Forums > Kitesurfing General

Who's prepared to be a 'registered' kiter?

Created by Juddy > 9 months ago, 3 Jan 2012
WA, 4485 posts
12 Jan 2012 12:25PM
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juicerider said...

Registration for kiters, got be be a windup.
OK i'll bite, Im sure there are very few kiters that are going out there deliberately breaking rules and kiting between the flags just to piss people off. I recon most of them would be blow ins from Europe, where they don't have the same SLS as we do in OZ. They find out about local rules and regs from the internet. WAKSA can help this situation by updating there web site so that when you click on locations you get something more useful than a msg saying its coming soon.
Education is the answer not registration. Make it easier for overseas visitors to get the correct information.
Think I ll be cancelling my membership with WAKSA if they start supporting registration.

Dunno how long you have been kiting the Perf metro mate but Teuros (always an easy target) are NOT the majority of the problem IMO. Once upon a time maybe, but these days there are soooo many cashed up idiots locally who shouldn't be piloting a scooter let alone a kite near a crowded metro beach.

Education is great and part of the answer IMO. WAKSA and Juddy have busted their collective nutz getting flyers and education happening. If you have met or turned up at one of the WAKSA shows you will know they do a fkn lot for kiters in WA. Some of who are ungrateful and selfish - make no efforts themeselves - but are the first to complain about anything that may be a potential solution.

Unfortunately there is simply a percentage of fkwits, when led to the trough that just wont drink. Hard to know what goes on in those idiots minds but I suspect it runs along the lines of "Me me me me me me.. more of me me me me".

There is no educating those tools and the only way they will register the rules, the rest attempt to abide by, is to sit out a few weeks on the shore, focusing on how much fun others are having kiting in the fantastic resource we ALL have to share.

Change has to come one way or another and sooner, rather than later i reckon. OR kiss large slabs of coast goodbye.

WA, 641 posts
12 Jan 2012 1:32PM
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getfunky said...

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juicerider said...

Registration for kiters, got be be a windup.
OK i'll bite, Im sure there are very few kiters that are going out there deliberately breaking rules and kiting between the flags just to piss people off. I recon most of them would be blow ins from Europe, where they don't have the same SLS as we do in OZ. They find out about local rules and regs from the internet. WAKSA can help this situation by updating there web site so that when you click on locations you get something more useful than a msg saying its coming soon.
Education is the answer not registration. Make it easier for overseas visitors to get the correct information.
Think I ll be cancelling my membership with WAKSA if they start supporting registration.

Dunno how long you have been kiting the Perf metro mate

11-12 years??? Or more?

NT, 253 posts
12 Jan 2012 4:56PM
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James said...

Does anyone know where I can get a set of chrome wheel arch trims for my Getz ?

you drive a getz?
in perth?
methinks these be the wheel trims for you...

WA, 246 posts
12 Jan 2012 3:39PM
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Juiceriders been kiting Perth longer than probably anyone on the forum.

NSW, 1114 posts
12 Jan 2012 7:28PM
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Bottom line....rego = regulation...= fines and other shizen..... nup from Stabberzone.

WA, 790 posts
12 Jan 2012 9:11PM
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getfunky said...
Dunno how long you have been kiting the Perf metro mate

This has got to be the lamest form of put down being overused on SB

getfunky said...
but Teuros (always an easy target)

Certainly not Euro bashing, as Im one myself, just trying to understand why people would deliberately kite between SLS flags, as this is what started the, soon to be longest running thread.
Still dont believe registration will acheive anything, education has got to be the first step. If not people will still be ignorant, they will just be registered and ignorant.
If education still is not working, then look at some buisy beaches being WAKSA membership compulsory, ie Cott.
Just my 2c again and trying to break a record with this threed

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
12 Jan 2012 9:51PM
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juicerider said...

getfunky said...
Dunno how long you have been kiting the Perf metro mate

This has got to be the lamest form of put down being overused on SB

getfunky said...
but Teuros (always an easy target)

