 672 posts
9 Aug 2009 1:49PM
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Ballsy. That water must be pretty warm?

TAS, 308 posts
9 Aug 2009 3:10PM
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There be the waves!
Where are these famouse c kites i'm hearing about?!!
Next vid we'll get ya off the causeway fella lettuce know when ur down next

WA, 42 posts
9 Aug 2009 3:02PM
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damn.... all this wind in Tas and I'm stuck in Perth "second windiest city in the world" looking at my reflections in the glassy flat no-wind water... Wrong state at this time of year!! Looks like you guys are having fun!

I've been hearing stories of this "causway" llama - sounds like you guys have got a pretty good spot there - next time I'm in Tas I'll be very keen to give it a run!

213 posts
9 Aug 2009 7:36PM
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hahahaha! this video is so awesome, love it.

WA, 267 posts
9 Aug 2009 8:29PM
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excellent stuff guys looks like we got some wind happening this week

waves would have been huuuuuuuuge once you were out there i would have gone with the safety of the twiny as well

TAS, 778 posts
10 Aug 2009 9:19AM
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water temp is around the 12degree mark I think. With a hoody on you look like a freakin bank robber cruising the high seas.

You're right. it was nothing short of massive out the back Ian, just mental. The crew on the beach said the wave we missed on the Vid was over 5m.

LLama -The C kite collection was in the shed this day! But you'll get to ride 'em soon!

the gaz
WA, 172 posts
10 Aug 2009 11:32AM
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Being an ex Tassie boy I know that spot well, a wild piece of coast.

Got to say, winter in Perth is tropical compared to how cold that would be in the west coast water.

WA, 614 posts
10 Aug 2009 11:44AM
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Aaah Sam- wish I could get over there for a session with ya - keep ,tearin it up, love the vid !

On the next one could you mix in some of your patented one legged dancing ?

TAS, 778 posts
10 Aug 2009 2:32PM
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I'll try an add some dancing for ya next time..."LoverBoy"
How about a one legged dance off down at Robe in October? I may have to make it just for that.

Lindsey Rips
QLD, 28 posts
10 Aug 2009 6:51PM
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what was the wind surfer thinking

QLD, 4083 posts
10 Aug 2009 7:38PM
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tino said...

One problem..... twintips in waves???

I don't get it. What's the problem?

WA, 4485 posts
11 Aug 2009 11:34AM
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TT in da waves? Ya can't beat em, so might as well join em.

Noice hat in da vid BTW - the vid is a noice change from hero worship too.

Dontcha hate hitting a 10kt hole in the wind just as a monster swell as coming atya? I am still nursing a dud foot after just such an incident nearly 6 weeks ago.

WA, 752 posts
11 Aug 2009 1:06PM
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very nice work !!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"When 15minutes of kiting is enough..." started by KiteDevil