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Woody got Haxed!

Created by vwpete > 9 months ago, 14 Jun 2012
WA, 139 posts
14 Jun 2012 2:54PM
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Just so ya know their site has been Haxed!


WA, 575 posts
14 Jun 2012 9:50PM
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Looks like Phil's been downloading porn again...

WA, 3619 posts
15 Jun 2012 5:27PM
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thanks for the vote of confidence there Matty
But a serious thanks to those who rang or messaged to let me know.
Backend is full of impregnated alien code - apparently - but all is in hand.

Cant detect where the problem came from but the blog site was receiving up to 50 spam comments per DAY!!!!. They never get published so no-one ever reads or sees them. Suspect it was one of these termites that got through.

Why the FCK do people do this shyte. Theres no advantage to be gained other than pissing some unknown person off & causing an unnecessary hassle.
Got to pity those with nothing better to do.
Also gotta be pleased when ur not one of them - sad lonely morons hey. And a lot of them it seems.

WA, 139 posts
18 Jun 2012 5:54PM
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Why is your site still up? You understand that unless this is a false positive detection, your website will be infecting unprotected computers. To be clear you may now be spreading a real virus!

WA, 3619 posts
28 Jun 2012 7:40PM
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Yeah - is now un-haxed.

Thanks to kite hero & web magician Shannon Ducker ( we are stripped clean & back online minus the blog.
Just as a heads up. The problem came from the blog site spam comments.
All were rejected & deleted but termites still managed to get inside through that hole in the armoury.
Site running safely 'as is' temporarily till Shannon builds us an all new site with a more secure back end. (NB: you gotta watch your back end round here!!!)


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Woody got Haxed!" started by vwpete