Certainly not Euro bashing, as Im one myself, just trying to understand why people would deliberately kite between SLS flags, as this is what started the, soon to be longest running thread.
Still dont believe registration will acheive anything, education has got to be the first step. If not people will still be ignorant, they will just be registered and ignorant.
If education still is not working, then look at some buisy beaches being WAKSA membership compulsory, ie Cott.
Just my 2c again and trying to break a record with this threed

So how do you make sure people are educated ?
Force them to do it

How do you do that ?
Unfortunatley licence/rego like every other thing

Lets start with big signs for christ sake, the signage we have at the moment is non existent and pathetic(before we are forced to bend over in front of some hairy civil servant)

WA, 2 posts
12 Jan 2012 11:48PM
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After seeing another kiter getting blown from woodies toward rotto in obvious trouble while others pack up on the beach leaving him to get picked up several hours after dark by the Police helicopter and boat I have to wonder...WTF!

We have to band together and help each other to "do the right thing" and to kite smart or we will be shut down. Banned. That is the easiest and cheapest thing for councils to enforce so that is what yhey will do. Kiting and kiters dont have a good reputation with fellow beach goers and it only seems to be getting worse. We need to turn this around.

Get active and vocal and help out your fellow kiter. If they are doing the wrong thing tell them and teach them!

And yes to minimum teaching standards (juddy's points1-3)

WA, 808 posts
12 Jan 2012 11:53PM
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the gibbo said...

So how do you make sure people are educated ?
Force them to do it

How do you do that ?
Unfortunatley licence/rego like every other thing

Lets start with big signs for christ sake, the signage we have at the moment is non existent and pathetic(before we are forced to bend over in front of some hairy civil servant)

The living proof of "working" system and forcing lic/rego is on the WA roads. This days we don't even know who is registered any more...

And yet, some suggesting displaying "rego" on a helmet.

More line cutting less talk

I've got some values in my life, one is: treat others the way you want to be treated.

Cutting lines doesn't cut it with me.

As I mentioned on the waksa AGM, insurance increase will potentially reduce membership.

However, there is a push for w/aksa going commercial (pty/ltd or whatever), I see the point getting everyone registered, you know what I mean...The logic is here.

Why we do not start as well as with BIG signs "Warning - Kiting in progress look UP!" like AKS is doing it?
If no sign - no kiting there. Last to leave, providing some storage is there, move the sign.

Ie. at Peli Pt or Melville if cyclist/pedestrian/car is passing they would be warned?

At the end, this is about the 3rd party (make govt servants happy), not us, kiters?

Just my contribution for more pages:)

WA, 4485 posts
13 Jan 2012 1:50AM
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Righto - settle down.

Too often I see Teuros being blamed for most of the sins and in my experiance that is a total con. It is mainly selfish thick headed locals who should know better.. and probably do, but ride like they own the ocean.

My 7 yrs may be less than Juicy's but that the way I see things on the regular downwinders.

WA, 40 posts
13 Jan 2012 5:38PM
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A lot of people are against too many rule and regulations, unfortunately people cannot have their cake and eat it too – thus with the increasing number of kiters (overseas visitors as Perth, WA becoming more renowned as K-Surf Mecca) to WA during our summer months it has become an issue. As you and so many have pointed out.

On Saturday I went to Woodies to kite and was blown away by the naivety and ignorance of so many people on the beach. Learners kiting on a direct onshore, kids playing amongst kites etc. I was twice almost taken out by crashing kites on the beach, once having to take extreme evasive action and then proceeded to rescue the guys kite from the dunes afterwards, with a simple sheepish “thanks” from the bloke who was obviously not from Perth. I also spoke to a friend who was down at Cott on Saturday and she saw a kiter come within 5-10m of swimmers on the beach, obviously within exclusion zones. Now I do not want you to feel I'm venting or making my problems yours, I'm purely stating I feel your pain! I have some suggestions (and bastardised ones from other forum members) that you may find useful.

