Forums > Kitesurfing General

abroholos islands, surfing and kiting?

Created by lowstevo > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2010
WA, 95 posts
7 Jul 2010 3:08AM
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hey guys is it worth throwing in some kite and surf gear on a fishing charter im going on with all my mates this month?
was told there are some epic surf spots around?
can you launch off the islands or will i have to do boat launches?


VIC, 431 posts
7 Jul 2010 9:40AM
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Boat launches are easy. Just take time to get your lines in a bucket and it takes a few min to swim out. Worth it

QLD, 223 posts
7 Jul 2010 10:27AM
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i have been researching this spot - It looks fantastic -
I hope you are decent kiter and don't spent much time in the water
read this forum
and you will realize that sharks are a real concern

I am in 2 minds whether i would surf there

But I doubt I would feel comfortable body dragging around trying to find my board -

In 2005 KBM did a story on the Naish crew doing a trip there - if I can find it Ill scan it and post it

WA, 2940 posts
7 Jul 2010 9:29AM
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we surfed and snorkled and just hung in the water when we were over at the pelsart group (southern most islands of the chain) Never saw a shark but that doesn't mean they weren't there . TBH just stay away from first light and last light and you should be fine . You have a chance of being taken by a shark everytime you enter the water . personally i wouldn't worry about it and just go kiting . So much shallow flat water there it aint funny

WA, 3848 posts
7 Jul 2010 11:15AM
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Aahhh.. Abrolhos.

This time of year, it'll be frontal winds. Some islands you can launch off, others boat launch - there are so many spots.

Surf is world class, and again, lots of spots.

Sharks are not a problem - they're well fed. (As far as I know, only one human death by shark in all recorded history?)

Acres of buttersmooth flat water .

Freakiest part was being so far out in the ocean, with these tiny little islands, not even a km long.

WA, 2940 posts
7 Jul 2010 11:19AM
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laurie said...

Aahhh.. Abrolhos.

This time of year, it'll be frontal winds. Some islands you can launch off, others boat launch - there are so many spots.

Surf is world class, and again, lots of spots.

Sharks are not a problem - they're well fed. (As far as I know, only one human death by shark in all recorded history?)

Acres of buttersmooth flat water .

Freakiest part was being so far out in the ocean, with these tiny little islands, not even a km long.

last time we were up there last year laurie i would wakeup at 6am . cooked breakfast of squid and dhuie wings , then out on the jetski for an hour or so smashing through waves , then on the boat for some trolling . Lunch and then back to trolling (insert beer) and then back home for a feed and then squiding off the jetty at night .

Man i love the abrolhos islands

WA, 3464 posts
7 Jul 2010 5:18PM
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Just put up my nautical map of the Wallabi Group, I want to be intimate with it.

If I surfed I'de just bring a surf board this time of year. I would also go fishing with the boys but only take the hooks out. Fish hunting not really my thing any more.

You are very lucky to visit this part of the world. Not everyone's cup of tea though as it is big and wild.

If you are going to kite it is best to be with people that have some idea of what kiting is about. You really don't want to do a boat launch for the first time from a fishing boat on a fishing trip. I was lucky enough to stay in a camp and could launch off the jetty. Enjoy.

WA, 95 posts
8 Jul 2010 3:01AM
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hey guys thanks for the replys!

Yeh im a pretty good kiter but i havent done boat launches before and my mates im going with havent done any kiting but i think we have a island that the charter boat anchors up to at night we stay at and we also have a tender that we can use so shouldnt be a drama using that either..

ive read all the forums on boat launching and it doesnt say anything about packing up your lines.. is this possible or is it just a flag to ur safety line and pack up kite like a self rescue? i sopose a quick kite or surf everyday should be enough with drinking beer and fishing :P
then re rig up on the island for the next day!

ive heard there is epic surf there, so not to concerned about sharks, they are around but well fed as i have been told.... hopefully :)

so would be worth taking the twin tip to if there is butter smooth water to kite in :)

think i should order me a go pro cam before i go so i can get some footage of it all :)

Mini Mal
WA, 298 posts
8 Jul 2010 2:03PM
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Don't run out of water doing 30kn speed runs out there this will happen to you and its a long way from help!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"abroholos islands, surfing and kiting?" started by lowstevo