There you go kids, ride straps, learn to dangle, spin to win and ride the cable like a noob and you to can be payed to kitesurf everyday.
It might take you a month or maybe a year, but it sure beats doing stuff legit and paying your dues. Hey you probably even get your own promodel this way within a year or so.
Who wouldn't take the easy way out if you could.
Go get em groms!!!
Dont you guys have anything better to do than bitch about riders that have better skills. Who cares how you ride, his still a dam good rider
my promo vids been in the making for 3yrs hahaha and still needs 3 more yrs developement
just ask the bootsmasters they will tell you his cable skills are not woth puttin in a vid. you should see the 11 and 12yr olds schooling his ass off at bli bli
he is a sweet kiter for sure and i never questioned his ability at that, but reckon i could more than match him at cable and ive only ridden a few times
Vicious style under a kite.
I think the addition of the cable footage is unnecessary though especially as its so LAME in comparison.
have you crew forgotten about having fun ? who gives a sh.. if he's a crab on the cable, he's out there doing what most of us want to do and getting paid for it and if being sh.. on cable is him having fun good on him.......i say do what you want and keep smiling
Why show cable/wakeboarding on a kiteboarding vid anyway????????
If ya want to go wakeboarding,go wakeboarding.If ya cant afford to,go to the cable park.
This is kiteboarding,not wakeboarding.
Cable is way easier.
Nothing changes,same lake,same speed,no waves.
With kiteing it is always different,wind strength,wave size,tide etc.
Sometimes cant go kiteing for weeks due to lake of wind....aaaaggghhhhhh.
Cable you can do all day everyday.You can try the same dick trick 100 times in an hour till you pump your fist in the air and claim it.That vid probably showed his first ever lap on the cable pond.yawn