1) Introduce compulsory WAKSA membership & induction for certain Perth (all metro?) beaches. To gain this membership one must complete an online/classroom induction (delivered in multiple languages to accommodate visitors) which will cover off on all the rules and reg's of kiting in WA and general kiting etiquette.
Make it compulsory for travellers to undertake as well, but charge them a lesser fee, such as 3 month membership over summer months. They must possess their WAKSA card/ tag at all times while kiting and if anyone found to not be a member face disciplinary action by ranger/council/WAKSA (what form this action takes is a question of jurisdiction and legal rights)
However I feel this would present a major uproar by a lot of kiters who are on a strict budget or have a strong opinion about certain freedom's they are 'entitled' too! Unfortunately if any accidents occur at one of the more favoured sports it will get plenty of media coverage and scrutiny via pubic forcing councils to act. If we had the backing of forced membership at certain beaches you would hopefully have lesser chance of accidents and council would see a proactive approach by WAKSA to ensure accidents are prevented, this would hopefully have the desired effect of keeping beaches open. How to make an induction compulsory would be beyond WAKSA's control but not if the councils start introducing these types of things first. I feel if WAKSA start to be more regulated you may find the councils won't step in as much.

2) Signage – I'm not familiar with public liability insurance (claims) but if we apply the same logic to our kiting beaches as shops do when there's a wet floor around and they put big yellow cones up as warning, why not the same big yellow (or whatever colour) signs on the beach. This may have little purpose but to illustrate to councils we're (WAKSA) trying to be proactive and ensure the safety of fellow beach users and the survival of kiting at that beach. I think it will definitely create more awareness to the hazards of kiting and hopefully kiters will take greater care if they see signs up as it reminds them of certain dangers. I think signs should also have exclusion zone illustrated and maybe a WAKSA public hotline number too if any incident occurs. Even if it's just a message bank for a WAKSA committee member to listen to and perhaps investigate further if need be.

3) Safety Awareness policing/patrols by WAKSA registered members. I'm pretty open to this as I'm sure other concerned members would be about taking the proactive approach to self regulation and perhaps identifying themselves as WAKSA patrol volunteers wearing bright yellow rashies for example. I think a visible presence will ensure people take a more measured approach when they decide to act irresponsibly on the beach and if they do act irresponsibly then that WAKSA member may have a word to them. I realise this may seem naïve to some but I think 9/10 times the reaction from certain individuals will be of a positive nature, yes there are d*ckheads out there who will react negatively. If this happens then a possible approach by WAKSA should be devised such as contacting the cops if its criminal behaviour or Ranger if dangerous to fellow kiters, beach users and the kiter themself. If we have a strong relationship with the councils etc and WAKSA remains focused on keeping the best interests of kiters in Perth and the wider WA community at heart there should be no issues here.

4) Standardised Instruction provided by kite schools. This is self explanatory.

No doubt this will create angst amongst members who believe kiting should be left alone (like surfing for instance) but unfortunately kiting is different and a lot more can go wrong. If kiting is not self regulated and policed by our own unfortunately it will be by external non-kiting fraternities such as councils and the like. This will obviously be bad for us as kiters and those “free spirit kiters” who regard it as their God given right to do as they please! We don't have to make a big song and dance about this people, you just need to pull your head out of the sand and see the bigger picture, if we do not act we will be kiting in Lancelin/Dongara etc a whole lot more and unfortunately that won't make the problems go away.

Tolerance is needed and you also need to understand WAKSA has the kiters best interest at heart with their decision making processes…after all they are kiters themselves!

WA, 790 posts
13 Jan 2012 6:07PM
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James I saw your car out

WA, 808 posts
13 Jan 2012 6:39PM
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galajoh said...

Make it compulsory for travellers to undertake as well, but charge them a lesser fee, such as 3 month membership over summer months.

Yep, first thing in a foreign country is to attend an classroom/online test for everything you might do in that country.

No one is dead (not yet, God bless), for such strict measures (reminds me of some Cold War block countries, Stasi style).

With this proposal I wonder what people of Bali have for us - people of Oz? I mean, there are problems with many bogans from here in Kuta etc. Mandatory death penalty on the spot for a bit of w..ed or drunken behavior? Yeah, right...

See the bigger picture as well.

I do agree with 2,3 and 4 tho.

Just come back from Malaysia, man, absolute beauties this cars!

WA, 549 posts
13 Jan 2012 7:13PM
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juicerider said...

James I saw your car out

Man, I wish !!!, the owner of that little beauty has taste

1421 posts
13 Jan 2012 7:41PM
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I cant see registration working until kiting has been banned from enough beaches first. Then there might be the willingness to have regulations to try to get some access back.

The public is the big dawg and kiters are the tiny little dawg. When the big dawg gets annoyed enough it takes what it wants.

The key thing is to avoid annoying the public, which usually means just staying away from them.

WA, 218 posts
13 Jan 2012 10:02PM
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terminal said...
[Then there might be the willingness to have regulations to try to get some access back.

Not having a dig 'terminal' BUT....
Anyone who may be swayed by this approach .... get offa ur cloud.
There will never ever EVER EVER be any winning back.
No Way. Not ever. Totally out of the question. NADA.
The longer we take to sort this issue the more bans there will be.
Its been said in different ways by many. Every time there is an issue it becomes a bigger issue to deal with, a harder battle to win AND a greater loss of ground we have to concede to to have any win at all.

1421 posts
14 Jan 2012 1:53AM
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woodys said...

terminal said...
[Then there might be the willingness to have regulations to try to get some access back.

Not having a dig 'terminal' BUT....
Anyone who may be swayed by this approach .... get offa ur cloud.
There will never ever EVER EVER be any winning back.
No Way. Not ever. Totally out of the question. NADA.
The longer we take to sort this issue the more bans there will be.
Its been said in different ways by many. Every time there is an issue it becomes a bigger issue to deal with, a harder battle to win AND a greater loss of ground we have to concede to to have any win at all.

I dont disagree with you on that.

Maybe Australia's best chance is if some other countries lose access first and the future becomes clear?

2 posts
14 Jan 2012 8:46AM
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Who needs bans from government when Waksa does it for us?


Don't kite here
Don't kite there
Don't kite like this
Don't kite near this
Don't kite near that

soon it will become just don't kite period

WA, 2940 posts
14 Jan 2012 9:11AM
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janice said...

Who needs bans from government when Waksa does it for us?


Don't kite here
Don't kite there
Don't kite like this
Don't kite near this
Don't kite near that

soon it will become just don't kite period

do you just post to make yourself look stupid or are you actually mentally challenged ?

VIC, 4501 posts
14 Jan 2012 12:31PM
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dusta said...

janice said...

Who needs bans from government when Waksa does it for us?


Don't kite here
Don't kite there
Don't kite like this
Don't kite near this
Don't kite near that

soon it will become just don't kite period

do you just post to make yourself look stupid or are you actually mentally challenged ?

Never argue with an idiot, they'll pull you down to their level and then beat you with experience

the walks
WA, 448 posts
14 Jan 2012 6:12PM
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Andrash said...

RPM said...

some facts...

Most schools in perth have euro instructors. Maybe as high as 80%

It's actually hard to find a local instructor here in Perth.

Can other school owners confirm this?
If RPM is right, we have one major problem at hand and one obvious reason why newcomers becoming a problem in the popular beaches.

I would seriously put schools into the spotlight. They control education. They could make sure new kiters will not create problems by providing them with all relevant info and understanding.
To my knowledge there is no kite boarding course, no proper education... only individual lessons about basic technicalities... It is like learning to drive a car without learning the rules of traffic....

Just back from 6 days of keeping it real in Denmark, awesome place, awesome locals, euro blowins doing the wrong things, ho hum
Interesting comment Andrash, kite boarding perth has 2 instructors, both australians, not by birth but both have lived and loved it for many years .
If we're going to start with the schools lets start at the beginning and make sure the school is ligit, i.e, qualified instructors, permits, insurance, etc.......
Last count only 4 of the 15 in perth are, i may be wrong but a simple phone call to the relavent council ( as a tax payer you are intitled to this info ) and you can find out who has a permit! bring on the claret

NOW LETS PUT THE SPOTLIGHT ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Who's prepared to be a 'registered' kiter?" started by Juddy